MARINE REVIEW On Wednesday of this week Mr. Howard H. Baker cel- ebrated his fiftieth anniversary in the ship chandlery business. The business was established seventy years ago by W. S. Waters. It has changed hands a number of times, but its present title has stood since 1882. Mr. Baker was appointed postmaster of Buffalo by President Cleveland during the second term and conducted the office with great efficiency. Buffalo has altered in many regards since this business was established, so that the headquarters of Howard H. Baker & Co. have virtually become one of the land marks of the town. Mr. J. H. Torney has been appointed purchasing agent for the Southern Pacific Co.'s Atlantic coast steamship lines, with office at 29 Broadway, New York . Comdr. Lucien Young, who has been in charge of the ninth lighthouse district, embracing Lake Michigan and tributary waters, with headquarters at Chicago, has been relieved and will be superseded by Comdr. Perry Garth of the Buffalo XXi. The Boston boiler makers and iron ship builders met. this week and adopted a resolution urging congress to enact measures that will aid in restoring to American mechanics the building of vessels for the foreign carrying trade of the United States. The Baltimore & Ohio railroad is planning to raise the tug Cascade which sank in the lake off Lorain harbor several weeks ago in endeavoring to rescue the barges which drifted out into the lake with a flood. The Cascade is in 4o ft. of water, but is reported to be in good condition. Capt. Alex. Clark, founder of the Ship Masters' Associa- tion, is endeavoring to establish a home for ship masters. The general opinion of the old ship masters appears to be that the home should be located on the St. Clair river, if secured at all. BUFFALO FEED WATER REGULATOR is designed to maintain a certain level of water in a steam boiler. 'Lue dufiaiy Feed Waler Regulator Only natural forces Stationary Type Operate the _ device To Top Patented June 16, '¢8 which consists of the of Boiler R.Lerrmonth. M.E.| heating and cooling of ee 100 White Building, Buffalo, N.Y. | &,Sttaight copper tube ===, | With its corresponding = expansion and contrac- |_| tion. The heat is sup- plied from the steam in boiler and the cooling medium is the water taken from the boiler. The actuating force, therefore, is certain. By this motion a small valve is operated to in- crease or decrease the eb alatia on a diaphragm valve which regulates the supply of water to the oiler. The Perfect Working of this Regulator is Guaranteed. ROBERT LEARMONTH, 100 White Building, "t BUFFALO, N. Y Weinland Tube Cleaners Were conceived, developed and patented by a PRACTICAL ENGINEER thoroughly familiar with the requirements of such machines. We make them for all styles of boilers and all sizes of tubes. This style suitable for Marine Type of Water Tube Boilers. They are in successful use on government and other vessels. We also make Damper and Feed Water Regu- ators and Tube Cutters. Our Specialty being Engine and Boiler Room Equipment. THE LAGONDA MEG. CO., Springfield, O. Designs for Modern River Boats. Having a number of designs for modern light draft steel river boats, we would be pleased to hear from parties contemplating the building of said class of vessels. Reply to Box 60, Marine Review, 39-41 Wade Bldg., Cleveland, O. Mar 17 FOR SALE. Complete Hull of an 80-Foot Gasoline and Sail Cruising Yacht. Built especially for shallow water. May be used also as small freighter. Address B. L. Averill, 130 Grant St., Painesville, O. Mar. 17 STEAMER FOR SALE. To close an estate. Package freight steamer, canal size, 2,200 tons capacity. Complete electric plant. Rates Ar. Cheap for cash. Address Executor, care Marine Review, 39-41 Wade Bldg., Cleveland, O. Mar. 31. Cast Steel Pipes. We have especial facilities for making and finishing steel pipes, crosses and tees and special fittings, to stand heavy pres- sures and up to ten feet in diameter. Our metal averages about 70,000 pounds tensile. Open Hearth Steel Castings for locomotives, ship- building, electrical, pump and general machinery purposes. Subject to U. S. Government, Lloyd's, Railroad and other specifications. Rail or Water Deliveries. Seaboard Steel Casting Company, Chester, Pa. NEW METAL CARGO HOLSTERS Wrought Iron Hook and Strap, Galvanized Iron Shells and Sheaves. Sheaves fitted with Genu- ine Star Metaline Bush- ings with Metaline Side Bearings. Star Metaline Bushing. SELF-OILING. These Blocks Save the Rope and Outwear all others. Send for 1902 Catalogue M. A. R. FREE. Manufactured only by BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO., BOSTON, MASS. . - LOCKPORT, N. Y.