62 VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. TAE MARINE. REVIEW ESIVESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. PRED P, BELCHER, Vessel and Insurance Agent, - 430 Grain Exchange, WINNIPEG, MAN. BP. O: = Box 230. S & LESTER, Steamship Agent and Freight Broker. Manager Steamer ST. LAWRENCE, 83 Dalhousie St. QUEBEC, QUE. PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. ALBERT | GILCHRIST, Proctor in Admiralty. 604 Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. JOHN J. BOLAND & CO.,, Vessel and Insurance Agents. 800-804 Prudential Bldg. Both Phones. BUFFALO, N. Y. C. W. Elphicke. J. J. Rardon. Ww. ELPHICKE & CO: Vessel and Insurance Agents. No. 6 Sherman St. Telephone, Harrison 1194. CHICAGO, ILE. Tr. R. MceCARTPEY, Steamship and Freight Broker. Chartering, Forwarding and General Com- mission Agent; and Broker for the Sale, Purchase and Construction of Steamers and 'Sailing Vessels. . Cable Address, "Macarthy, Montreal." (Watkins', Scott's Liebers and A. B. C. Codes Used.) Shipping Agent to The Asbestos & Asbestic o., Ltd., of Danville, Que. The Belgo Canadian, Pulp -& Paper .Co., .Vtd:,- of Shawinigan Falls, Que. Edward Lloyd, Ltd. Paper Manufacturer, of London (Eng.). '| 404 Board of Trade Bldg., MONTREAL, CAN. Correspondence Invited and Agencies Solicited. GOULDER, HOLDING & MASTEN, Law Offices. H. D. Goulder. S. H. Holding. F. S. Masten. Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. HOYT, DUSTIN & KELLEY, Lawyers and Proctors in Admiralty. Offices, 702 Western Reserve Bldg., CLEVELAND, O. E. J. FLEMING & CO. » Vessel and Insurance Agents. 24-25 No.6 Sherman St., CHICAGO. Office: Tel., Harrison 4975. Residence: Tel. Drexel 1736. J. Mitchell. J. F. Wedow. A. Mitchell. MIVCHELE & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. 508-10 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. Office Tel. M. 767. Res. John Mitchell, Doan 341. John F. Wedow, Doan 141-J. Alfred Mitchell, Doan 218. JOHN &. HALL, Vessel Agent. 17 Exchange Bldg., 202 Main St., Telephone, Seneca 802. BUPPALO,. N.Y. PARKER BROS. CO. Erp, Vessel, Marine Insurance and Wreck- img Agents. Marine Surveyors. Office Tel. Main 5314. Night: Main 290 ? Night: Grand 1723: J: 15 Atwater St. West, Derrorr, Micu. - JENKINS, RUSSELL & EICHELBERGER, Attorneys-at-Law and Proctors in Admiralty. 1520 Rockefeller Bldg. CLEVELAND. W. A. Hawgood. W. A. HAWGOOD & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Office, Main 2395. C. E. KREMER, Counselor at Law and Proctor in Admiralty. Suite 1505- 1506-1507 Fort Dearborn Bldg., CHICAGO, IEE: Arthur H. Hawgood. © 220-21 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. kc, Res. W. A. Hawgood,Doan 84-J. Likes. A. H. Hawgood, Doan 841-J. Wt RICHARDSON, Vessel Owner and Broker and Marine Insurance Agent. 420-421 Perry Payne Building, CLEVELAND, ©: Office Tel. 338. Residence Tel. 2938. RAY .G.. MacDONALD, Attorney-at-Law and Proctor in Admiralty. 1018 Hartford Building, Telephone, Central 2484 CHICAGO, ILL. Dt. Hee & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Telephones--Office 263. --Res. 381-3. Pie 2 3 oe MINN. D. Sullivan. F. J. Sullivan. DD. SULEIVAN & CO. ' Vessel Agents. Marine Insurance. 2-4 Sherman St. CoICAGO, TEL. Office Tel., Harrison 2847. Res. Ashland 2483. SHAW, WARREN, CADY & OAKES, Attorneys-at-Law. and Proctors im Admiralty. Union Trust Bldg., Detroit, Mich. SAMUEL HOLMES, Steamship Offices, For Selling, Chartering and Building all Classes Steam Vessels. Steam Vessel Circulars Weekly Freight Circulars. | Morris Bldg.,66-8 Broad St., New York. C. L. Hutchinson. W. H. McGean. BUTCHINSON & CO, Vessel and Insurance Agents. Office, Main 2453. Phones:+ Res. C. L. Hutchinson, Lake 244. . Res. W. H. McGean, Doan 274. 1408 Rockefeller Bldg. Cleveland. AAVAL ARCHITECTURE, by Tuos. H. Watson. A manual on laying off iron and steel vessels. Valuable for naval architects as well as beginners in ship yards. Price, $5.00. Order from THE Penton Pus. Co., Cleveland, O. WHITE, JOHNSON, McCASLIN & CANNON, Attorneys-at-Law and Proctors in Admiralty. Williamson Bldg. CLEVELAND, O. MARINE INSURANCE, by WILLIAM Gow. Price, $1.50. THe PENTON Pus. €o., Cleveland, O. AN ADVERTISEMENT IN THE MARINE REVIEW Will make your goods move faster,