30 MARINE REVIEW MARITIME DISPLAY AT WORLD'S FAIR. "SPIRIT OF THE ATLANTIC,' By Konti. The plan of the exhibit of the navy department at the Louisiana purchase ex- position is completed. Chief Clerk Peters has giv- en his personal attention to every detail and has origi- nated some striking new features. One of these is the model of a dry dock, some- thing never before exhibit- ed at an exposition. The most notable new feature of the navy exhibit will be the deck of an American man-of-war. his occu- pies much of the floor space. Visitors can exam- ine every part of this repro- duction of a battleship. There are two entrances to this interesting miniature than-of-war. There . will be small models of nearly all the ships belonging to our navy. The Naval Academy at Annapolis has prepared a fine exhibit. There will be photographs of the improvements made in the buildings at "TRANSPORTATION BY WATER."? By Zolnay. the United States Naval Academy and of the many attrac- tive places in the grounds. At one end of the space allotted to the exhibit of the navy department will be a dark room in which various moving pictures will be displayed showing naval maneuvers of all sorts. The maneuvers of the squad- ron in the Atlantic ocean were successfully photographed and will be exhibited among these motion pictures. Noteworthy among the statuary at the fair will be Zolnay's 'in its central front rises heroic figure of transportation by water is especially beautiful, there being great calmness and dignity in the face of the figure and wonderfully flowing lines in the drapery. Konti's. conception of the Spirit of the Atlantic 1s especially MSDE spirit of the Atlantic is especially inspiring, embodying great embodying great powers of both conception and execution, and "FISHERIES," By Kontz, being especially dramatic in its effect. The fisheries design is also very effective, as is also the design devoted to the twin subjects of commerce and navigation. The fair is to open on April 30 and a bird's eye view of the sight causes the ob- Server.tO; Express: .Sur- prise at the forward state of everything pertaining to the enterprise. He sees the central picture al- most as it will be when the fair is opened. The palaces of varied indus- tries, machinery, manu- facture, mines and met- allurgy, education and electricity, liberal arts and transportation need little if anything to place them in readiness. The Colonnade of states has become a magnificent re ality, and immediately the Festival Hall, whose massive dome reaches skyward 200 ft. and is larger than any in the world. Behind the Col- onnade, clothed in ar- chitectural magnificence, is the permanent art building of white stone. One sees the lagoons completed and also the ways where great cascades will leap down the terrace. And in an equally advanced stage is the second picture, which has the giant Palace of Agriculture as its central figure, with the palaces of horticulture and forestry, fish and game as noble adjuncts. 'COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION,"' By Konti.