; MARINE REVIEW > and dynamo condensers will have combined air and circulating pumps. There will be hot well, main feed, auxiliary feed, fire and bilge, distiller circulating, distiller fresh water evap- orator feed, brine, and oil pumps. AUXILIARY MACHINERY IN DETAIL. In addition to those pertaining to the main engines and dependencies, there will be the following auxiliary machinery, complete with all pipings and fittings: Steering engine; windlass engine; ashhoist engines for each fire room; forced drait blowers, air compressors, refrigerating plant and an evaporat- ing and distilling plant. These auxiliaries are in accordance - with modern practice. One new point, however, is the requirement that the refrigerating machine, with a capacity of three tons of ice per 24 hours, be operated by an electric motor. Another is the greatly in- creased capacity of the distilling and evaporating plant which, in this ship, is the same as that on the 16,000 ton battleships. The evaporating plant: consists of three evaporators and three distillers with their accessories, having a combined capacity of 16,500 gallons of potable water per twenty- four hours. The evaporators are ar- ranged to be operated in single effect or, the high pressure evaporator may be operated with either of the low pressures, in double effect. As in other shins recently designed it is optional with the contractor to use rotary engines or steam turbines for the blowers provided the steam consumption does not exceed 50 Ibs. per indicated horse power per hour. There is a very complete drainage and flooding system, there being a main drain for machinery space, aux- iliary drain for all bilges, double bot- tom drains for all water tight com- partments and flooding connections for all compartments in machinery space also for trimming tanks. There will be sounding tubes and air es- capes, magazine floods and a complete fire system with about 50 hose con- nections. There will be a flushing system to all parts of the ship and a fresh water system, the total quantity of fresh water carried in ships' tanks being about 14,000 gallons. There is a complete steam heating system; an air compressor for use in running pneumatic tools and for blow- ing soot off the boiler tubes, also air compressors for the torpedo outfit. There is a blacksmith shop, car- penter shop and machine shop, the lat- ter with a very complete outfit of tools consisting of one screw-cutting back-geared extension-gap lathe, to swing 16 in. over the upper ways and MARINE REVIEW eS a Been ey ELEVATION SHOWING STARBOARD MACHINERY, WING BULKHEAD REMOVED.