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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 1 Mar 1906, p. 56

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56. TAE. MARINE. REVIEW Books - on Naval Architecture, Ship Yard Practice, Seamanship, Etc. AZIMUTH TABLES BETWEEN PARALLELS OF LATI- TUDE 30° AND 60° INCLUSIVE--Burdwood......... ° AZIMUTH TABLES FOR Pee RE OF LATITUDE BE- TWEEN 40° N. AND 50° N. INCLUSIVE--Hydrographic OMCO eos oct sh ice be reels cas Micee eis sue veers wees. ae AMERICAN PRACTICAL NAVIGATOR--Nathaniel Bowditch. $ 1908. Edition: 5... .i 6566. eos $2 00 50 25 CLASS BOOK OF no age aoe CUE ae Off--Theoretical--By W. J. Lovett......... Sere vaeeueu ce COURSE CORRECTOR--A ae aid to those who use true and magnetic courses, and apply deviation, etc.--Capt. R. M. Pugsley COURSE PROTRACTOR--Capt. R. M. Pugsley CURRENT-COURSE PROJECTOR--Use this instrument and know exactly how much to allow for a current--Capt. R. M. Pugsley.. DATA BOOK--Naval architects and engineers' data book. By T. H. Watson. A reliable and simple means of recording valu- able data, etc., of vessels and engines. Size of book, 83 in. by 65 in., eloth sists errs oes es eae cree Cece css ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENA AND, THE DEVIA. TIONS OF THE COMPASS--Com. T. A 'yons ... ELEMENTARY NAVAL TACTICS--Bainbridge-Hoff..... cas ELEMENTARY SEAMANSHIP--By Barker. _larged edition ..... ies ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION--Henderson ....... eccccccce ELEMENTS OF YACHT DESIGN--Norman L. Skene..... GUIDE tothe U.S. Local Inspectors examination of masters and mates of ocean-going steam and sailing ships, with complete instructions and informtaion for those who wish to learn naviga- tion and save the expense of attending school by preparing themselves for the examination--Capt. R. M. Pugsley HAND BOOK OF ADMIRALTY LAW--Robt. M. Hughes.. _ ON LEGAL DUTIES o SHIPMASTERS--B. W. Gis urg HOW TO BUILD A LAUNCH FROM PLANS--, with general instructions for the care and running of gas engines. Chas. BVI 6c cece cciecu cies os ee ccccccce eer ccccccce eoecccccce INDICATOR PRACTICE--Hemenway veces Somes elec see bce ee INTERNATIONAL SIGNAL CODE--Bureau uf ee. INOW CQIION ooo 5 oc c's gs onsb 06 65 0 bh ik 06a 6 cise eae oe wave a KNOW YOUR OWN SHIP--Thos, Walton .......scecececece : LAKE AND COAST NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL AS. ERONOMY-----Int.:: Textbook Co... sé 6 aes os cc cece soo abecs MAGNETISM AND THE DEVIATION OF THE COMPASS IN TRON SHIPS -- hos: &; Ainsley ..0).... oe ee ee MANUAL OF ALGEBRA--R. C. Buck. For the use, more es- pecially, of young sailors and officers in the merchant navy; se we ee ew eee tee ees New and en- numerous examples and exercises ..... Rs eects. Saetts MARINE INSURANCE--W. Gow ......... Sielesica vice be acess MARINE PROPELLERS--Barnaby.,.......ccccseces ceesiee ss MARINER'S COMPASS IN AN IRON oe or to keep it efficient and use it intelligently--J. W. Dixon...... Rene cise MODEL ENGINES AND SMALL ned M. Hopkins. New methods of engine and boiler making; ship design and construction; fifty illustrations MODERN NAVIGATION: A text book of navigation and nautical astronomy suitable for De examinations of the royal navy and Poatd of education--Wm. A. Hall.:...2.2.0...6.036 2 a oe. PRACTICE OF SHIP BUILDING IN IRON AND TEEL--Samuel J. P. Thearle. Two volumes. Second edi- ae revised and enlarged: i .sc os. bccccccscscsi ccs. Be ee MODERN SEAMANSHIP--Lieut. Com. Austin M. Knight, U. S. x qanened as the text book of the United States Naval CRUE OSs. oS vce Wei a ces oe We ee eeae ees Sees. eee es Ay ARCHITECTS AND SHIPBUILDERS' POCKET OOK--Clement Mackrow. Formulae, rules and tables, and once engineers' and surveyors' Handy Book of Reference. Eighth edition, revised and enlarged NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A manual on laying off iron and steel vessels--Thos. H. Watson. Valuable for naval architects as well as beginners in' ship yards....... Mesias vote 6 os cia : NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--Cecil H, Peabody. Just published... NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--Sir W. H. White. 750 pages New edition. 