Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 10 Mar 1904, xxxvii

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MARINE REVIEW XXXVii. BUYERS' DIRECTORY OF T 1K Ode pee ue ao HE MARINE TRADE.--Continued. e ao A « ND FREIGHT AGENTS, WHISTLES, STEAM, Boston & Lockport Block Co............0008 Boston. ae WONN Se i ee, | ..see.Buffalo. | American Steam Gauge Co.......... Boston men oe Wee Ge Baal, Tate CO. cee ee 'eeeeeees coe e scene - Boston. ' . . Oe eee cele ah eee aren ars eo Cee eee we i TUBING. BEAMS Eiphicke, OW a Oo a ee MItKOHNElMer COs 66 ce. es sa ce ss hee Cincinnati. Mleming & Co., P. H uO gnbnee: WINDLASSES Heer oe eae weld go. : Shelby Steel Tube Co.........0+.--0. Pittsburg, Pa. mae ae ta Ci PA ek, ..-Cleveland. | American Ship Windlass Co...... Providence, R. I ; hors ne Sioa eri oy Buttes Bod Ship Bullding Co.......2. 2. Cleveland. HOSS ee a siseier es et ey sees kc we st he ulu yde ndlass Co ean ak Haweood' & Co. We kw es or ee ee Bath, Me. -- z EAM SPECIALTIES, ETC, & Holmes, Samuel ..... tele ee es : Nee ae poe Pane Pees Eon Buren, ee American Steam Gauge Co. 4s... Roaton. Hutchinson: &* Co; 3.45.20.) Cleveland. WINCHES, ashton Valve Oo. . 6...) -60s sie ..Boston, | McCarthy, T. R....... beet e eee eeeeees ++++Montreal. | American Shi Grane O00 - ieee Chicago. | Newman & Merryweather ...... teens ..New York. | Hyde Wi dl Co ee ee oa La Now Yor | MitCHON B Gov Goije, Cleveland. |" DEE Deas arene ee BE ae Riley. & Moclier 2 New York | Ltindiville & Oo. ...0..... 5. pineal a acte SV ...Chicago. Lunkenhelmer Co. 2) 0 Cincinnati. Saas we a Serie Meese Se be sea ces vee WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, Mooers & Co. He. iyi ccs ce ee Milwaukee, nee ® Ore ear te eee ee tee ee eae ce hicago. | Atlanti So vans te roe Wy. | Weel BOM ees ee New Nak oo eee eee esis sis VALVES FOR WATER AND GAS. WATER GAUGES. WRECKING AND SALVAGE COMPANIES, Bonner & Co, Wm. ds 0, ee Boston | Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co..Ki Ross: Valve: Co. 0. 6 ek a Troy, N, Y, | Lunkenheimer Co.......... Lae es Cincinnati, O. | Midland Towing & Wrecking Co., Ltd. Midland, Ont, VARNISHES. VESSEL FURNISHINGS, YACHT AND BOAT BUILDERS, Detroit. Varnish Co... 2... Detroit. | Meckes: John 4 "1. "Cleveland | Drein, Thos. & Son... 2.0025... Wilmington, Del. Detroit White Lead Works................. Detroit. | Siegel ce O62 eas wero as New york. Lane & DeGroot.......... Long Island city, N.Y. Forest City Paint & Varnish Co., .. .......Cleveland| Williams & Rodgers Co,........-....... Cleveland. | Marine Construction & Dry Dock Co....New York. New A ta eet OOi eS ea nee New York. Truscott Boat Mfg. Co.:........ St. Joseph, Mich. Also andlers. : : Willard, (Chas. -P.c&. O03. ig 20. 2, a. Pp WIRE ROPE AND WIRE ROPE FITTINGS. ca a ee oe VENTILATING APPARATUS FOR SHIPS. ae, 38 7 & oe Gseeics ee ey : Sa Ue YAWLS, eGrauw, Aymar O's sc eteransueabure: pieie si eters ew. York.:|:Drein,; 'Thos. & Son: ..332:. 2.220 Sturtevant, Bo Wo Co. ce nn ce -Boston. | Upson-Walton Co. ......... oca:si010\a, si oisie $e 0:6 Cleveland. | Lane "& DeGroot....-.+- Long oe Marine Fire Box Boiler for Sale. 16 ft. long, 9 ft. 6 in. diameter ; allowed 125 lbs. steam ; in good condition. Price reasonable. Address Capt. John Green, 402 West Ferry St., Buffalo, N.Y. tf Small Steamer Wanted. Wanted to buy a small steamer, 70 to 80 ft. length, with plenty beam, that will do for excursion or ferry boat. Single deck preferred. Send full description with lowest cash price. Address L. E. Eggert, Muskegon Heights, Mich. Mar. 24 For Sale. Tug Duncan City. Address, Geo. Pank- rantz Lumber Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. tf ; Steamers for Sale. Steamers Russell Sage and John C. Gault, with complete fit-out for package freight, electric light plant, etc. + ill carry4 0,000 bushels wheat, or I,200 tons package freight on draft of 14 ft. Both vessels can be seenat Toledo, O. For further information apply to A. W. Col- ton, Toledo, O. Mar. 31 Hydraulic Slings for Sale. Hydraulic slings consisting of beam, cylinders, plungers, uprights, hydraulic and feed pumps, engine, etc , capable of raising 300 tons. Address McKinnon Mfg. Co., Bay City, Mich. tf Position Wanted. Wanted position by an experienced party as superintendent or manager of a motor boat construction company. Ten years experience Can furnish best of reference. Address Box 59, the Marine Review, 39-41 Wade Bldg., Cleveland, O. Mar. Io Gasoline Launch for Sale. Length 25 ft. 6in., beam 6 ft. Station- ary roof and side curtains. 