hat Does It Mean To You To Keep Your Boilers Free From IL, GREASE and SCALE iv lt reduces your coal consumption 2. It increases the steam capacity of your boilers 3. It gives your boilers more power 4. This increases the revolutions of your engine . [his increases your speed . It does away with the necessity of using zincs It will prevent pitting and corrosion This reduces the cost of your maintenance This will save your owner's money 10. It will lesson the possibility of accidents 11. It will be a relief to you HOW CAN THIS BE ACCOMPLISHED? By Using The Bird=Archer Co.'s Marine Metallic Boiler Compound OFFICES LONDDN, ENGLAND, Billiter Building, k. C. NEW YORK, 209 Washington Street BALTIMORE, MD., 316 N. Hotliday Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., 24-26 Steuart Stree NORFOLK, VA., 31 Lowenberg Building BOSTON, MASS., 7 Water Street PITTSBURGH, PA., 808 Farmers' Bank Building PHILADELPHIA, PA., 56 North Delaware Av¢ CLEVELAND, OHIO, 403 Cleveland Arcade CHICAGD, ILL., 86 Washington Street THE ERIE MACHINERY CO, 403 Cievelantl Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio, General Agents for the Great Lakes HAVANA, CUBA, O'Reilly 67