12 TAE MARINE REVIEW Ashton Highest Grade Pop Safety Valves and Steam Gages Guaranteed to give Unenualled Efficiency, Durability and Perfect Satisfaction. Special Features in valves. Outside Pop Regulation. Cam Lever Attachment. Jessops Steel Spring. Gages have Non-Corrosive Movements. Accurately Graduated Dials. Seamless Drawn Springs. Specify the Ashton and Get the Best. ae ASHTON VALVE COMPANY. 271 Franklin St. - BOSTON, MASS. Branches : New York. Chicago. Philadelphia. San Francisco. Valves that Inspire Your Confidence We intend to keep our valves in the front rank by making them of the highest standard, and using material of such quality that we are able to guarantee them to remain tight. If you can use valves that will stand up and do this work, and cause you no trouble, write us your needs. Descriptive Catalogue for the asking. New Bedford Boiler & Machine Co. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. \ Established 1872. fo fo mia SUITABLE FOR ae