TAE MARINE REVIEW , 35 indlasses and Capstans yea Selected fo the finns 'eid Dakota of the Great Northern Steamship Co.'s fleet--the largest vessels: ever: built. in: the: United... 4 4 States. They are also being in stalled on nearly all of the ves:els - now building for the ian D> part- | | ment, Revenue Cutter service, °° Lighthouse Board and the United ff . States Coast Survey. Steamship Minnesota equipped with Hyde Windlass and Capstans. Re as on-- Their Sup-uiority <P Send for Illustrated Catalog. : - HYDE WINDLASS COMPANY BATH, MAINE ee Geo. L. McCurdy : THE fe poues ' ; BOURNE-FULLER CO... | 169 Jackson Boulevard = - : IRON STEEL... OO CHICAGO ILLINOIS | PIGIRON © * a COKE...,.... Cleveland, Ohio. se BEA AEE , Set Sarda we Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company Atlantic Building, 51 Wall Street, New York Insures against marine and inland transportation risk and will issue: policies making loss payable in Europe and Oriental countries. Chartered by the State of New York in 1842, was preceded by 'a stock company of a similar name. The latter:company was Hanieatcanee art of ts capital. to the extent of $100,000, wasused, with consent of the stockholders, by the Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company and repaid, with a bonus and fnterest, at the'expiration of two years. ~~" ! BS Cae During its existence the company has insured prop- INSURANCE HULLS and CARGOES erty to the value of - - - - - $21,108,343,494.00 Received premiums thereon to theiextent of: - "- + 224,197,211.06 Paid losses during that period = 5 ee 12%, 760,071.08 Issued certificates of profits todealers -" -' -~- 81,310,840.00 Of which there have been redeemed... >. , + =. - > ,.73,744,440.00 -Leaving outstanding at presenttime - - ah a O° 7,500,400.00 ry Inter€st paid on'cértificates amounts to ») ere - 19,469,981.85 . _ DIRECT' REPPESENTATIVE OF LEADING. | fF | vse, suitr sr teten tur se naar ee atau anal AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS: || upon the premiums terminated.during the year, thereby reducing the cost of insuranée,./ | (+! CASS YQ Tia 4G ' Pre For such dividends, certificates are issued subject to dividends of interest until ordered to be redeemed; in accordance with the charter. : ee bie poy " Fon era Anton, A. RAVEN, Pres. THEO. P. JOHNSON, 2nd Vice-Pres. i i ¢ CORNELIUS ELDERT, Vice-Pres. - Jas. L. LIVINGSTON; 3rd Vice-Pres. ° _ G, STANTON FLoyp-JonESs, Secretary. . ; 1G