26 eek "THe MarRINE REVIEW The Quickest, Easiest and Cheapest Manner in which to repair other makes of valves and obtain satisfac- tory results is to re- place them with LUNKENHEIMER REGRINDING VALVES They can always be kept tight and you don't need to buy extra parts to repair them when worn. A few min- utes. spent in re- grinding makes them . as good as NEW. f Your local dealer should have them, if not. write us. THE LUNKENHEIMER COMPANY Largest Manufacturers of High Grade Engineering Specialties in the World. GENERAL OFFICES AND WORKS: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. A. 3 BRANCHES : a LONDON, S. E. 85 Great Dover St. NEW YORK 66-68 Fulton St. 341 Wheeler Centrifugal PUMPS | For service in vessels where compact me chinery of the highest possi- ble efficiency is necessary. Wheeler Centrifugal Pump WHEELER MARINE TURBINE CONDENSERS Surface Condensers, Feed Water Heaters, Combined Auxiliary Condenser * and Feed Water Heater. Catalogs Wheeler Condenser 2 Engineering Co. 42 Broadway, N. Y. = Works: Carteret, N. J. Monadnock Block, Chicago. CINCINNATI ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO Ashton Highest Grade Pop Safety Valves and Steam Gages Guaranteed to give Unequalled Efficiency, Durability and Perfect Se defection, Special Features in valves. Outside Pop Regulation. Cam Lever Attachment. Jessops Steel Spring. Gages have Non-Corrosive Movements. Accurately Graduated Dials. " Seamless Drawn Springs. Specify the Ashton and Get the Best. THE ASHTON VALVE COMPANY. 271 Franklin St. Branches : New York. Chicago. BOSTON, MASS. Philadelphia. San Francisco.