18 MARINE REVIEW Chas. E. & W. F. Peck ESTABLISHED 1870 58 William Street, New York City. : Royal Insurance Building, Chicago, Ill. Cc. T. BOWRING &G CO., Ltd. 5 and 6 Billiter Ave., LONDON, E. C., ENGLAND, AND AT ** LLOYDS," LONDON. Insurance Brokers As brokers we represent ONLY THE ASSURED. Our clients being the VESSEL OWNERS, we refuse to represent insurance companies. We place insurances in the most advan- tageous market at the best procurable rates and terms. Weleave it to the managers and general agents of insurance companies to protect the interests of their companies, maintaining that it is impossible for us to devote ourselves to the interest of both the owners and the insurance companies at the same time. Average Adjusting Department Williamson Building. Cleveland, Ohio. Beam ager ATM YMA MYOCAR EIR GR IRI GEG IAD GREAT LAKES REGISTER. INCORPORATED, Combined and Issued in Connection with the BUREAU VERITAS INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING. Great Lakes Register desires to announce that its ratings go before the leading Underwriters of America, England and France. THE SERVICES OF ITS SURVEYORS MAY BE ENGAGED ON HULL AND CARGOES F.D. HERRIMAN, SURVEYOR GENERAL, 320-322 Perry-Payne Building, - - CLEVELAND. O, The Only Standard American > Classification of Shipping. Has Authorized Agents in all the principal ports of the world to protect the interests of its patrons. Vessels built under its rules, or holding certificates of classin this Rec- ord of Shipping will, with their Cargoes, insure at lowest rates. Office, 66 Beaver Street, New York. A. A. RAVEN, President. W.H. H. MOORE, Treasurer. W. R. T. JONES, Vice President, W. IRVING COMES, Secretary. The Donnelly Salvage -- {eax powtucty ya Vices . B. FoLGErR, Treas. and Wrecking Co., Ltd. "°"™™" - KINGSTON ONT. DIVERS, STEAM PUMPS, TUGS, Ete. SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. [Jas 21, INSURANCE Geo. L. McCurdy, 169 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, = = Illinois. Direct Representative of Leading American and Foreign Under- writers. HULLS AND CARGOES. ESTABLISHED 1865. THE FRANKFORT "*""* ;ASurexnee'co:"* C*S* of FRANKFORT-ON-THE-MAIN, GERMANY. Employers and Public Liabilities, Elevator Insurance, Workmen's Col lective, Individual Accident. : For the security of Policyholders in the United States of America, a de- posit has been made in the State of Massachusetts, of $400,000.00 in Untted States Bonds. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT, 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. F. G. VOSS, Manager and Attorney. ) KING IRON WORKS, BUFFALO, NL Y. Manufacturers of Triple Expansion, Fore-and-Aft AND Steeple-Compound Marine Engines, Highand LowPressure Engines, Sectional Prapellers, Tug and Yacht Wheels......5. Cowles' Aluminum and Manganese Bronze Pro- peller Wheels, These wheels are noted for their extra speed, towing power Bnd Ree portionate saving of coal. aH. Ga TROUT, ® ae ) SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of PROPELLER WHEELS Marine Engines and Repairs. Milwaukee, Wis. Phone S. 163 BETTER and lore ECONOMICAL than DRILLED BOLTS. Pu bee ree bel mee hy) aay) ana PMU AC mae) anne) 2:1 tole MADE OF BEST QUALITY DOUBLE 24h 3) CHARC L OL MU ay alae CUYAHOGA FALLS. 0. U.S.A FALLS HOLLOW BOLTS are self-inspectors. Afford protection against explosions. Are of uniform strength and flexibility. Holeisce i : , : c st 1 1 : ntral, air, which aids combustion. Superior quality guaranteed. Samples ahaa Hollow or Solid furnished on application. Ask for our latest price list.