Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 11 Oct 1906, p. 44

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TAE MarRINeE REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine -Trade---Continuea. SHIP LANTERNS AND LAMPS. Upson-Walton Co.......... Cleveland. SHIP TIMBER. Beartin-bartiss Co......... Cleveland. SIGNALS--SUBMARINE. Submarine Signal Co............Boston SMOOTH-ON COMPOUND, FOR REPAIRS. Meeaetn On Nip. CO... i... .aa see. Oe ai ees Jersey City, N: J. STAYBOLT IRON OR STEEL BARS, HOLLOW OR SOLID. a Hollow meayolt: CO. 6p vee ce ee ens Cuyahoga Falls, O. -STEAM VESSELS FOR SALE. Holmes, Samuel .....:.. New York. MeCarthy, TIT. R.....Montreal, -Can. STEAMSHIP LINES, PASS, AND FREIGHT. @merican Line ..... 226%; New York. Menor "ite «2.8 ie ee os Buffalo. Boston Steamship ........ Boston. me 6, transit Co. ...... 225; Cleveland. International Mercantile Marine Co. Pe kk Philadelphia. mestlory 1 ine ->.....0. 6... New York. mew York & Cuba Mail S..S. Co.. BE En as oe ..New York. ee ...New York. | STEAM SPECIALTIES. Robertson, Jas. L. & Sons ..New York. STEEL CASTINGS. iris Steel Co... oe. ee Cleveland. _ $TEERING APPARATUS. American Ship. Building Co-......% Pee eee se Cleveland. ease: Machine Co....... Cleveland. Mee PF eine CO. i. ce ae os ; Pe ee Grand Haven, Mich. Detroit Ship Building Co.. Detroit. Peyvde Windlass Co.......°. Bath, Me. ; Marine Riis & Supply Co... us. ee es New York. Sherifis Mise C0) ic. . Wilwaukee. pUBMARINE pene APPARA- TU Rorse we 0, Aad Ss 5 nev sss Boston. Schrader's Son; Inc. A....New York. SURVEYORS, 'MARINE, Miynd. Alexander' .:..:..: Cleveland. ether Bros, Co., Ltd.:-.. Detroit. © Mure. JAMCS 2... ec. at Cleveland. Mee ACA. es ee Cleveland. Ps ac cece eee Chicago. TESTS OF MATERIALS. Hunt, Robert W. & Co...,Chicago. Lunkenheimer COn. .. Cincinnati, O. THERMIT Goldschmidt Thermit Co., 'New York City. TOOLS, METAL WORKING, FOR SHIP AND ENGINE WORKS. Watson-Stillman GCo...... New York. TOOLS, WOOD WORKING. Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. TOWING MACHINES. American Ship Windlass Co......... ne ay Oe een Providence, R. I. Chase Nachine Co... . 3: Cleveland. TOWING COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. ee aoe ee oe Kingston, Ont. Great Lakes Towing Co..Cleveland. TRUCKS. Doston & "Lockport Block Co. 2.22, Boston. Ce TUBING, SEAMLESS. ~ Shelby Steel Tube Co..Pittsburg, Pa. VALVES, STEAM SPECIALTIES, : ETC. JeGRiINS BYOS. 6... 3.065. : New York Lunkenheimer Co...:.... Cincinnati. ROSS Vilve CO.......; yoy, N=; VALVES FOR WATER AND GAS. ASaton Valve .COj..8 eas Boston. Lunkenheimer Co........ Cincinnati. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... eee Cleveland, O. ROSS: Valve €O., os: 'Troy, N.Y. Scoville Check Valve €o...7..7.,.°. Ashtabula, O. VESSEL AND FREIGHT AGENTS. Biers 4 a Winnipeg. Poland. Fant f....... oe. Buffalo. Dotelas, er, os soe Duluth Biphicke, ©. W. & Co.-.... Chicago. Tid): Onl bees oo bre Buffalo. Efelin -& €Co., -De Por Duluth. Hawgood & Co., W. A....Cleveland. Holmes; Samuel ......%. New York. Hutchinson: ©. Co... 3.3. Cleveland. MCC OLIOV Lk. is ia ee se: Montreal. VESSELS AND FREIGHT AGENTS--Con. Mitchell @ GCG..:. 2.2.20; Cleveland. Pater Bros. o,. Ltd.:~<.... Detroit. Pringivile GeCo. .. 5 vi. ess Chicago. Richardson, We Unact. Cleveland. Sullivan, D.. & Ge. as. ans Chicago WATER GAUGES. Lunkenheimer Co..... Cincinnati, O. WHISTLES, STEAM. Lunkenheimer Co... 23... Cincinnati. WILFORD'S WATERPROOF CLOTH. Bunker, 1. Ais. New York. WIRE ROPE AND WIRE ROPE FITTINGS. Barer: Hie ew GO... eesk ce Buffalo. Upstn- Walton Cos. iv... Cleveland. WINDLASSES. American Ship Windlass Co........ Providence, R. I. American Ship Buildirig Co........ ea BeEt ae ES . Cleveland. Dake dingine Cov oslo lcs cc, eee Se ie ee ee Grand Hen: Mich. Hyde: Windlass: Goc..- ...: Bath, Me. Marine. Mig.' &< Supply Co......5. ee ee eee New York. -. WINCHES. American; Ship: Windlass Co... 2.0... SH Eh eR Oe Providence, R. I. Hyde. Windlass Co.:..:... Bath, Me. WOOD WORKING. MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. WRECKING AND SALVAGE COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. bes ol ie oh ee Kingston, Ont. Great Lakes Towing Co..Cleveland. Parker 'Bros. -Co.,; -"Etd,.. 308 Detroit. YACHT AND BOAT BUILDERS. Pre Fnes. we SON... ce eas ee eee. Wilmington, Del. Manitowoc Dry .Dock. Co....<.. ia. Manitowoc, Wis. Truscott: Boat: Mic Co... 3. Sop ae es St. Joseph, Mich. YAWLS: Drein, 10s & Son... 2. ca oie: .... .Wilmington, Del. GASOLENE TTT ENGINES HOISTING ENGINES Suitable for all Boats from 3: tozoolh | OF all kinds and sizes, ah Over oo in successful use. Also the well known and always reliable Woollers Gas or soe Stationary Engines. for all NRL oy Ay Trar bY KRY Docking and Hauling su TA Ice ets ney se AUTOMATIC TOWING TU Emcee ee Ce altogether the best. SLND Cie Tac b ICANT MELE Ceu aks Steam Steering Engines. FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO. nN CHASE MACHINE CO. Engineers and Machinists, OREN WT

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