7% H. P.. Speeda bout ro miles. In first class con- dition ; almost new. Apply to Capt John Green, 402 W. Ferry St., Buffalo, N.Y. tf Steamer for Sale at Cost-- $13,500. The old Anchor Line twin-screw steam- er Gordon Campbell. Two decks, gang- ways, hoisting machinery, etc. Suited to carrying coal, lumber, ties, package freight, etc. Spent $3,500 in repairs this year. Other business requires my undi- vided attention and I will sell for cost to me. W.F. Carroll, torr Ashland block, Chicago. tf Yacht for Sale. New beautiful too-ft. steam yacht, . fully equipped. Owner physically unable to use yacht. Will sell for any reasonable offer. Yacht can be seen in Detroit. Address M. J. STEFFENS, 57 East Twenty-second st., Chicago. rete Tug for Sale. Tug Frank Canfield, 75 ft. long. Engine 18 x 20, boiler 6% x 13. Address Canfield Tug Line, Manistee, Mich. Apr. 28 Passenger Steamer and Tug for Sale. Steamer Ogantz, 80 ft keel, 18 ft. 8 in. beam, 7 ft. 6in. draught. Fore and aft compound engine, 14 and 25 by 16 in. Scotch boiler, 10 ft. by 84 in., allowed 125 lbs. steam. Passenger allowance--45 regular and 190 excursion. Tug Dan Connelley, 65 ft. keel, 16 ft 6 in. beam, 8 ft. 6 in. draught. Iron boil- er, 13% ft. by 76 in., allowed go lbs. steam. Double engine, 14 x 15 in. For particulars, address C. A Nielson, Sandusky, O. Mar. 17 Vessel Property Wanted. Cleveland real estate in exchange for vessel property. Address Box 58, Marine Review. tf Steam Barge for Sale. For Sale.--Steam barge, 131 ft. keel, 25 ft. beam, 9 ft. deep. Capacity, lumber, 260 M. ft.; coal, 375 tons. Good power; can handle two or three barges. Every- thing pertaining to this boat is in good condition. Terms cash. Addre8s Lock Box 35, St Clair, Mich. Mar. 17 U.S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 17, 1904. Sealed proposals for building an Elevator Dredge with Auxiliary Conveyor will be received here unti] 8 P. M_ March 19, 1904, aud then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. J.G. WARREN, Major, _ Ab IT U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, 57 Park St., Grand Rapids. Mich., March 2, 1904.--Sealed pro- posals for dredging harbors on East Shore of Lake Michigan will be received here until 3 p m., March 17, 1904, and then publicly opened. _Infor- mation furnished on application. M.B. ADAMS, Lieut.-Col., Engrs. Mar. 10 U.S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 9, 1904.--Sealed proposals for moving cribs at southerly ends of breakwaters, Racine and Kenosha Harbors, Wis., will be received here 'until 3 p. m., March 11, 1904, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. J. G. WARREN, Major, Engrs. Mar. 10 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Washington, D. C., Feb. 27, 1904 --Sealed proposals are invited and will be received at this Department until 2 o'clock p. m., Saturday, April 16, 1904, at which time and place they will be opened in the presence of attending bidders for the construction of one steam screw propeller for the United States Revenue-Cutter Service, for duty onthe coast of Maine, to be known while in course of construc- tion or until launched as No. 14,R.C.S. Said vessel is to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications provided by the Secretary of the Treasury, which, together with form of pro- posal, contract, etc., may be obtained upon ap- plication to this Department Bids must be ad- dressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, and be indorsed on the envelope, "Proposal for Revenue Steamer for Coast of Maine. "The rignt is reserv- ed to reject any or all bids and to waive defects if deemed for the interests of the Government so to do. ROBERT B. ARMSTRONG, Acting Secre- tary. Mar. 17

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