1904] MARINE REVIEW | 67 JOUN MECKES, THE LARGEST GROUND FLOOR SPACE STORE IN OHIO. LINOLEUMS, CARPETS and RUGS for the BOAT TRADE. We make a specialty of the best and standard makes of INLAID LINOLEU MS, and carry one of the largest and most complete stocks in the city at absolutely correct prices. : A large line of dependable and standard k f 4 WILTONS, at oe pocsible ice rd makes of CARPETS in VELVETS, BRUSSELS an We guarantee our work and cheerfully furnish estimates. BEDDING DEPARTMENT. A most satisfactory and complete assortment of BLAN 2 CASES, BED-SPREADS, PILLOWS. ent of BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, SHEETS, PILLOW Everything in TOWELS and TABLE LINENS. JOHN ME.CKES, eis oeeeeecione elses Ste INSURANCE. The Story of Phoebe Snow. Prindiville & Company ee 12 Sherman Street, | Railroad | CHICAGO. ----___---- If you have ever taken a summer railroad trip, you will enjoy the "Story of Phoebe Snow," which describes in a series of dainty pictures the experiences of a pretty girl who went to Representing: Buffalo. The illustrations are in seven colors, each reproducing a design of the girl in white which the Lackawanna Railroad has made so familiar in the last few months. The booklet has a particularly pleasing cover and will afford considerable amuse- Johnson G Higgins, New York. Represented by: ment beside giving information which every traveler ought to Willis Faber G Co., Ltd., London. know. It will be sent in response to request accompanied by ° two-cents in st to T. W.-Lee, General Passenger Agent, Jno. D. Tyson G Co., Liverpool. ve ee r ger Ag New York City. Leb anon Manufacturers of Hand Made Chains of all grades. | ® Ships' Cables, Dredge Chains, Crane Chains, Chain Block Chains. W orks, Large chains furnished side or end welded. High grade tested chains a specialty. We manufacture our own iron. We are licensed testers for Lloyds Association, American Bureau of Shipping and Bureau Veritas. - Lebanon, Pa.