38 THE Marine Review __CAAAAACCCTCTCTTTATOAKNNOOOMoMNOMNNNNC MARK SPLIT UN UAELL ! --\ : - = BUYERS' DIRECTORY OF THE MARINE TRADE. E = For a more complete classification than that represented by advertisers in The Marine Review, see the BLUE BOOK OF Ss = AMERICAN SHIPPING, Marine and Naval Directory of the United States, published by The Marine Review, Cleveland. 3 ee [See accompanying Index of Advertisers for full addresses of concerns in this Directory.] AIR COMPRESSION, HOISTS. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. ie ee he oe Detroit. AIR PORTS, DEAD LIGHTS, ETC. Marine heise we Supply. CO.7 6.57. 3s Od eek ees New York. AIR PUMPS AND APPLIANCES. Fore River Ship & Engine Co...... ee Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. ee: otk Detroit. ANCHORS. Mowers Vio. & Co. eee. ys oe sae se Binghamton, N. Y. ANTI-FRICTION METALS. Cramp, Wm. & Sons.... Philadelphia. ANTI-RUST COATINGS. Toledo White Lead Co., Toledo, O. ARTIFICIAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Ship- Building Co........ es sata ows Cleveland. Detroit Ship Building Co....Detroit. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. i i a a ee es Detroit. ASH EJECTORS. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... a he es Detroit. eereeeeee ATTORNEYS AND PROCTORS > IN ADMIRALTY. Ciehrist. Albert J........ Cleveland. Goulder, Holding & Masten........ a. Cleveland. Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley....Cleveland. Jenkins, Russell & Fichelberger.. a aks he ba ee ee Cleveland. ee Ce ioe een Chicago. MacDonald, Ray G......... Chicago. Miata, Mronk.....5 5.0.5. Buffalo Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes...... ie ie eee Detroit. BAROMETERS, MARINE - GLASSES, ETC. : Micnie t. 5 a Sons:..-....5 0.5... auc: vc cress Brookline, Mass. BENDING MACHINES Cleveland Punch & Shear Works : Oe eee ee ss Cleveland. BLOCKS, SHEAVES, ETC. Boston Lockport Block Co........ eeceeeoeseeeee esos BLOWERS. American Blower Co., Detroit, Mich. BOAT BUILDERS. Pei FOS. OH SON cos ov cnecsccces eS ee .. Wilmington, Del. Srscott Boat Mig. Co... sos s ees OU ss cheeks St. Joseph, Mich. BOILER COMPOUNDS. Dearborn Drug & Chemical Works.. CS Chicago. State Manufacturing Co...Cleveland. BOILER MANUFACTURERS. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co........ ereeeeeeves Ue enc cies Providence, R. I. American Ship Building Co......... uae es Cleveland. Atlantic Works.. Driggs, Marvin......:... New York. Chicago Ship Building Co..Chicago. Cramp, Wm. & Sons.. Philadelphia. ..Boston, Mass. East Boston, Mass. Detroit Ship Building Co....Detroit. Bietoher, WW. Ac 8 Co. ins eas ee Sie ec en. Hoboken, N. J. Fore River. Shipbuilding: Co.......; eae a, Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... se re Detroit. Kingston Foundry & Machine MOCKS (52.3 5,.5% «. Oswego, No-¥: Lake Erie Boiler Wks...... -- Buffalo Maryland Steel Cos. 3) 22. ese eee. Dees Sede Sparrow's Point, Md: McLaughlin Iron Wks ..Ashtabula, O. Milwaukee Dry Dock CG ies ee Op ea ek a ee Milwaukee. Mosher Water Tube Co..New York. Newport News Ship Building Co. Se Newport News, Va. New York Shipbuilding Co.......... bo a ee a Camden, N. J. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. »..