MARINE REVIEW xi. Lo L. BROWN, JAS. C. WALLACE, R. C. WETMORE, * President. Vice-President and General Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. DRY DOCKS IN CLEVELAND: No. I, foot Weddell St., 547 ft. x 65 ft. x 15 ft. 6 in. No, 3,.Elm St, 240 t% ao it =x 13 ft. No. 2, foot Weddell St., 450. ft. x 50 ft. x 16 ft. Dry Dock at Lorain, ROO It. x GO Tt = 17 It; THE AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING Co. Office, 120 Viaduct, Cleveland, O. Marine and : ; Boilers and Stationary Engines Auxiliary Machinery Sole Agents for the Lakes for the Ellis & Eaves Induced Draft System, as applied to boilers, giving increased power and great economy. Prompt Attention Given to Ship Repairs of All Kinds oy WORKS AT CLEVELAND AND LORAIN ALEXANDER MCVITTIE, President and Manager. WILLIAM C.:.McMILLAN, Vice President. M. E. FARR, Secretary and Treasurer. CHARLES B. CALDER, General Superintendent. FRANK E, KIRBY, Consulting Engineer. DETROIT SHIPBUILDING COMPANY, Ship and Engine Builders, Detroit, Mich. Sole Owners for,.the..Lakes and Atlantic Coast-of the HOWDEN* HOT DRAET SYSTEM as applied to Boilers, giving increased power and great economy. Steel Ship Yard Located at Wyandotte, Michigan. . oe Ship Yards and Dry Docks, Foot of Orleans Street, and Foot of Clark Avenue, La Mich, Z The Jenks Ship Building Co. STEEL SHIP BUILDERS, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. Prompt Attention Given to Repairs of all Kinds on Ships, Engines and Boilers. OFFICE AND. MACHINE SHOPS YARDS AT FOOT OF LINCOLN AT FOURTH STREET. AVENUE. PORT HURON. - } : MICHIGAN. PITTSBURG COAL COMPANY. Steamboat Fueling Facilities at Various Points on the Great Lakes: CLEVELAND HARBORS 4*",Gumpers. | | FAIRPORT HARBOR | Lichter ASHTABULA HARBOR § | (2 gar™Pe" ERIE HARBOR { |, Car, Dumper. a ae Docks and Pockets at Dock and Pockets at Detour. DETROIT RIVER BRANCH } Sandwich and Amherstburg. SAULT RIVER BRANCHES j Dock and Pockets at Sault Ste. Marie. (The Port Royal Dock Co.) w wet oc or §6Pittsburg and Youghiogheny Coal. GENERAL OFFICE, LAKE DEPARTMENT, PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO. it at al