WALKER'S PATENT "'Excelsior' Log for use on MOTOR-BOATS AND YACHTS Bird's-eye view. WELL MADE---COMPACT---RELIABLE The « NAPIER MAJOR" motor-boat in her non-stop trip " London to the Shetlands "' used one of these logs. The log worked excellently. MANUFACTURED BY Thos. Walker & Son, Ltd. 58 OXFORD STREET, BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND. SHIP MACHINERY, embodying the latest designs and many important patented improve- ments. Sole builders of the Original and Only AUTOMATIC STEAM TOWING MACHINE. THE MarRINE REVIEW Morison Suspension Boiler Furnaces For Land and Marine Boilers Uniform Thickness--Easily Cleaned UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces West and Cayler Sts., NEW YORK. Near 10th and 23d Sts. Ferries . Borough of Brooklyn, The Nicholson Log Not a luxury but a necessity on every ship. Be up to date and equip your vessels with this excellent device. The exact speed of the moment constantly before you and recorded onachart. Also the distance run. Let us send you our catalogue. NICHOLSON SHIP LOG CO., Cleveland, O. Established: AMERICAN eo SHIP WINDLASS CO. Providence, R. I. P. O. Box 53 We have completed our new Iron Foun- dry, and are pre- pared to execute orders for Castings, guaranteeing _ first- class work, prompt service and reason- able prices. Send for illustrated catalogue Address FRANK S. MANTON, President