gm ne an I i a 28 | MARINE REVIEW "THE AUGUSTUS B. WOLVIN ON THE STOCKS. money to build her. He predicted, however, that the new steamer would work a great revolution in the transportation business of the lakes and declared her to be as much in ad- vance of the 5,000-ton steamer as the 5,000-ton steamer is in advance of the old wooden boat. He believed the Augustus B. Wolvin to be in every respect the finest ship on the great -- lakes. Of course, great interest was centered in Mr, Charles M. Schwab, ex-president of the United States Steel Corporation, and when it became apparent that Mr. Hoyt was to present him next everyone was on the qui vive. Mr. Hoyt referred to him as the greatest steel-maker of the age. Mr. Schwab's manner was instantly impressive. He was easy, masterful, capacious and many-sided. The occasion, he said, was one of such enthusiasm that' he regretted 'it was not a meeting of the stockholders of the. Acme Steamship Co., which was building the boat. He added that whenever he heard such introductions as the toastmaster had just given him he was inclined to believe that he was some such person after all, but circumstances always intervened to bring him back to his proper level. As an illustration of this he told the following story: One day he was driving from the works with his colored boy Bob when they met on the road a workman's wife with her little daughter. The woman said, "Look, Elsie, quick, that's; Mr. Schwab." The child gave an eager and searching glance at the buggy and said "Which one mamma?' Mr, Schwab then gave a brief eulogy of Capt. Wolvin and appreciated greatly what he had done for the greatest industry in the world. He declared that the men of the great lakes had reduced the cost of the raw material in the manufacture of steel 60 per cent in his day and had made possible the great development of the iron business in Pittsburg' and the valleys. "I don't think that in Cleveland," said Mr. Schwab, "you appreciate Capt.' Wolvin one-half as much as we do in New York, where we do things pretty well, or in Pittsburg, where we do things better. Capt. Wolvin has done what certainly we have not been able to do in New York of late--that is to raise the wind, and T regret that those who latterly guided my dollars did not put them under Mr. Wolvin's control in SRR LAUNCH OF THE AUGUSTUS B..WOL,VIN.