50 1 00 3 00 1 50 6 00 2 00 2 50 1 00 2 00 2 00 8 75 _1 75 1 50 2 00 3 50 2 00 1 50 1 60 4 50 1 00 1 25 2 60 5 25 @ 00 5 00 5 00 7 50 9 00 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--W. J. Lovett. Practical, Theoretical. NAVAL. CONSTRUCTOR --By Geo. Simpson. NAVAL DICTIONARY--Howard Patterson...... ces ibe NAVIGATION SIMPLIFIED--C. E. McArthur. Containing all problems required for U. S. Local Inspector's Examination of Masters and Mates of seagoing vessels ....... OCEAN NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL TABLES--Int. Textbook Co. PILOT AND HOW TO DO THE WORK---A small pocket guide to the U. S. Local Inspectors examination of masters and mates of ocean-going steam and sailing ships......... 00... .cceecceeeeee eer BOOK OF MARINE ENGINEERING, RULES AND ABLES--Seaton and Rounthwaite. For marine engineers, natal architects, superintendents and others engaged in eoeee Coeeroeereeceseeeeeeeeseeseseeeeseseesee construction of marine machinery ............0. Sais s sie Gene PRACTICAL COMPASS ADJUSTMENT on Iron, Composite and Wooden Vessels. Illustrated.--Capt. W. J. Sm ith «2... PRACTICAL INFORMATION ON THE DEVIATION OF THE COMPASS, for the use of Masters and Mates of Iron one Jud. Towson aes SEAMANSHIP FOR USE IN THE MERCHANT SERVICE: Including all ordinary subjects; also Steam Seamanship. Wreck Lifting, Avoiding Collision, Wire Splic- ing, Displacement and everything necessary to be known by seamen of the present day. Second edition, illustrated.-- John Todd and W. B. Whall.......... ee Ce blero aes Meee aloes PRACTICAL SHIPBUILDING: A treatise on the structural design and building of modern steel vessels--By A. Campbell Holms-- (LE WO VONIMES) ct yee ce ieee a Oe eS RESISTANCE AND PROPULSION OF SHIPS--Durand.. SAILING DIRECTIONS FOR THE GREAT LAKES--Hydro- graphic Office--Separate book for each lake--50 cents each Ce Ce eceeccerece sere ceseceees Of. full: Seb Ore. ec ck ce eee ccc ceihes eels Whe beer ees i SAILS AND SAILMAKING.......... Sal views cle ce reese deece SCOTT'S COAST PILOT--Geo. Scott........ Seieeercleeea «cas SCREW PROPELLER COMPUTER--McDermott.........000 SCREW PROPELLERS AND MARINE PROPULSION--I. McKim: Ghase= <<... csi cee cok o.; Seek ee bees Caceres es ; SELF-INSTRUCTION IN THE PRACTICE AND THEORY OF NAVIGATION--FEarl of Dunraven. Two volumes...... SELF-INSTRUCTOR IN NAVIGATION AND PRACTICAL GUIDE to the examinations of the U. S. Government In- spectors for masters and mates of ocean-going steamships and sailing vessels--Capt. W. J. Smith. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Cloth, bound ..<:.3<..<:.2.3. 3.0: Pes cecees SHIP BUILDING--Tables for constructing ship's our) Second é€dition; Archibald Hogg: ..: bs o2 00 os oc cock so mucden en ' apr oS OF NAVIGATION--Young, New second CGIHON ooo s Sere ecce ck cece acces Neawestacees © eecee ie cas ae YACHT CONST RUCTION AND RIGGING ee OD} oe occ eio sas icc cece ccs ss Sc aceisee oe seeee cen ee eesles STABILITY OF SHIPS--Sir E. J. Reed .........cscccccece STEEL SHIPS: Their Construction and Maintenance. A man- ual for ship builders, ship superintendents, students and ma- rine engineers--Thos. Walton ......... aie tie sisiela ce ecce cee ' TAIT'S SEAMANSHIP--Jas. Tait TEXT BOOK OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE---J. J. Welch . TEXT BOOK OF SEAMANSHIP--Com. S. B. Luce. U. S. N. Equipping and handling of vessels under sail or steam.. THEORETICAL NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A ee on 'is calculation involved in naval design--Samuel J. P. Thearle. Ine two volumes so. oi a ie coisa nce conc ccc becs cc ccskule "pees THEORETICAL NAVAL Bee ET URE Re. I, Attwood. Text "book; 1l4< diagrams: 23 665.6 osc ove eck ee Seees <c WAR SHIPS: A TEXTBOOK ON THE CONSTRUCTION, PROTECTION, STABILITY, TURNING, ETC., OF WAR VESSELS ---Ey Le Attwood v6 sose cocks bose ccc eke "WRINKLES" IN PRACTICAL NAVIGATION. Ninth 'Attia. revised. S: T. S. Lecky YACHT ETIQUETTE--Capt. Howard Patterson ......... Se cece ee Off, Chugt OUC, A9000) 2 rare ss hae ves ceca eet se A book on Ship Design for Students, Ship Builders and Owners, Marine Super- intendents, Engineers and Draughtsmen..................eeeeee: $2 50 50 1 00 8 00 2 00 2 00 9 00 10 1 00 00 00 00 40 50 73 60 00 50 80 00 40 00 Sent to any address, carriage prepaid, at prices named. There is no book on Navigation, Marine Engineering, Ship Building, sale by THE MARINE REVIEW, CLEVELAND, O. or the allied industries, that is not either published or for

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