46 ; THE Marine. REVIEW VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS~ - PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. FRED P. BELCHER, T. R. McCARTHY, ALBERT J. GILCHRIST, Vessel oe Insurance Agent, oe of a eae Broker. Proctor in Admiralty. ood uote Uae het od mlasion hacee: Gud Mec? tor ake Sle, Rockefel'er Building, WINNIPEG, MAN. Purchase and Construction of Steamers |. P.O. Box. 230. 2 and Sailing Vessels. CLEVELAND, O, 1 Cable Address, '"'Macarthy, Montreal." (Watkins', Scott's Liebers. and A. B. C. Codes Used.) oe Shipping Agent to The Asbestos & Asbestic GOULDER, HOLDING & JOURN J}. BOLAND & CO, Co., Ltd. of Asbestos Que. The Belgo MASTEN, : a ec Ltd, OF Vessel and Insurance Agents. Shawinigan Falls, Que. Edward Lloyd: Ltd. Law Offices. - eee a GF London. Chab.). _D. Goulder. S. H. Holding. F. S. Masten. : - 804 Prudential Bldg. 404 Board of Trade Bldg., MONTREAL, CAN. vee OO ea Baldne oe ones: BUFFALO, Ni. Yu : es Aad and Agencies CLEVELAND, O. C. W. Elphicke. ei. Bardon. J. Mitchell. J. ¥F. Wedow. A. Mitchell. HOYT DUSTIN & KELLEY _C. W. ELPHICKE & CO. ~ ee foe . oe : Vessel and Insurance Agents Lawyers and Proctors in Admiralty. Vessel and Insurance Agents. 1504-6-8 Rockefeller Bldg., Cleveland, O. eee a R aa : Off ce Tel. M. 767. Res. John Mitche!], Doan 941. a ces, 702 estern Keserve g., No. 6 Sherman St. CHICAGO, ILL. John F. Wedow, Dead u41-J. oS Ue . CLEVELAND, O Alfred Mitchell, Doan 218. : ' Telephone, Harrison 1194. = JOHN B. HALL, - |. PARKER BROS. CO., Lr, || JENKINS, RUSSELL Vessel Agent. Vessel, Marine Insurance and Wreck- & EICHELBERGER, Rech Bide oor Main St ing Agents. Marine Surveyors. An ae eee ee Office Tel. Main 5314. Night: Main 290 | OREN Se Telephone, Seneca 802. ) Night: Grand 1723 J. and Proctors in Admiralty. BUFFALO, -N. Y. 15 Atwater St. West, Derrort, Micu. 1520 Rockefeller Bldg. CLEVELAND. ""W. A. Hawgood. Arthur H. Hawgood. W. C. RICHARDSON, CE. KREMER W. A. HAWGOOD & CO. ' Vessel Owner and Broker and Counlor at see ee d ' Vessel and Insurance Agents. Marine Insurance Agent. Procton in nies _ rey ane Eide. Eenees 0; Ae ca as oe Suite 1505-1506-1507 Fort Dea-born Budg., ret ee Wea Beary. Office Tel. 338. Residence Tel. 2938. CHICAGO, ILL. J D. Sullivan. F. J. Sullivan. Df? HELM & CO. "D. SULLIVAN & CO. RAY G. MacDONALD, Vesset aud Insurance Agents. ; Vessel Agents. eo a ang Telephones--Office 263. Marine Insurance. Proctor in Adena: ae 2-4 Sherman St, CHICAGO, ILL. 1018 Hartford Building, DULUTH,. - = MINN. Office Tel., Harrison 2847. Res. Ashland 2483. Telephone, Centril 2484 CHICAGO, ILL. SAMUEL HOLMES, oe 7 SHAW, WARREN, CADY & Steamship Offices, NAVatE: ARCHITECTURE, : OAKES 4 For Selling, Chartering and Building all : b ? Classes Steam Vessels. y Attorneys-at-Law. Steam Vessel espe Ppeight' Circulars. ' Tuos. H. Watson. one Proctors .in AGS | Morris Bldg.,66-8 Broad St., New York. A manual on laying off iron and steel Union Trust Bldg., Detroit, Mich. vessels. Valuable for naval architects as . well as beginners in ship yards. C. L. Hutchinson. W. H. McGean. + Price, $5.00. : WHITE, JOHNSON, V. eee. ond Jeu anes Agents. Onder fron ee - ce, Main : orneys-at-Law an Phones: Res C. L. Hutchinson, Lake 244. _ Tue Penton Pus. Co., Phocicrs te Aducralia. Res. W. H. McGean, Doan 274. Cleveland, O. . : a 1408 Rockefeller Bldg. Cleveland. Williamson Bldg., CLEVELAND, O. SSE. Zent. sora ake Vessel and Insurance Agents Wititam Gow. , ace _No. 21 NEW INSURANCE BUILDING, Price, $1.50. Telephones : OES | Fonith 14. _ TELEPHONE MAIN 99, THE PENTON Pus. Co., Residence, Bell 561. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Cleveland, O. FRANK MAYTHAM, | 2, 8. BILLETT, AN ADVERTISEMENT Attorney and Counsellor at Law Vessel A gent IN THE ee array: , 811 Union Bank Building, MARINE REVIEW 10 Marine Exchange Bldg , BUFFALO, N. Y. WINNIPEG. Will make your goods move faster.