4 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Apr. 2, ANTONIO C. PESSANO GEORGE H. RUSSEL, JOHN R. RUSSEL, President and Genecel Manager. Vice President. , Secretary-Treasurer. DETROIT, MICH. Steel Ship Builders-- We have under construction a complete Ship Building Plant, modern in every detail and capable of handling the LARGEST SHIPS which the trade of the Great Lakes will require; also Floating Dock-- A Floating Dock of all steel construction and dauiean with the best pumping machinery and appurtenances, and withacapacity for Docking the largest Boats afloat or which may be built. Marine Engines-- We build High Grade Engines for Lake and Ocean Service. . Propeller Wheels-- Improved designs of high efficiency, made of Semi Steel, either whole or sectional. Hydro Carbon System-- We are the sole owners of the rights for applying this system to the Steamers of the Great Lakes. If your boilers are using too much coal, if you are short of steaming capacity, if you want to convert the objectionable black smoke into money, the HYDRO CARBON SYSTEM should receive your attention, as it successfully and econ= omically handles each of the above cases. Hydraulic Dredges-- We build all sizes for any service. Marine Repairs-- and Supplies of all kinds, and Heavy Forgings.