58 MARINE REVIEW TTRADE NOTES. The National Electric Co., Milwaukee, makers of electrical machinery, have put out a catalogue of exceeding beauty. The illustration is a three-color print of Asti's head of Cosette, a painter who is unrivaled in portraying types of women. Abram Smith & Son, Algonac, Mich., are distributing a cal- endar which is bound to provoke a smile. It is posed from life and represents a colored family weighing a new arrival in the household. It is quite easy to pick out both father and mother from the group. Charles J. Bogue, 213-215 Center street, New York, is a man- ufacturer of projectors, searchlights and lamps. He has just out a catalogue dealing with his projectors and searchlights which is very well illustrated in wash drawing and which will be sent to anyone interested. The C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. of Cleveland, manufacturers. of mill and labor-saving machinery, report an order from the Dakota Pressed Brick Co., Deadwood, S. D., for one of their rotary dryers suited to drying 50 tons of sand a day; also an order for conveying machinery. : If one stops to consider for a moment he will realize that there is no end to the uses for wire. If he wants information as to its variety let him write to the American Steel & Wire Co., Chicago, for a list of wire products. The company has just is- sued a little catalogue that is wire from one end to the other. Customers of the Geo. Stratford Oakum Co., Jersey City, N. J., have recently received small desk clocks that are both novel and useful. The face is about the size of the Ingersoll watch and the case is of the circular royal capper kind, so that the clock is not only ornamental on a desk, but may be used also as a paper weight. The name Stratford is in small raised letters, not at all prominent on the clock, bespeaking the good taste and conserva- tism of the people from whom it comes. As clever a conceit as one may meet with in a week's jour- ney is the little booklet just issued by the Great Lakes Engineer- ing Works, Detroit, Mich., on their propellers. It is in the form of the history of the screw propeller. The little history is illus- trated by line drawings of early screws and shows a great deal of research work. In the propellers made by this company semi- steel is used, which permits a reduction in thickness of blades and weight and consequently gives increased efficiency, or greatly in-: creased strength and durability on the same weights as ordinary cast iron. The C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co., of Cleveland, engineers and manufacturers of elevating, conveying, mining and milling ma- chinery, have just issued their new chain catalogue No, 9g, illus- trating and describing their new interlocking shoulder bearing chain belts. These chains are made with great. care. The strength of all kinds of malleable iron depends very largely on the annealing of it. If properly constructed and annealed it has great strength. Every link in this chain is examined and tested as soon as annealed and if it does not come up to the standard it is immediately thrown out. While the Sheriffs Manufacturing Co., Milwaukee, does a _general business, its specialty, as is well known, is propeller wheels, designed by Mr: Thomas W. Sheriffs. Up to date the company has produced 2,340 propeller wheels in sizes from 12 in. 'diameter up to 13 ft. in solid and 14 ft. in sectional pattern. The larger output of the wheel is in cast iron although they make them in the smaller sizes, that is up to 8 ft. diameter in cast steel. The wheel is the result of a long continued practice and George Stratford OaKkum Company experience, and the average number of wheels made 1s about 130 per annum, the output of 1903 being 156. : No concern gets out more tasty or better trade literature than the Buffalo Forge Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The three latest little booklets which have come to notice are on mechanical induced draft, Buffalo "B" volume blowers and_exhausters, and one in the engineering lore series entitled "A Compound Engine Test. This last is the second in a series to be issued. The text of all will be tests of plants in service, and reliable data, all relating to the company's output. The compound engine test was to deter- mine the water consumption, mechanical efficiency, speed regula- tion and running qualities of the engine. All three booklets will be sent to anyone interested. LJan-ai. CLEVELAND - - SHIP OUTFITTERS Have been at it 33 years. "If you would see their work, look | around you." A list of their outfits, set in small type, would fill a page in the Marine Review. And in no instance have they been the last to come over the rail. Established 1860 Jersey City, N. J. Manufacturers of @® Best Oakum Navy Oakum U.S. Navy Oakum Plumbers Spun Oakum Machine Spun Oakum Spun Cotton.