TAE MARINE REVIEW 27 Machine and Steam Fitting Shop. RK" .\SSINN gre, Sk . -- IN = - RR . ges ; Manne Pipe, Valves \ ee | Repai Fittings and foo EES os Engineers. woRe Cah Specialt: pp Pp y OUR CORNE i DOWNEY KRUSE Hawley Down=Draft Furnaces Power Equipment Huxley Blow-off Valves COMPANY AND Burnham Steam Pumps H. Mooers Company Heating Contractors MACHINISTS and STEAM FITTERS, Sole Madutacnitar MILW AUKEE, WIS. Hummer Metallic Packing. | -. TELEPHONE Grand 6o1. WM. H. EDGAR, Founder Dearborn Water Treating Preparations are universally used to clean and preserve boilers because they are scientifically a put out in the most condensed form, and do the work most economically. . 226=234 Postal Telegraph Bldg., 299] Broadway, CHICAGO NEW YORK "The Peer of Boiler Cleansers" a This preparation has met with wonderful success the past season METLA-COTA in the Marine, Railroad and stationary boiler. MR. VESSEL . OWNER, it will pay you to investigate our goods, and before laying up your boat for the winter, see that your boiler is treated with METLA-COTA. It will certainly save many times its cost. Once tried you will continue to use it. Write for. | booklet with full information. STATE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of the celebrated METLA-COTA. 36 Michigan St., CLEVELAND, OHIO.