TARE Marine Review 79 MOSHER WATER TUBE BOILERS OVER 60,000 HORSE POWER IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION TYPE A ONE OF TWO MOSHER BOILERS ON W. K. VANDERBILT, JR'S TURBINE YACHT TARANTUEA BOILER WITH CASING COMPLETE _ The Mosher Boilers have been supplied for 11 torpedo boats and the Monitor "Florida" in U. 8S. Navy, amounting to over 26,000 H. P.; six torpedo boats in the Russian Navy; two gun boats for the Mexican Government; one torpedo boat and one cruiser for the Brazilian Government, and a large number of high speed yachts and other vessels. Simplest, lightest and most compact boiler made. Most accessible for cleaning and repair. Five vertical rows or as many as 45 tubes may be cleaned, withdrawn, or replaced by removing 'the cover from a single hand hole. Largest grate : surface on a given floor space. No joints in the fire. All joints expanded. Greater steam 'room and water capacity than any other water tube boiler. Built in sizes up to 2500 H. H. TYPE B COMPACT- ECONOMY bes SMALL SAFETY FIRST COST DURABILITY SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. MOSHER WATER TUBE BOILER CO. SALES OFFICE WORKS NO. 1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK PERTH AMBOY, N. J. : |