60 MARINE REVIEW [Jan. 21. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF GAUGES THAT GAUGE, INDICATORS THAT INDICATE, POPS THAT POP, Clocks, Revolution Counters, WHISTLES and all kinds of STEAMSHIPINSTRUMENTS. = QUILT LLU American Bigasare Gauge. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE American Re aeatation Counter. THOMPSON INDICATOR. The INDIGATOR that made the indicators famous. Highest award at the Paris Exposition 1900. The only American Indicator to receive a medal. The Gold Medal awarded at Pan-American Exposi- tion on Gauges, Pop Valves, Indicators and Engineering Specialties. SPECIFY AMERICAN AND GET THE BEST. American Steam Gauge & Valve Manufacturing Co. Mii ll a. ily American Cylinder NEW YORK. , BOSTON. CHICAGO. American Board of Trade Drop Lever Relief Valve. Twin Pop Safety Valves. J. B. COWLE, President. W. BE. PERKINS, Secy. and Treas. MAT THOMAS, Vice: Pres. and Gen. Mgr. THE UNION MACHINE & BOILER CO. MACHINISTS, FOUNDERS AND BOILER MAKERS. MARINE, STATIONARY, PORTABLE and DECK ENGINES and BOILERS. TANK, SMOKE STACK, SHEET IRON and PLATE WORK. ADAMS' FEED WATER HEATERS and PURIFIERS. STEEL SHIP REPAIRS DAY or NIGHT. HEAVY PIPE FITTING and FORGINGS and ENGINEERS' GENERAL SUPPLIES. BLACKSMITHING. BUILDERS of ul a ! | so VESSEL and | ZZ 272 x); sl fae See QUARRY ll Fs oan HOISTING : e mul | ls : PISTON MACHINERY. all PACKING. 108-114. RIVER STREET - - oe CLEVELAND, OHIO.