"TAE MARINE REVIEW 3 TUM OCF a OE Ae, CP RG SY IEC WE TE ) aii - "ASE cA ys 3 : ' we ; 3 -- | LOCOMOTIVE CRANES | Unloading Coal Barges into Hoppers on Ohio River One of the many uses to. which Brown-, hoist Locomotive Cranes equipped. with grab. buckets.can; be, utilized, The Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. Engineers, Designers and Manufacturers of all kinds of | , | HOISTING MACHINERY | CLEVELAND, OHIO NEW YORK PITTSBURG THE "FAIVREETE Clam Shell Bucket Best Digger on Earth Simplest, Built of Strongest " steel and most through- durable ered as Bucket all sizes made and | 2 a We also welehts build for all : Orange purposes Peel Buckets ant One of two 2 yard Buckets built for Graves & Stephens, Cleveland, Ohio. THE G. H. WILLIAMS CO. Consulting Engineers, Designers and Build- ers of Revolving Steam Derricks of all kinds. 1521 Rockefeller Building Cleveland, Ohio. J The Nicholson Log Not a luxury but a necessity on every ship. Be up to date and equip your vessels with this excellent device. The exact speed of the moment constantly before you and recorded on achart. Also the distance run. Let us send you our catalogue. NICHOLSON SHIP LOG CO., Cleveland, O. Bon BRATS ea a EE im NL Cae nal eta ae ie of Ns i