MARINE REVIEW a0 9 . e e Buyers'. Directory of the Marine Trade.-- Continued. TRUCKS. VESSEL AND FREIGHT : 'AGENTS. ; WHISTLES, 'STEAM, | | Boland, John: J.i.6600005 7, ee oe D Bultaly. American Steam Gauge Ones, wiebee ...+.Boston. Boston & Lockport Block Co..............45 Boston. pended & Co. Wales ... Buffalo, Aahian Valve Co....... Peis Gas retrace re as. OG ate oi setae was ire New York unkénhelmer Con vi. is. ieee argc ee ck Cincinnati. TUBING, SEAMLESS. Elphicke, as WwW eae Mee Or ok Chicago eming Oey re Ea cei ae Oa cen wea ae Chicago. WIND: Shelby Steel Tube Co................ Pittsburg, Pa. | Gilchrist & Co., ©. P.......ceccececsciee Clavelamd foe g Hel @ Beat cs Buffalo, | American Ship Windlass Co...... Providence, RB. I. VALVES. STEAM SPECIALTIES FTC Aeint © Oe 8 To Duluth. | A@Merican Ship Building Co............ . -Cleveland. ' ' ' Hawgood & Co. Wee iM tee ee Claveland By'6 Windlass Oo....05.2.27...03 7 ...-Bath, Me. American Steam Gauge Co...............06- Boston. | Holmes, Samuel .....5..06.00ces.cceeue New York. | Jenks Ship Building Co.......... co Huron, Mich. Bee Vile 66 a a. ae Boston Hutchinson & CO, vee eeeeseeeeeeeeeee ys -Cleveland, etn Bae any ee sa New Ts rane 00. cies suse sect ck ec cs Chicago. | McCarthy, T. R : WINCHES Genkiue: Ble. oo. eso eee New York ne >. Sao Os see see cea ae ye Cleveland. | 4 merican Ship Windlass Co....... Providence, R. I. Kieley & Mueller ,.....-....0..0ciesse New York rindiville ei Seg ee ees Cece sducee pew -..-Chicago. Pe vaghoimer. Gb. 6s .s-. sae kks, ee Cincinnati. | Richardson, W. ©. .....s.cccsesceoresed Cleveland. | HY4@ Windlass Co.-,0.5--+42++0e 4.452 < Bath, Me. = Sakai neg aes ee ere cere eee ceceseeces ca ee oe bad oe : Loa oe ee 1h WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, Ross Valve Sh Oe ee : a Atlantic Works, Inc: .<.. oe eceeeeeeees Philadelphia. VALVES FOR WATER AND GAS, WATER GAUGES. WRECKING AND SALVAGE COMPANIES, ee wy Bonner & Co, Wm fo Boston Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co..Kingston, Ont Pe OV Cea see cee ee eee oy, Nv YX. i es i LO. é : Ross Valve Co Lunkenheimer Co Cincinnati, U. | vigiand Towing & Wrecking Co., Ltd. Midland, Ont. VE RN VARNISHES. ibieeokne eae ISHINGS. Cleveland! pretn, DLACHT,AND BOAT BUILDERS. Se Detroit. ' ae yee rein, Thos. & Son................Wilmington, Del. Be i baa Woe Detroit, | Soe ne nee tee -New York. | Lane '& DeGroot.......... Long Island City, N. Y. Rorest City Paint & Varnish Co.. 'Cievelana Willian & Rodi 0. pace eet Cleveland: Marine Construction & Dry Dock Co....New York. New Jersey Zinc Co............ceeess New York. eas odgers Chien see ea eveland. | Truscott Boat Mfg. Co......... -St. Joseph, Mich. Also Ship Chandlers: : WIRE ROPE AND WIRE ROPE FITTINGS. : Willard, Chas. E. & COM eos ea Chicago. APPARATUS FOR SHIPS. Baker, Ho: Hi &: Cones ies cece ee ~> > a. Buffalo, s YAWLS, VENTILATING DeGrauw,. Aymar '& Co.................New York. | Drein, Thos. & Son. 25) c a. Wilmington, Del. Sturtevant, B. F. C0. 0.0.0 .26.