eM A RI N Es R Vd Bw Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade For a more complete classification than that represented by advertisers in the Marine Review, see the BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING, marine and naval directory of the United States, published by the Marine Review, Cleveland. See accompanying index of Advertisers for full addresses of concerns in this directory. 4IR COMPRESSORS, AIR HOISTS, ETC. Great Lakes Engineering Works... ...Detroit. Mietz; Auge ae ee ee a ee -New York. AIR PORTS, DEAD LIGHTS, TO. Marine Mfg. & Supply Co........ New York. AIR PUMPS AND APPLIANCES. Fore River Ship & Engine Co..Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. ANCHORS. Bowers, L. M. & Co...... Binghamton, N. Y. DeGrauw, Aymar & Co............ New York. Seaboard Steel Casting Co....... Chester, Pa. ANTI-FOULING AND ANTI-CORROSIVE COM= POSITION FOR STEEL VESSELS. Holzapfel's American Composition Co..New York. ANTI-FRICTION METALS. Cramp Wis & OONS eo se aico ss Philadelphia. Victor Metals Covi e. 3. e200. Braintree, Mass. ARTIFICIAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Ship Building Co..... .+-Cleveland, Detroit ship Building Co. 25, <i. cis Detroit. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. Sturtevant, B. F.,.Co-.:... ..-Hyde Park, Mass. ASH EJECTORS. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. ATTORNEYS AND PROCTORS IN AD- MIRALTY. Gilchrist; Albert J... 33. ..5.- 000-0 Cleveland. Goulder, Holdin Je Masten: .. 2.3. Cleveland. Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley. . 22.03. cas. Cleveland. Kremer, Ci: Bey cies bc cb wa ice os Chicago. MacDonald, Ray Gin... sce. Chicago. Potter MP OReGr ccc. hess ae ee ee .... Buffalo. Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes........ Detroit. White, Johnson, McCaslin & Cannon Cleveland. BAROMETERS, a GLASSES, Ritchie; ©. S.-& Sons... 3.. Brookline, Mass. BELTING, RUBBER. New York Belting & Packing Co....New York. BLOCKS, SHEAVES, ETC. Boston & Lockport Block Co....Boston, Mass. Cleveland Block Cos 3.0. 6c Cleveland. BLOWERS. Sturtevant; BoP: Co. 32.0... Hyde Park, Mass. BOAT BUILDERS. : Drem, Thos: & -Son.......7. Wilmington, Del. Kahnweiler's Sons, David......... New York. Lane & DeGroot ....long Island City, N. Y. Marine Construction & D. D. Co........ becciees Mariners, Harbor,.°S. 1, N.Y. Truscott Boat Mfg. Co....St. Joseph, Mich. Willard, Chas. P. & Co.Winthrop Harbor, Ill. BOILER COMPOUNDS. Dearborn Drug & Chemical Works....Chicago. BOILER MANUFACTURERS, Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. Providence, R. I. American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Atlantic Works ....... ...East Boston, Mass. Babeock & Wilcox Co,........:.% New York. Bertram Engine Works Co., Ltd. ....... a aaa sah ee race ieaies Ces Toronto, Can. Chicago .Ship Building Co... ..... 6: Chicago. ramp; Wim. & Sons. . i536 cs, Philadelphia. Delauney, Belleville & Co..St. Denis, France. Detroit ay Biiding Coos. es Detroit. Fletcher, AL & Con: Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Shipbuilding Co........ Quincy, Mass Georgian Bay Engineering Works....... wee teececseceeeececeeses Midland, Ont. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. BOILER MANUFACTURERS--Continued. Tenks Ship Building Co....Port Huron, Mich. Kingsford Foundry & Machine Works.... Dee UA ae aoe eo cc ecb weaiere Oswego, N.Y. Marine Thon: WOtkS. (00 tise ee Chicago. Maryland Steel Cov.....%.. Sparrows Point, Md. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co.......... Milwaukee. Mosher Water Tube Boiler Co....New York. Newport News Ship Building Co........ ste arcs Gok eG na ca cS Newport News, Va. -New York Shipbuilding Co......... Camden, N. J. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. Co.... SS odie Stace) Mevaea ey ie weace aes Duluth, Minn. Roberts Safety Water Tube Boiler Co... Stirling, «Che: Covi. e. aees sk Chicago. Superior Ship Building Co....Superior, Wis. Taylor Water Tube Boiler Co........Detroit. Willard; Chas. P. & Co..Winthrop Harbor. III. BOILER RIVETS. Bourhe-Fuller: Cos 52 Cleveland. BOILER STAYBOLTS, IRON OR STEEL, HOLLOW OR SOLID. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co..Cuyahoga Falls, O. BOILER TUBES, MARINE. Readinglron Con. =. Reading, Pa. BRASS AND BRONZE CASTINGS. Cramp; Wm; & Sons. 3.5.3... Philadelphia. Fore River Ship & Engine Co..Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. Lunkenheimer Co. ......... Rates ek Cincinnati. Macbeth: Tron Co; 3. ce eee ee Cleveland. Victor Metals Co...... SR Braintree, Mass. BRIDGES, BUILDERS OF. john RP Cowing ae Cleveland. Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co....Chicago. BUCKETS, ORE AND COAL. Brown Hoisting & Conveying Machine Co. ae esis ate te Ce ye eas Cleveland. MeMyler Mfg. Co.......... te Cleveland. CABIN AND CABINET FINISHING WOODS. Martin-Barriss Co....... iy os een ss Cleveland CAPSTANS. American Ship Windlass Co. .Providence, R. I. Hiyde Windlass Coc... 0.2 205.5. Bath, Me. Marine Mfg. & Supply Co........ New York. ' CEMENT, IRON FOR REPAIRING LEAKS, Smooth-On Mfg. Co..,..... Jersey City, N. J. 'CHAINS, Lebanon Chain Works.......... Lebanon, Pa. Woodhouse Chain Works.......... Trenton, N. J. CHAIN CONVEYORS, HOISTS. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. (Inc.).... Bins hy sae Cn cee ct een es Cleveland. General Electric Co........ Schenectady, N. Y. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co....... Rein ee soles ete are so ots Pittsburg, Pa. CHAIN HOISTS. Boston & Lockport Block Co....Boston, Mass. CHARTS. Renton, bublishing Co... <3, Cleveland. POUleI Hae en ee ee oe ac London. CLOCKS (Marine and Ship's Bell) AND CHRONOMETERS. Menton Valve CO... 0c... ku. Boston. Ritchie, B.S; -& Sons... : . Brookline, Mass. COAL PRODUCERS AND SHIPPERS. Hanna, MA. & Coss. 8. ec. Cleveland. Pickands, Mather. & Co............ Cleveland. Hitspure Coal Co... 3.226 Cleveland. COAL AND ORE HANDLING MA- CHINERY. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. (Inc.) .. wise dala cole eels Cecilia piele else areas Cleveland. McMyler Mfg. Co........... ooo Cleveland. COMPASSES. Ritchie; 6, S: & Sons: so... Brookline, Mass. COMPOSITIONS FOR SHIP'S BOTTOMS. Holzapfel's American Compositions Co.New York. CONDENSORS. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. Detroit. Thropp & Sons Co., John E....Trenton, N. J. CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES. Contractors Supply & Equipment Co., Chicago. CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC WORKS. Buttalo DredgirgoCos, 270.5 4 os. Buffalo. Chicago & Gt. Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. pieiele a/e's iw iecatsneusts Si curle wie EN ee hicago. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co...... Buffalo. Fitz-Simons & Connell Co.......... Chicago. Hickler Bros. 2... - Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Lake Superior Contracting & Dredging Co., Belles eet es eee Duluth, Minn. smith: Co, le Po ey Aa Cleveland. Starke Dredge & Dock Co., C. H..Milwaukee. Sullivan, «Mee ee ee Detroit. CORDAGE. Baker ®& Co. Ho He Buffalo, DeGrauw,. Aymar, & Co... 7: New. York. Upsou=Walton Co. 2.02. 2 Cleveland. CORK JACKETS AND RINGS. Armstrong Cork Co..> 2... Pittsburg, Pa. Kahnweiler's Sons, D.-:.......... New York. CRANES, TRAVELING. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co..... Cleveland. MeMyler Mic.-Co." 3) 3 Cleveland. DIVING APPARATUS. Moree; A. Je & Son... ee B : Schrader's Son, Avy. 72 7) os New Jork DREDGING CONTRACTORS. uttalo: Dredging Co... 6.6 2s Buffalo. Chicago & Gt. Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.. News esis ae eee elec erica es. Chicago: Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co...... Buffalo. Fitz-Simons & Connell Co.......... Chicago. Hickler Bros,: scsi: Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Lake Superior Contracting & Dregding Co., ae eae ee eer Nee ate ane tt seer Duluth, Minn. Smith sCossl; Pa& Fol ee Cleveland. Starke Dredge & Dock Co., C. H. .Milwaukee. Sullivan, M. ..--Detroit. Cee meee ne rere revo ee DRYING APPARATUS. Sturtevant, B. F., Co......... Hyde Park, Mass. DRY DOCKS. American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Atlantic Works .......... East Boston, Mass. Buffalo: Dry: Dock Co... .2557,.0 Buffalo. Chicago: Ship Building Co:%.. 33: 3. Chicago. Craig Ship Building Co.......... Toledo, O. Cramp, Wm. & "Sons. .iy0. 4 Philadelphia. Detroit. Ship 'Building Co... <2. Detroit. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. Lockwood Mfg. Co........ East Boston, Mass. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co.......... Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co........ ciceeveas sete Reece Newport News, Va. Shipowners Dry Dock Co.......... Chicago. Superior Ship Building Co....Superior, is.