TAeE. Marine. REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade---Continuea. SHIP LANTERNS AND LAMPS. SURVEYORS, MARINE--Continued. VESSELS AND FREIGHT AGENTS--Con. Upson-Walton Co.......... Cleveland. Steel, Adam: 3. /. 2.34: Cleveland. Hawgood & Co.,°W. A....Cleveland. SHIP TIMBER. WN GOOG, VW ios ces ces Chicago. Holmes, Samuel .....7: Nee oe Martin-Barriss Co......... Cleveland. SYPHONS Hutchinson & Co......... Cleveland. SHOES. Philip Braender....New York City. McCarthy, T. Rave Montreal. Hmerson Shoe Co: :..... Cleveland. Mitchell & Cosa Cleveland: SIGNALS--SUBMARINE TESTS OF MATERIALS. Parker Bros. Co; Ltd..:..: Detroit. ; eee? : Hunt, Robert W. & Co....Chicago. Prindiville & Co...%....0%: Chicago. Submarine Signal Co............Boston Lunkenheimer Co....Cincinnati, O. Richardson. W: Co. s...-.. Cleveland. ee eee OND, FOR THERMIT Sillivan, D. 66 CO:c..¢o028. -. Chicago Smooth-On Mfg. co. is ee Goldecamidt ae York Gi WATER GAUGES. : er ee Jersey City, N. J. fer eneseres en es tn AVEW SOF ity. Lunkenheimer Co.....Cincinnati, O. THREAD CUTTING TOOLS. S"BARS, HOLLOW OR SOLID. Armstrong Manufacturing Co. ..... iunbeuiciers Co Cecuan Falls Hollow Staybolt Co....... ee Bedeeper th, Com oo ee ae Cuyahoga Falls, O. | TOOLS, METAL WORKING, FOR WILFORD'S WATERPROOF SHIP AND ENGINE WORKS. CLOTH. | STEAM VESSELS FOR SALE, --_ Watson-Stillman Co....... New York, Bunker, E. A........... New York. mimes, oamuel 225 505. ew York. "McCarthy, I. R..:..Montreal, Can. TOOLS, WOOD WORKING. WIESE HOVE AND ihe Ye Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. FITTINGS. STEAMSHIP LINES, PASS, AND Baver, HH. fo& Coc... Buffalo. FREIGHT. ; OG ee Upson- Walton Co. <:...... Cleveland. Pomerican Lie |... 2.2... New York. merican ip mdiass €6.5(, 020.5 Boston Steamship ES Boston: 22 + sce se tees Providence, Reok > - WINDLASSES. i & Vransit Co....... 655. Cleveland. Chase Machine Co....... Cleveland. Bene Se eS ga vidence, R. I. ee etic Mate Ce TOWING COMPANIES. American Ship Building Co........ i ee esi Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. bee seo. ia ei ata ClevelauG Mallory We es co es New York. : oe Oo a ee a ee Kingston, Ont. Dake: (engine <6... a5 ck a New York & Cuba Mail S..S.-Co.. G : eh ere © Wea Vane reat Lakes Towing Co..Cleveland. is eee es eee: GTand Haven, Mich. Med Star Line .....).... New York. TRUCKS. Fo Windlass Co....... Bath, Me. Be ine 7c eS. co New York. Boston & Lockport Block Co... anne 8: upp = News Work ea ee ee Boston. Se a STEEL CASTINGS. ! TUBING, SEAMLESS. WINCHES. Pa. Steel COL... so oe. Cleveland. Shel Gtecl Lube Co, Pittsbu. Pa, American Ship Windlass Co... . STEERING APPARATUS. VALVES. STEAM SPECIALTIES. tri see eee ees rovidence, Sok American Ship Building Co........ are Pee ve tee eae strtrs tr++++Cleveland. = Jenkins Bros. ...........New York | WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. Chase Machine Co....... Cleveland. Lutikenhetmer -Co.....:.. Cincinnati. Atlantic Works, Inc Philadelphia We ening Co... oe ook RoceoUlve Co Troy, N. Y. : ee : ee Grand Haven, Mich. : WRECKING AND SALVAGE Detroit Ship Building Co.. Detroit. VALVES FOR WATER AND GAS. COMPANIES. Myce Windlass Co........ Bath, Me. Ashton Valve: Go....,.. 3.2: Boston. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. Marne Mig. & Supply Co.......... Lunkenheimer Co.:....... Cineinnat, = a Kingston, Ont. a New York. Ross Valve Co. ....<. Troy; 2 N.Y: Great Lakes Towing Co..Cleveland. Beets Mic, Co;......; Wilwaukee. Seoul Check Valve ye Aas Parker Bros. Co., Ltd....... Detroit. SUBMARINE DIVING APPARA- UU shtabula, O- = yacHT AND BOAT BUILDERS. TUS. VESSEL AND FREIGHT Drem. Thos. & Son... 2. & eG Biece & Son A. J. 2... cu. .: Boston. AGENTS. ee Wilmington, Del. Schrader's Son, Inc. A....New York. aS ie ~ oo ve Truscott Boat Mfg. Co........ oo ; VOND Je ee. Usa lO ee a ae 3 ich. SURVEYORS, MARINE. Dougie GL. Jeo a Duluth oes tayoc, Alexatider ........ Cleveland. Hipbickes 6. W, & Co... ... Chicago. YAWLS. pacer Bros, Co, Litd...... Detroit. RiSTE JOM 6s vs ss Buffalo. Drein, Phos. Son... cre cs ces Dicey, james .;......... Cleveland Helin & Co. Di Ties Dalits) 2 ea: .Wilmington, Del. mone MACHINES SEC e eee UY altogether the best. aby Beltre lavil caste PACT TN Ce MTL Keu tae Steam Steering Engines. GASOLENE PIT ENGINES MGT TL Suitable for all Boats from3: tozooll | OF all kinds and sizes, ae Over 100 in successful use. Also the well known and always reliable Woollers Gas or Gasolene Stationary WirdT ay FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES aL doe ALL INQUIRIES TO. re CHASE MACHINE CO. Engineers and Machinists, CLEVELAND, Onto for all purposes, Ter for ship use. Docking and Hauling uss | Per ira Leo: Windlasses.