-Duluth, Minn. Ohio. Machine & Boiler Co.,...... oe oe eee Oe Cleveland. Ouimtard tron Works Co........:: oe ek eae ..New York. Roberts Safety Water Tube Boiler CO a, New York. Superior Ship Building Co. ....... Be a es ee Superior, Wis. Taylor Water Tabe Boiler Co... es a ee we ee Detroit. Toledo Ship Building Co....... Toledo. BOILER STAYBOLTS, IRON OR STEEL, HOLLOW OR SOLID. Falis Hollow Staybolt. Co......:.. 2 er Cuyahoga Falls, O. BRASS AND BRONZE CASTINGS. Cramp; Wm. & Sons... Philadelphia. Fore River Ship & Engine Co...... bo ee Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Woorks.. Peas ae a ee Detroit. BRIDGES, BUILDERS OF. Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co.... Re re ae Chicago. BUCKETS, ORE AND COAL. Brown Hoisting & Conveying Ma- Chine (0".-. 2.2.6, Cleveland. G oO. Willams Co..</.... Cleveland. CABIN AND CABINET FINISHING WOODS. Martin-Barriss. Co....<.:.. Clevefand. CANVAS SPECIALTIES. Baker & Co., H.-H... .... Buffalo. Bunker. A... se. kk New York. Upson-Walton Ca......... Cleveland. CAPSTANS. American Ship Windlass Co........ a Providence, R. I. Dake Baring Co oo. ick Ci eccec ds cess Se oo cae ee Grand Haven, Mich. Hyde Windlass Co.:...,.. Bath, Me. Marine Nic. c Supply Co........:. ee ee ee Ge New York. CEMENT, IRON FOR REPAIR- ING LEAKS. mmoctn-On Mie. CO... ... ct ce ce ws Gane cea cease es Jersey City, N. J. CHAIN SURVEYORS, HOISTS. Brown-Hoisting Machinery CO. ws Pils Tae Se ace ee .. Cleveland. General Electric: Cor... oo esses Schenectady, N. Y. CHAINS. Seneca Cain. CO--) cece ss Kent, O. ' Woodhouse Chain Works.......... eee Trenton, N. J, CHAIN HOISTS. Boston & pOGnpOr Block: Co... 34 eae Cokes a ae Boston, Mass. « Chisholm &. Moore Mfg. Co..2...:: Se ee a Cleveland. Republic Belting & Supply- Co..... ee ee Cleveland. CHARTS. Penton Publishing Co....Cleveland mi CHECK VALVES. Scoville Check Valve Co., Ashtabula, O. 'CLOCKS (Marine and Ship's Bell) AND CHRONOMETERS. metchies © Oo: Ge SONS... i. 5... cs oe eo es Brookline, Mass. COAL PRODUCERS AND SHIPPERS. Hanna, MA. & Co... ..c:. Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co....Cleveland. Prtsourg Coal Co...) <x... Cleveland COAL AND ORE HANDLING _ MACHINERY. Brown-Hoisting Machinery Co...... .. Cleveland. COMPASSES. Ritchie, Eo S.& Son, . 6.3. Pogvee he Se eee Brookline, Mass. CONDENSERS. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. eo ia ee Detroit. Wheeler Condeneer & Engineering CO ae, New York. CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC WORKS. Breymaon Bros, G. H...2... Toledo. Buffalo Dredging Co........ Buffalo. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co.... ede oes ee at ei ss Bultalo. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.... Se ee Chicago. eS Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Hubbell Co., H. W..Saginaw, Mich Starke Dredge & Dock Co., C. H... eoeceeeee ey a ee ee ee Milwaukee. Standard Contracting Co..Cleveland. BHINVa, Moo os cia on Detroit. CORDAGE. Banet @ Co. How... Buffalo. Columbian Rope Co...Auburn, N. Y. Upson-Wakton Co... .. Cleveland. CORK JACKETS AND RINGS. Armstrong Cork Co..Pittsburg, Pa. CRANES, TRAVELING. ee Machinery Co... 23. Berea eek ee kk Cleveland. CUTTING OFF MACHINES. Cleveland Punch & Shear Works Cleveland. Taindin: AvP. ces. <. New York.