ThE Marine REVIEW WANTED and FORK SALE ==--==-- cineinnpetan mo = --===-- -- n SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Light House Board, Washing- ton, 0D, C.. until 2 o'clock PR. M.,: Rebruary 21st, 1907, and then opened, for furnishing the materials and labor necessary for the construction and delivery of Light Vessels Nos. 82 and 89, to be delivered :either at Detroit, Mich.; Charlevoix, Mich: 'or at Tompkinsville, N. Y., in accordance with specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other information, may be had upon application to The Light 'House Board, Washington, D. C. FOR SALE. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER FOR SALE. Allowed 500 day passengers. Sleeps 100 night. 250 tons package freight. 160 ft. long, 30 ft. beam. Light draught. Electric lighted. Speed 12 miles. Address Box 108, THE Marine Review "Cleveland, Ohio. Steamer for Sale Cheap. ' The lighthouse steamer Haze, 145 ft. long, 27-ft. beam, 9-ft. draught, 500 tons capacity, 300 horsepower engine and boiler, suitable for passenger or freight business, fully equipped. Steam cap- stan, donkey boiler. Jacob Ullman, 46 Lloyd street, Buffalo, N. Y. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER DOUGLAS for sale at Wyandotte, Mich. Length, 83, ft.; Hea, 18.4 ft; and 97 gross tonnage. information write, Capt. John Desana, 136 Vine St.,° Wyandotte, Mich. Excursion Steamer For Sale. 87 ft. long, 18-ft. 6-in. beam, 6-ft. hold. Compound Engine 11% x 20 x 16. Boiler 100 lbs. steam; electric lights and modern search light. in good condition and well kept up. For photograph and other particulars address: Capt. F.. Ry «McGregor, © 424 Claremont Ave., Chicago. For further cloth. By DR. A. STODOLA ZURICH For Sale. 1,000 h. p. fore and aft Neafie & Levy compound Engine; surface conden- ser; independent pumps. Two 12-foot Scotch Boilers. One 13'%4-foot Scotch Boiler, One 10 16-25 x 16 triple expansion En- gine. Three 150-h. p. * State Boilers. One 200-h. p. Tregurtha Boiler. One 14 30 x 24 fore and aft Engine and condenser. One Williamson steering Engine. One 10 k. w. electric lighting Set. One 15 k. w. electric lighting Set. One Providence Windlass, 50 fathoms 1% in, chain. Two thrust Shafts and Bearings, 8¥ in. diameter. MARVIN BRIGGS, 17 Battery place, New York, N. Y. 'draught about 7 it., 'tans capacity. Everything. LET BRADLEY SELL YOUR'™ BOAT. If you have a boat for sale, write or see Bradley. I have applications for vessels of all kinds up to 8,000 Send price and de- scription of vessel to Fred A. Brad- ley, 11 Mooney-Brisbane Bldg., Buf- falo, No Y. Bell: Phone, Seneca, 1232. Barges Donaldson and Fannie Neil For Sale. Each. boat carries 550 M Lumber Or 850-ton of coal. One price, cash $3,000 each. Jo UL KARR, 171 River St., Cleveland, Ohio. "Steam Turbines -- An important reference work on scientific Steam Turbine construction with an appendix on Gas Turbines, and the future of Heat Engines. 435 pages 6x9 inches, 241 cuts and 3 pet tables. Price $4.50. Order from MARINE REVIEW CLEVELAND SAND SUCKER "MAJOR" -for sale, 107 ft. long, 24 ft. beam, 6 ft. 8 in. deep. Capacity 160 yds., 8 in. pump, 12 x 12 marine engine. Built in 1891 and thoroughly rebuilt in 1903. First class condition. Erie Sand & Gravel Co., Erie, Pa. Hydraulic Sandsucker For Sale, complete 30 x 130 ft.; at prive could use hull for other purpose. Two Scotch Marine bosiers 8 x 12, good condition. Russell B. Thayer, Saginaw, Mich. WANTED. SECOND-HAND STEAM LUM- BER SCHOONER WANTED in first- class condition with carrying capacity of about one million feet. Address Box 109, THE MARINE Review, Cleveland, Ohio. , BARGE WANTED. Barge, flat- bottom preferred, to carry 400 to 800 tons. Patrick Keohane, Fayetteville, N. Y. A FIRST-CLASS FOREMAN BLACKSMITH $ wanted at once for a modern Shipbuilding and Engin- eering Plant on the Lakes. Must be thoroughly competent. Address Box 114, THE Marine Review, Cleveland, Ohio. THAT'S OUR BUSINESS Buyin BOATS. Selling, Chartering If you desire to charter, sell or buy let us help you CHICAGO STEAMER EXCHANGE, No, 144 So. Water Street, Long Distance Phone Cent, 5046. Contains Bound in heavy Translated by DR. LOUIS C. LOEWENSTEIN . Lehigh University **The up-to-date manufacturer of to-day realizes 'y C the importance and value of space in his trade papers and exercises good judgment in the pre=- paration of his copy."--Printers Ink. Our Ad Designing Department makes just this thing possible. All you have to do is to give us a suggestion and we put it into attractive shape. ----)