48 MARINE REVIEW VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. Te R. McCARTHY, Steamship and Freight Broker. Chartering, Forwarding and General Com- mission Agent; and Broker for the Sale, Purchase and Construction of Steam- evs and Sailing Vessels. Marine and Fire Insurance Effected. Cable Address, " MacCarthy, Montreal." (Watkins', Scott's Liebers and A. B. C. Codes Used.) ane Agents to The Asbestos & Asbestic o., Ltd., of Danville, Que.. and The Belgo Pulp & Paper Co., Shawinigan Falls, Que. 6St. Sacrament St. MONTREAL,CAN. Correspondence Invited and Agents Solicited. W. C. RICHARDSON, Vessel Owner and Broker and Marine Insurance Agent. 420-421 Perry Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. WILLIAM H. FAUST, Lieutenant United States Navy, (ret.) Counselor and Proctor in Admtralty. Room 344 Federal Building, BUFFALO, N. Y. Office Tel., 338, Residence Tel., 29388. CP. GILCHRIST & CoO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Sale and Exchange of Vessels a Specialty. Lumber and Coal Chartering. Full Telephone Service, Office and Residence. (Local and Long Distance.) 411 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. C. E. KREMER, - Counselor at Law and Proctor in Admiralty. Suite 821-822 New Vork Life Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. Insurance. PRINDIVILLE & COMPANY, Average Adjusters. Insurance Brokers. 12. Sherman Street, CHICAGO. Representing: Johnson & Higgins, New York. Represented by: - Willis Faber & Co., Ltd., London. Jno. D. Tyson & Co., Liverpool. John B. Hall. Harry B. Root. HALL & ROOT, Vessel Agents. -- 21-22 Exchange Bldg., 202 Main St., Telephone, Senecas92z. BUFFALO, N. Y. HARVEY L. BROWN, Proctor in Admiralty. 35 White Building, BUFFALO, N. Y. JOHN J. BOLAND, Vessel and Insurance Agent. 25-26 Exchange Bldg., 202 Main St., , Telephone, Seneca 115 BUFFALO, N. Y. HOYT, DUSTIN & KELLEY, Lawyers and Proctors in: Admiralty. Offices, 702 Western Reserve Building, CLEVELAND, O. P. oH. FLEMING & CO. Insurance and Vessel Agents. Marine, Fire, Ocean, Liability. Telephone, Harrison 1359. No. 2 Sherman St., CHICAGO, ALIA J.J. H.Brown. J.B. Rodgers. Edward Smith. BROWN & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Dun Building, BUFFALO, N.Y. WHITE, JOHNSON, McCASLIN & CANNON, | Attorneys-at-Law and Proctors in. Admiralty, Williamson Bldg , CLEVELAND, O. C. W. Elphicke. H. B Earhart. C. W. ELPHICKE & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. No. 6 Sherman St., CHICAGO, ILL. Telephone, Harrison 1194. D. T. HELM & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Telephones--Office 263. Res. 381-3. DULUTH, - - - MINN. GOULDER, HOLDING & MASTEN, © Law Offices H.D.Goulder 5S. H. Holding. F.S. Masten. Perry Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. D. Sullivan. - F. J Sullivan. 'D. SULLIVAN & CO. Vessel Agents. Marine Insurance. 2-4 Sherman St., CHICAGO, ILL. Office Tel., Harrison 2847. Res. Ashland 2488. SAMUEL HOLMES, Steamship Offices, For Selling, Chartering and Butlding all ' ; Classes Steam Vessels Steam Vessel Circulars : Weekly Freight Circulars Morris Bldg, 66-8' Broad St., New York. ALBERT J. GILCHRIST; Proctor in Admiralty. 604 Perry Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. W. A. Hawgood, Arthur H, Hawgood. W. A. HAWGOOD & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. 220-21 Perry-Payne Bldg.,Cleveland,O. Office, Main 2395. .Telephones: Res. W. A. Hawgood, Doan 84-J. Res. A.H. Hawgood. Doan 841-]. F. H. WEEKS, Marine Broker. Vessels Sold, Chartered Built and Insured. Cable Address, WEEKSHIP, New York. Telephone, 3275 Broad. 32 Broadway, NEW YORK. O C Pinney. Dorr E. Warner. PINNEY & WARNER, Lawyers and Proctors in Admiralty. Rooms 3:6 and 317 Ferry Payne Bldg., Tel., Main 2585. CLEVELAND, O J. Mitchell. J. F.Wedow. A. Mitchell. MITCHELL &.CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents - 508-10 Perry-Payne Bldg. Cleveland,O. | Office Tel. M.767. Res. John Mitchell, Doan 341, John F. Wedow, Doan 141-J. Alfred Mitchell. Doan 218 Charles P. Notman. David H. E. Jones. JAMES W. ELWELL & CO. Established 18380. Ship Brokers and Steamship Agents. Sell and Charter Ali Classes of Vessels Agents for Cyprien Fabre & Cie. S.S. Line, Cie. Havraise Peninsulatre and Northwestern S. S. Co: 21-24 State Street, NEW YORK C. L. Hutchinson, W. 7: McGean. BULCHINSON & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Office. Main 2453. Phones: + Res. C. L. Hutchinson, Ridge 345 L. Res. W. H. McGean, East 1421-J. 313-15 Perry-Payne Bldg.,Cleveland,O. MARINE INSURANCE, « by WILLIAM Gow. Price, $1.50 MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., Cleveland, O. HAND BOOK OF ADMIRALTY LAW, by Rost M. HUGHES, Price, $3.75 MARINE REVIEW Pus. Co, Cleveland, O. Sy Socata Ss a cme Se) 5: a as