MARINE REVIEW XXVIi. THOMAS WALKER & SON, BIRMINGHAI, ENGLAND. THE '"* NEPTUNE SHIP-LOG The "NEPTUNE" LOG, With Ball Bearings for HIGH 1 ea SPEEDS. » By Also makers of © the "CHERUB" and * HARPOON " SHIP-LOGS, MAKERS TO THE BRITISH NAVY. THE MOSHER PATENT WATERTUBE BOILER. Simplest,lightest and most compact boiler made. Most accessible ~ forcleaning and repair. & Five vertical rows or as \ many as 45 tubes may " becleanedorwithdrawn H by removing the cover 4 froma single handhole. i Largest grate surface S7™ion a given floor space. »No jointsin thefire All joints expanded. Grea- ijter steam room and 4 watercapacity thanany other boiler. Built in sizes up to 2000 H. P. Mosher Boilers have been supplied for ele- ven torpedo boats and the monitor Florida of the U.S. Navy, amount- ing to over 26,000 H.P.; six torpedo boatsforthe \ Russian Navy,two gun- boats for the Mexican - government, one crui- ser and one torpedo boat for the Brazilian government; the steam yachts Arrow, Ellide, Feiscven, Wauneta, Presto, and numerous other yachts and vessels, SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. MOSHER WATERTUBE BOILER CO., No. 1 BROADWAY, N. Y. STEAM 250 VESSELS 'Now Equipped With ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL Water Tube Boilers Bear Evidence of Their ~ft--- Excellent Qualities Almy Water-Tube Boiler Co. PROVIDENCE, RT. KIELEY MARINE REDUCING VALVE. Best Valve Made for Marine Work. ALSO Expansion Traps, Steam Separators and Open Float Traps for Marine Purpose sent on trial. KIELEY & MUELLER 7-17 West 13th St., N. Y. City. Write for Catalogue. Good for any pressure. Westinghouse Type C Induction Motor Driving Friction Drum Hoist. Westinghouse Motors Alternating and Direct Current Can be relied upon for severe and continuous service. Westinghouse Electric & Mic. Co. Sales Offices in all Large Cities. Pittsburgh, Pa. For Canada: Canadian Westinghouse Co., Limited, 'Hamilton, Ontario. Taylor Water Tube Boiler Co. 322 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Vertical Tubes, sectional, large steam space and liberating area. Fire box, com- bustion chamber, and course for the furnace gases sim- ilar to the Scotch Marine. Free circulation type. --_-- Send for full description. tre MIARTIN-BARRISS CO. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF MAHOGANY, WHITE MAHOGANY AND ALL NA TiV 2C AB iNT. w00 Dp Ss High Grades of Kiln Dried Woods for Cabin Work and Inside Trim. White Oak Timbers and Plank Constantly on Hand and Sawed to Order on Short Notice, 654 SENECA ST. # CLEVELAND, O. H. MOOERS COMPANY, Dealers In Pipe, Valves, Fittings, and Marine Engineers' Supplies. Machine and Steam Fitting Shop. MILWAUKEE, wis. Second and Sycamore Streets,