24 MARINE REVIEW countries. While it is significant that American ships carried a trifle less than 8 per cent of American ex- ports and imports last year, it is more significant that in the trade between the United States and Europe not one American vessel entered or cleared from Germany, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Italy, Austria-Hungary or Greece last year. But the dramatic phase in the situation is still re- served. The last ship for the foreign carrying trade of the United States has been launched and in the whole breadth of this continent-covering country there is none other to take her place. This last vessel is the Manchuria, built for the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. The United States has a coast line approximating 10,000 miles. It is by nature the premier maritime country in the world. It should also be the principal ship building and ship owning nation in the world, but it is needless to say that it is not. It is patent that this condition is not natural but abnormal and must be the result of artificial influence: The maritime de- velopment of the United States would be loose- limbed, free-grown and giant-like under normal con- ditions. The fact that it is a dwarf proves con- clusively that artificial means have been employed to stunt its growth. A great national influence has been unwittingly exerted to restrain the development of American shipping. The federal government has con- ferred the benefits of protection upon every industry except shipping. To make one great exception to the list puts, upon the industry so excepted a tremendous. handicap, for it has to fight, not alone the directly aid- ed shipping of other nations, but the burden of added cost of construction, and operation as an inevitable consequence. of protection extended to other trades. It is clear that American shipping is suffering be- cause it has been discriminated against. OWNERS, TO DEAL WITH MASTERS INDIVIDUALLY. The executive cominittee of the Lake Carriers' Association will make a radical change this year in dealing with labor. Last year wage schedules were entered into with the unions on behalf of all classes of labor employed on board vessels. 'This year, however, the executive committee of the Lake Carriers' Association will not treat with masters through the Masters and Pilots' Association. The masters must deal individually with the owners. Some time ago the Masters and Pilots' As- sociation presented a wage schedule and classification of ves- sels to the executive committee of the Lake Carriers' Associa- tion, but no notice was taken whatever of it. This classifica- tion and wage schedule has since been discredited by various members of the association itself, and in fact it has been the cause of considerable friction in the association. 'There is a disposition on the part of the owners to return to the old policy of regarding the captain as the actual master of the ship, a disposition which is endorsed by the masters themselves, but which is by its very nature inimical to the existence of the union. No one can serve two masters. The captain of a ship cannot represent the owner and the union as well. It is known that this point is very thoroughly recognized by a number of masters who were especially displeased with the action of the association last fall. No more has as yet been made by vessel owners to employ either masters or engineers though applications have been generally filed with all the owners. Mr. Harry Coulby, presi- dent and general manager of the Pittsburg Steamship Co., the lake end of the Steel Cotporation, last week notified a score of masters that he would insist upon treating with them as in- dividuals and not as members of the Masters and Pilots' As- sociation. Mr. Coulby feels very deeply upon this point, saying that the master is the personal representative of the owner aboard and that he should not be hampered by obligations to any other authority. Upon this point all owners appear to be a unit. Mr. J. C. Gilchrist, who operates the largest independent fleet of vessels on the great lakes, enrolled his tonnage in the Lake Carriers' Association last week and has been appointed a member of the executive committee of the Lake Carriers' Association. At the annual meeting of the Lake Carriers' Asso- ciation in January last a place was left vacant on the commit- tee for Mr. Gilchrist, because it was expected he would later join. The only important fleets now out of the association are those controlled by. James Davidson of West Bay City and Mr. George A. Tomlinson of Duluth. The Lake Carriers' Association is therefore in a very powerful position. The executive committee will deal with labor aboard ship on Satur- day of this week. TOWING COMPANY AND TUGMEN. The Great Lakes Towing Co. has wiped the slate clean in its dealings with the members of the Licensed Tugmen's Pro- tective Association and will start the new year with every as- surance of good feeling. The company is in very sound finan- cial shape, its physical property is in excellent condition, and it has the pledges of the men that good service will be ren- dered throughout the entire season, In return for this pledge the company will pay last year's wage schedule, which is a high one and which is as follows: Chicago-- Per Month. antaans: reine Sig aweas o Kage oh Pe es $161 29 Mates) oe ee es a 86 29 First <engmeers 2.04. os ee ee es 116 29 Secotid "engineers 00. ok eee 86 29 South Chicago-- Capiaitig ft la Pores aa tee es I4I 29 Wiates a ee oe ee ee 86 29 Pipst OnSiieers Wk les, ee eer las III 29 Secondieugifieers cs. al ee i ae 86 29 Duluth, Ashland and Marquette-- Combis: (cyl. echoes au pid ia 136 29 WEARS ON Sek: ated i ca iiees perch DO OO Hitst ehigiiects: eee te 116 29 Secoud CHRITOETS Joop 6 eee Sele cake os 86 29 Cleveland and all other ports-- Copies a ie ee ee "E31 20 Niates ee ee a ee Parse cn@inecra. ves ea ee fare oe 116 29 Second erigineers 22.5 oo. &. "re, Gas oat 86 29 Extra captains and engineers will be paid at the same rate of wages as the regular captains and engineers when they are employed for fifteen days or less. If they quit work before the expiration of fifteen days they will recerve mates' and second engineers' wages. Winter wages will be paid from Jan. 1 to April 1 inclusive, and will be at the rate of $3 per day for ten hours or less for captains and engineers. For overtime the men will be paid at the rate of 50 cents an hour. It is specifically provided that in the event.of any controversy arising between the organization and the towing company the men shall continue at work pending the settlement of the grievance by arbitration. The Cleveland life-saving station, which is in charge of Capt. Charles E. Motley, was opened for business this week.