"TAE MaArRINE. REVIEW 9 CLEAN BOILERS | Dearborn Water Treatment made to suit the case. 'Takes off the scale, keeps it off, stops corrosion and foaming. Send gallon of water for analysis. G. R. CARR, Mer. Marine Dept. 16 BRANCH OFFICES IN THE U. &. 227-234 Postal Telegraph Blidg., CHICAGO. y mG V/ & Yi Y UO aa url Ys YZ Uy e/a VA Oi Sa | F itis a distinctive feature of the U.S. Automatic Injector, and has these special and exclusive advantages: 1. It drains the Injector when not in use, and though the check-valve leaks. This is impossible without the Drip-Cock. ES V 3. By opening Drip-Cock you can start with < "i/ / WU \\ os lower steam. Yj; LS : 4, By leaving it open, when not in use, it prevents os WKY, suction of pipe from getting hot, or jet from "lim- ' ey /\\ »S thus prevents freezing. ZG y . . . | | h ' Uy 2. By leaving it open you can'start Injector even | yy S ing up" when steam or check-valve leaks. A |! i, F all Made in Canada by. a = : uy Write for the Engineers Red Book.. You need ttand we A AAU AIL cae that helps me will send it free on request Windsor Ont 5 " _ most ; ; 2 i we | I Rae D 5. It enables you to take hot water out of a hot I . . suction pipe on a long lift. petra 6. It is always handy for draw:ng hot water for any pur- fl *) hi SLI AR SANTA, . pose when injector is working. 3 pean American Injector Company | We manufacture Water Gages, Gage Cocks Detroit 6 A Otland Greare Cups, Fyectors, Orl Pumps, ete. tg ee PENBERTHY INJECTOR CoO., . ' DETROIT, MIicH. PITTSBURG COAL COMPANY GENERAL OFFICE, LAKE DEPARTMENT, PERRY=-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO Steamboat Fueling Facilities at Various Points on the Great Lakes . 1 . 1, CLEVELAND HARBOR|S Lighters)" FAIRPORT HARBOR/j Lighter. ERIE HARBOR) Fuel Pockets. ASHTABULA HARBOR }{ Lighters DETROIT RIVER BRANCH | oon dwich and Amberstburg: Dock and Pockets at Detour. SAULT RIVER BRANCHES 'Bock and Pockets at Sault Ste. Marie. (The Port Royal Dock Co.) WE FURNISH ONLY THE BEST GRADE OF PITTSBURG AND YOUGHIOGHENY COAL x eke Ke KKK HH