"TRAE. MarRINE. REVIEW ti Aree UUUQUOUUUUUUUUOOOGQQQ000UEUUOGAOEOAGENOOOUOOGOGGQOOOOEEEEREGOOOEEOUOUOOGESOOGOOOOOUCOAOGROOOOGEROOUUOOOOREOOOOOOEEEUOGOGEOOEEOOGOOOOOOOGOOOEOOUOGOEOOEOOEOOOOOGOOGOOOOOOOOOOOANERSOEUGOOOOOONOENNTOOOOQOOOGROOOOALOOGOOOOOONNNEOLOOOOOAOAE=MH = = = = . z = = Ss % gummy Mounting, = = = = = = = = = = = = = = S = = = = = = = ti = = re Electric Bell Bell-Buoy Vessel with Receiving Apparatus Lightship Bell mt = = = = = = = = = = = = a = 2 S Y SUBMARINE SIGNALS have been adopted as an aid to navigation and are being operated by the Light-House Departments of the United States, England, Germany and Canada. , Among the lines using the system are the White Star, Cunard, North German Lloyd, Hamburg-American, Holland-American, Red Star, Mer- chants & Mince Transportation, Boston & Philadelphia, Old Dominion, and Metropolitan. For information, terms, etc., apply to 88 Broad St., Submarine Signal Company 2334s. A. OTIS STEEL FLANGE PLATES TANK PLATES STEEL CAR AXLES ) FORGINGS OF ALL KINDS "Otis" Fire Box Plates a Specialty. Ma nmntevna sana nea SHIP PLATES STEEL CASTINGS FROM 100 TO 100,000 Les. | OTIS STEEL CO., Ltd., Head Office and Works, CLEVELAND, 0. New York: Thorpe, Platt & Co,, 97 Cedar st. -- AGENCIBS, Montreal: Homer Taylor, 183 St. James St. San Francisco: John Woodlock: 154-156 First St. . Detroit: George W. House, Union Trust Building. : "Steam Turbines_-- _ An important reference work on scientific Steam Turbine construction with - an appendix on Gas Turbines; and the future of Heat Engines. Contains 435 pages 6 x9 inches, 241 cuts and 3 see tables, Bound in heavy cloth. Price $4.50. | : order from Translated by By DR. A. STODOLA MARINE REVIEW DR. LOUIS C. LOEWENSTEIN ZURICH CLEVELAND Lehigh University 4