-s 5. eect ee Boston. Upson- Walton CO, oes ks FUG cee ee eae cs as Lane & Petneets se ee Island City, N. Y¥. ALPHABETICAL The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks, The dagger () indicates that advertisement appears once a month. INDEX OF 'ADVERTISERS: MARINE REVIEW. IN THE For addresses see advertisements on pages noted Russell & Watson MAYien Joon Fo. 2. oc... see ss 3}. Elphicke, -C. Ws. & Co... 0.2. 2% 48 | McCarth OR ag | Russell & Watson ..2..0...072.. 40 Almy nee Tube Boiler Co.. - Elwell, Jas. W. & Co. ...4-..2 6. 48 MoCurdy, Gin: 7 Oe: i American Buteau of: Shipping. . : oe . eas Tone Consterewy i! Fahey eo an g Safety Car Heating & Lighting ote cae Piuidiae Co... a un Falls Hollow Staybolt. Co, .< 3... av | Macbeth 'Iron Co... -; Rees DOs ACO ee as ee American Ship Wi dlas Co. aust. Wis eee ose 481) MacDonald, Ray G.:.,.. 32.053 49 Sands "Alfred Bok Son. American Sip Gai e = . Fields, Capt JoM =. 421 Manitowoc Dry Dock Co........ 41 | Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co. 88 American Steam Gauge Co....-- 56 Fitz-Simons & Connell Co.......54| Marine Iron ; Bay. City; Mich.47 |) Schrader's Sons, Aw. 10. 65. 4. & Armstrong Cork Co.....--...++: 12| Fix's S., Sons...............- 54] Marine Iron ce. Daluth. 232 \2. 41 | Seaboard Steel Casting Co......; a 6 poten Vere Ornate ee 41| Fleming & Co., P. H........... 48 | Marine Mfg. & Supply Co........... 40} Seattle Nautical School......... 55 Pe I Gl Pletcher, Wo & A Coo. 8, 41°], Martii-Barriss Co. 22525. .452 533 43 | Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes... 49 pepenuc Works) Tne, ses **" "55 | Fogg, M. W. ..-..-.eeseecn eens a Matteson & Drake is.) .. 0) 49.| Shelby Steel, Tube Co.:..... <, 38 prea, © C8) Theo: Pore. River Ship & Engine Co.. Meéckes, John 2:0... e, 45 | Sheriffs Mig, CO. ceo. corse es 44 Forest City Boiler Co. Fe Midland Towing & Wrecking Co., Shipowners' Dry Dock Co....... = oe City Paint & Varnish Co. "40 sity Ltd. ed ie ete Be Shipping hab Cie = ilcox Co........+-- 8 ankrort . ° ilwaukee Dry Dock Co........ ainicks) Fo Goo a ee : ae Aachor Co. fas i es 38 : ass . ae ee 3 Siegel- cor Co. ae ; H. & Co.....-.- 56 1-Electric Co.......¢....,12| Mooers Co., H. ......-.--.00- i O, James Boo BO Ol bog cocci! Ch ee ge tan Bi Mone @ Sm, & Toe ae P| *dunith &:Seuy Abram. 0070.01 ; Blake, Geo. F., Mfg. Co....... 12) BAsiact © C6 Con 43 | Mosher Water-Iube Boiler Co...43 | Smith Co, lL. Pow a. Alo... 54 pie Chas. tS ee, 38 Gogebic Steam Boiler Works... 41 | Moulton Steering Engine Co...42 rae Coal & Dock Co., Stanley 5 et a Be 48] Goulder, Holding & Masten..... AS Ne ee le Ba ee eee ees pete . oO Wine eee a Great Lakes Engineering Works. a aes, jake opti Stanley ie é CO. hee Sou rale ©. oe ae ue re ROR Newport News Ship wee & standard. Chain Co.........-..-. 45 ones, LL. ML. Col rs . 38 Dry. Dock Coo 63... J Standard Gauge Mnig: Co. ..2.5...0 7 Bro ae foe. f48) Pall S Root. as ee ee 48 |New Jersey Zinc Co............ 6) "Standard Oi Co... . 