ETC. CHOCKS, SOLID AND SECTIONAL 'AETNA GRATE BARS, PROPELLER WHEELS TIMBERHEADS, MARINE LIGHTING SETS. Fc We Build Both Engine and Generator. Send for Bulletin G. BF. Sturtevant Co. BOSTON, MASS. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. LONDON. (8) THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK State of Ohio, \ SS County of Cuyahoga, § ~~" Good Rope vs. Cheap Rope. | TRIAL NOW ON. Jurors: Ajj Vessel Men. Are on the side ef Goed Rope. What will be your Verdict! « a e BRASS «na COPPER # in Sheets, Tubes, Wire and Rod. # Service Right, Quality Right, Prices Right Waterbury Brass Co. 122 to 130 Centre St., :: --:: New York City Always have our classified Stock List before you ¢ & & YOURS FOR THE ASKING # «2 # ma CLEVELAND, OHIO Class No. 1 Packing. United States Metallic .s¢ Packing Co. 427 NORTH 13tx ST. PHILADELPHIA, PENN, SEND FOR CATALOG CHICAGO 509 Great Northern Building IRON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOTH FORGED ONLY, OF ANY WEIGHT. Dudu eiubububebubebabedbucsbudtuatuabdpa pata tn tat te te tn i bh nae na ne nn ae op ep eV eV VV VV VV OO POP EPP PPO SS RY Oo, 7a SQ Rey Wes CLEVELAND,O.2~ COUPLING LINKS AND PINS, PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES. CAR IRON SPECIALTIES, THE MACBETH IRON Co. 57 WEST CENTER ST. MACHINISTS. HEAVY FORGINGS ENGINE REPAIRS. a Boyer Sectional Water Tube Boilers are of an entire new design, are simplest in construct- ion, are accessible to all parts, are. rapid steamers with short circulation, have low center of gravity, have no joints :in the fire, have no dead ends, oc- cupy less space in width, length and height than any other, are easily fired, can be repaired or set up by any ordinary mechanic, do not require a brick _perspettive-wiew of the 250 H.P. boiler casing,and are shipped built forthe steam treighter 'Clara,' having whole or knocked down 6 ft. space and 8 ft. length; 34.4.sq, ft. of grate into packages for trans- area and 1,900 sq. ft. heating surface; weight portation' by man or of boiler and water, 14,000 Ibs. Replaced a beast. return tubular boiler, thereby saving in dead- up : : weight of boiler and water, 16% tons. The Kindly mention this Clara now has 14 in. less draft and an increas- paper. ed earning capacity of $10 per day. P eereR'S SONS. tee ARTA WINDLASSES AND CAPSTANS aa ' The . Hyde .Steam and Power Windlasses and Capstans are the best in the market. They have been selected for most of the vessels now building for the Navy De- partment, _Revenue Ma- tine, Light-house Board and United States CO: avs=t Survey. They are being furnished for the majority of the highest class Steam Ships, Merchant Vessels and Yachts now building. THE "HYDE™ STEAM CAPSTAN WINDLASS. BaTH Maine. HYDE WINDLASS COMPANY, a Te < wn £ Wl ee) z D oO Le n 74 ui ud z o z uw LIFE PRESERVERS--BUOYS. Acme. Solid Cork. Granulated Cork. Each Preserver stamped by" Ui<S. In- spector guaranteeing proper buoyancy. Cork Filled Yacht Fenders. Cork Mooring Buoys. Material and Finish Guaranteed. Orders filled promptly : RM: 90 Water Street, i NEW YOR K, N.Y. Bi Nee tee a "ehinddloMla Cree a T Chines St. Louis. Baltimore. Midland Towing and Wrecking Co., Ltd. JAMES PLAYFAIR, } G00 jane First-Class Tugs for Wrecking, Raft MIDLAND, ONT., CANADA, ------ B. L. WHITE, Vice-President. J. W. BENSON, Sec'y and Treas, Towing, Ete: Steam Pumps, Divers, Jacks, Hawsers, Lighters. *% &% a et RRACE; N Howard H. Baker & Co., SHIP HANDLERS AND SAIL MAKERS, auirave Rone SS