THE Marine REVIEW The Marine Iron Company BAY CITY, MICH., U. S. A. BUILDERS OF MACHINERY FOR ALL PURPOSES. Dredging Machinery, Centrifugal Pumps Hoisting Engines, Marine Engines. "Boom and Crane Castings, Propeller Wheels, etc. We shall be pleased to quote prices upon application. M. SULLIVAN ome DREDGING OF ALL KINDS _. Standard Contracting Co. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS THE REMOVING OF DEEP . Oe oes oO | For Railroads, Dredging, Dock Build- ing, Concrete, Submarine work, &c. 721 West Ferry St. Wade Building Cleveland, Ohio ORURPEALO, =. =.= =. N_Y: - Toledo, Ohio C,H. STARKE DREDGE & DOCK CO., The Toledo Fuel Go. Gontractors for Public Works. Steamboats sup- plied with West Va. and Ohio coals from docks DREDGING, PILE DRIVING, Gr tighter AND SUBMARINE PIPE LAYING. A. M. DONOVAN, PRES. & GEN. MGR. Canal Street, West of First Avenue, Milwaukee, - - Wisconsin. ie eee GEO. STRATFORD OAKUM CO. JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY. | PICKANDS, MATHER & CO. sat ees FUEL LIGHTERS at Buffalo, Erie, Ashtabula and Cleveland. Manufacturers A' Detour, Mich., a Fuel Dock of all grades of equipped with shute capacity of () k 600 tons. Best quality Pittsburgh ; a UM. coal furnished at any time during Day or Night. Spun Cotton Western Reserve Building, FOR SALE AT SHIP CHANDLERS EVERYWHERE. CLEVELAND, 0.