Paint a Ship | watercavces: 6 | MARINE REVIEW SUPERIOR TO LINSEED OIL FOR ALL KINDS OF PAINTING © Cheaper and more durable--Does not require the addition of Dryers, and is 3 not affected by sulphur, or salt water. & Tran? att APAN Oil | TRADE MARK REGISTERED Ov Canina LEGHENSA JouRLNECOF BLACK PAINTS FOR PAINTING STACKS, CYLINDERS AND HULLS are widely used and highly esteemed. (Prices and samples furnished on application.) BNA ae widely om JAS. B. SIPE & CO. avtecueny, Pa, u.s.a. With white lead or any other "WILTBONCO" | white except Gauge Mountings. & e As supplied for all of the prin= cipal Navies of the World, / ] ni ( W h ite Merchant Marine, and for Lo- comotives, Automobiles, Sta- tionary and Portable Boilers. and you will have a shabby look- Ing ship at the beginning of her NOTE--With the ordinary Gauge first voyage. Paint with ZINC Glass Tube one cannot tell whether it WHITE and she will remain is full or empty. When filled with '* ship-shape" through several WATER the REFLEX GauGE always appears BLACK. When empty, it wey Rees. instantly shows WHITE. No mistake THE possible. This feature alone is of FREE greatest importance. Our Practical Pamphlets: New Jersey SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 'The Paint Question." 'Paints in | Zinc Co., : Wi. T. BONNER « CO., Architecture."' ee eons for : ENGINEERS, rchitects."' CONTRACTORS AND MANUFACTURERS, 'French PORErOmeDS 71 Broadway, STEAM BOILER ACCESSORIES. : 53 STATE STREET, BOSTON. We do nk grind ak ae ae Factory: Charlestown, Mass. Send for list of zinc paint manufacturers. NEW YORK OFFICE, 141 BROADWAY. = ie i ; Ceo a fay | xN Ts ~ HOISTING ENGINES | AUTOMATIC TOWING MACHINES Suitable for all Boats from 3: to2001# | OF all kinds. and sizes, and | Somewhat the ae Ter HLT Over too in successful use. | for all purposes, especially | altogether the best. Positively | Also the well known and always [| for ship use.- | : guaranteed. ee! reliable Wootlers Gas or Gasolene | Docking and Hauling Engines | Automatic fos Whistle Machines - Stationary Engines. PVM ieee Cy Loa eC CL Steam Steering Engines. Te CM a eA TIL ME Reece) CCV Abe CT oS ce THE CHASE MACHINE CO. Engineers and Machinists, CLEVELAND, Onto. SIPE'S JAPAN OIL