34 ; TRAE MARINE REVIEW . STHE NEW CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMERS - The accompanying illustration reproduced from a photo of Mr. Arthur Cox's painting of the new Canadian Pacific Railway steamers will give a good idea of these new ves- sels when they go into commission next year. These liners will be completed and placed in commission at the opening of the next Canadian season. They will be named the Empress of Britain and the Empress of Ireland. The former was launched on Noy. 11, and the Empress of Ireland will be put in the water about Jan. 20. The Cana- dian Pacific Railway Co. seems determined to be in the very front rank of the Canadian steamship services, and these two magnificent steamers, which will be larger and CHICAGO GRAIN REPORT Chicago, Nov. 22.--The movement of past week notes a slight increase over the previous period: the: shipping inquiry, however, rather a little in excess of vessel supply, rates ruled firmly @ 3%4c wheat, and 3c corn for Buffalo. It is expected this figure will continue throughout the present week, Receipts are quite satisfactory and likewise the Eastern 'cash inquiry, but the great bulk of the traffic owing to the Buffalo congestion--favoring the railroads. The following not of distribution is self-explanatory: Via all rail lines of flour 112,052 bbls.; wheat 127,347 bu.; corn 905,595 bu.; oats 2,192,578 bu. and barley 355,000 bu. Via lake to NEW CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMER EMPRESS OF BRITAN. faster than any passenger steamer hitherto run on the route, will help materially to realize that ambition. In their construction many new features for the comfort and convenience of passengers, and the protection of perish- able freight have been introduced. The company further are sparing no expense in the fitting out of these liners, which will have accommodation on a magnificent scale for a very large number of first; second and third class passengers. Their dimensions are: length, 550 ft. between perpendiculars; 570 ft. over all; beam, 65 ft.;, depth, 40 ft. and gross register tonnage 14,500 tons. They will make the passage from Liverpool to Quebec in less than week. The company is looking forward with confidence to their acquisition. LAUNCH OF STEAMER BIXBY AT WYANDOTTE, NOV. 16 Buffalo and other American ports of flour 78,900 bbls; wheat 95,000 bu.; corn 716,000 bu, and oats 82,000 bu. And Via lake to Canada points of flour 1,179 bbls. and oats 181,000 bu. Lake and rail shipment-- This Week Last Week Same Week . last year. Wheat 222,347 594,221 917,014 Corn 1,622,561 710,045 581,622 Oats - 2,455,308 ~---1,786,170 ~~ --'1,049,057 Rye 26,874 23,130 63,814 Barley ; 355,109 365,056 375,949 4,082,259 3,479,222 ---2,987,456 Flour 192,198 Bbls, 258,883 123,385 Shipments since Jan, 1, 1905-- Same Wee k : last yea r Wheat 12,019,175 15,794,144 Corn s 83,659,187 65,473,074 Oats : 55,809,309 42,800,853 Rye 1,029,568 | 1,416,512 Barley 5,577,946 4,896,337 158,185,185 130,380,920 Flour 6,408,870 Bbls. 6,450,681 Stocks of grain in Elevators-- This Week Last Week Same Week ; last year, Wheat 8,802,000 7,495,000 3,903,000 Corn 1,464,000 1,235,000 750,000 Oats 13,478,000 13,739,000 8,855,000 Rye 555,000 401,000 '434,000 Barley 342,000 395,000 143,000 24,641,000 23,325,000 14,085,000 Capt. George B, Mallory of the steamer Amasa Stone was stricken with pneumonia on his steamer at the Sault and was brought to Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, in a serious condition under the care of a physician, Capt. Charles Christy will be master of the new Anchor Line steamer Delaware.