TAE Marine ReEvIEwWw Hickler Brothere' SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. MARINE RAILWAY © Capacity, 1,000 tons. Draft,'7% ft. forward, 13% ft. aft. - Length on keel blocks, 180 ft.; over all, 190 ft. Machine Shop, Foundry and Steam Forge, Dredges, Drill Boats and Derrick Scows. J G. H. Breymann & Bro's CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC WORKS Dredging, Dock Building, Etc. 5, 6 AND 7 MARINE BUILDING TOLEDO, OHIO. 95 Great Lakes Dredge 2 Dock Company | RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS | Foundations, Bridges, Piers, Breakwaters, Lighthouses, Tunnels, Pneumatic and Submarine Work. CHICAGO CLEVELAND DULUTH TOLEDO SAULT STE. MARIE Dunbar and Sullivan DREDGING Company BUFFALO, N. Y. REMOVE SUBMARINE Buffalo Dredging Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS ON : SUBMARINE WORK Office D. S. Morgan Bldg. BUFFALO, N. Y. ROCK OR EARTH mena We are requested to in- form the INDUSTRIALS of all branches that our French contemporary, "LE MOIS SCIEN- TIFIQUE ET INDUS- CATALOGS WwW A N T E D ° RIEL" of 8rue Nouvelle lished an Information Branch from which particulars on any question may be obtained. a It is of great interest for all manufacturers to sen regularly their "Catalogues" to "Le Mois Scientifique et feiiustriel » from where they will be forwarded to every one interested in the line. : Do not delay to send them and note the address is LE MOIS SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIEL 8 rue Nouvelle at Paris--9° Ask for a specimen notice free on application. H. W. HUBBELL CO, Submarine Work of all kinds Dredging Hard Material a Specialty. SAGINAW . MICH. syria ae Ae