3. ee eg ean. & es eo ols 48 | Hanna, M. A. ce Co..........5- 47| New York Belting & Packing Co. : Stark Dredge & Deck Co., C. H..54 Po H isti 1g Machinery 'Co. Hawgood & Co., W. A. ......... 48' Nicholson Ship Log Co......... Steel, Adamo... 35.) 105.2... 49 ae. ae y 9 | Helm*& Co., Defoe e Nort cates Steam Boiler i Sterling ' Welth Co 3g . edging Co. a Hol , Samuel .........++---- One ee lee oe AEN CCOS oe pe ct pe we nat ane Bul Peering co pe ta Hot Dustie & Kelley ic... 0: .: 48 : Stratford Oakum Co., Geo...... 45 es Hint, Robert W..&>Ca.. 25,5. 49 : : Stustevant, BF. Co, 052k 56 Hutchinson & Co. ........6...+5 48) Otis Steel Co. ree es 3 | Sullivan & CO ee Care 48 Chase Machine Co 6| Hyde Windlass Co...........-- 56 Superior Ship: Building Co...... 40 rt ph iynd, Mienander oo .s9 cos oe 49 hese eee t Dicdee & Pee ey Sula ae - eae ph REN Boiler Co...43 i j eo eee temple Pump (dc. 635 es OP ee tear i i *Penberthy Injector Co..... .. 3 Chicago Ship Building a oe 10 eee Mee oa eee Margate ee ee of Thropp, | J, E : & Sons Go. sea! 4 6 Cat Pon ¥ ae 7. 9 | Ironville Dock & Coal Co....... 47 os cite Bs ga Toe Go a *Contractors' Supply & Equipment Tt a : an oo ee . .... 40 | Truscott Boat Mfg. Co........... 40 OO eee a Jenkins Brothers .,:..-...--><.- 12| Pickands, Mather & Co......... 47 ' Oe ae nonin Goo 38 Jenks Ship Pane 11) Pinney & Warner ....-.-+.+.++. 48 | Union Machine & Boiler Co..... 47 jcime Ship Building ae Bittsbure <Coal Co... 2 ko... 11] Upson-Walton Co. ........... "86 Cramp, Wm. & Sons, S. & E. B. Baa : Pittsburg Testing Laboratory, U. S. Metallic Packin g Co Coa 56 ae eee re ne ett a Kahnweiler's Sons, David.......40 Mik ee cee ee Be oe, *Crandatl & Son, H. I. .....-- 43-55 potent rk Ce... 4 eee a Potter & Potter Se 49 Crane Con ck. wes es HAR SAN oe Kidd. losenh 2 oe Dc : *Kieley & Mueller'. .1...--. 53. 43 | Powell Ambrowe Vo orca 49 | Victor Metals Co. ........-.+00- 2 eater Foundry & ee Prindwille & Co.........55 48 web ies a ea a Oe ee ee 46 WOLKE? ces ee one ieee ieee: : Se pon Bae "& Chemical Wks. 8| Kremer, C. E. .....-------+0-:: 48 *Watson-Stillman Co. oe BS Delaaier Bollewille © Gs ee i rT of American & Foreign i Westinghouse Blectic & Mfg. Veer iran 6 BE: ileoad: s cic 28 << 55 Wk ii ack es 4d) a as ae River Iron S. B. "os ane & DeGroot ie fo 40 Bled Star Line ras El ae . White, Johnson, MoCastin & Caw lc. Shia Hatidine Co... *T earmontn, IKODETU 2c cece eee: 9 RROCRAL Yee 0 0 a eee Re eh Aww a8 ce OEE OE 2 ROE: lag ace owe aa be oe ee eee 4S Betroie Ship Pes Oss 9 oe ae Works Sana 46} Richardson, W. C.......--.+0++ 48 *Willard, Cian, P. & Co... 41 ee ite es hse were 46 | Lidgerwood Mfg. Co..........+- 45 nee ie ae eo 4 Williams & Rodgers Co... 45 CAM «6 Loelewood «Mig. Co.-....7-.--s 41 tchie one, eh Sos. sy DAY fm. i eee. Hy ee ae ee fee uO. Po os 49 Roberts Myer -Tube Boiler Co.. Ze a J. eb eee 7M. S. R3 BAL VO os Ss : Drip. fg lg li a edi ing Co.. oe age Ca Se 46 Raca Vhive Co. 3 a ae 461 Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal Co..47: ar ullivan re gi ee