36 TAE Marine REVIEW ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE MARINE REVIEW. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted. The dagger (*) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. Akers Steering Gear Co......... =| Douglas, G.di.; Iris. cee a enees 48 | Lundin, A. P.. lidshisess creoss ee 02 { TRogers:Steam Oil Perera hs -- kimy Cee or Cont. e prea a & Bon Cee ee Lunkenheimer Co........... site ee 9 Ross ValvesCov. civics s . 50 erican Blower Co....... eae unbar ullivau Dredg ng 0. ee ee stcrgur Pore Pine Hoare | SAts ung ening merican luin©...... .........+ : Hiphicke,.O. W. & Co. i ..ii5...5;.. OS iva aes et the is eeoss O8| Go eaaiula A Gon Tie. 7 American Ship Building Co...... 4) *mmerson Shoe Co................. -- McCarthy, OU Recah iss baci ene dar 48 ae bee Val nite se 60 een. Cee ae 98 ees A Be Seka 7 {Seneca Chain Co.. te Pores | hs cKinnon Iron Works .......... Ky for Bhi eee *Armstrong Manufacturing Go... = peue he Co...... 6s. al | McLaughlin Iron Works......... 37 ESholby Stoel Cady. & Oakes... 48 tAshton Valve Co.......... oe j Phin. MacDonald, Ray G@........é.s..+-- 48 Deen RM Beer seat tees Atlantic Works............ Fletcher, me & A., CO... eres Ba Mallory Lite. /... 0.0. csc. w| Shovlite Mig OO. von icc os lens s ee ores Bnei). Bore River Ship Building Co. .... 45 | *Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Mich. -- Sineeee van 1d ¥ Soe pene) oe ea 6 os 5p | Purstenau, M. © ........... 49 *Marine Mfg. & Supply Co........ 3g | Smith, Stanley FB. Coal & Dock Co. 3 aker, tOECOV cio. OR ee | Marine Loren' COL coarse sce ok is Cs per yee Poise eeeee cece eeees c General Electric Co............. .. 52 Mer set ce Osean eRe Mes? f peed ey H, me ' ed Be eae Be 48 BOM Tus... . 48) toldsenmiar Taermit Go.) | Maytham, Frank... c.s.0.c..s: 43 | Standard Contracting cov: *Boston & Lockport Block Co.... -- | Goulder, Holding & Masten....... 43 | Mehl, Pawatd 062i 48 Starke, C. H., Dredge & Dock Co. 39 Boston Steamship Co.............. 47 | Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.. 1 Milwaukee Dry Doek Co.;......5.5 5 Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co.......- 4) Bowers, L. M. &. Co oe 6000 0e cele oe 00 8 52 Great Lakes Engineering Works. 12 Mitchell & Co Sie ae'wie oie e716 ieie 6.6 ol 6 acer a kos. 48 Submarine Signal Company... Be 11 Braender, Philip .................. 43 | Great Lakes Register............. 49 | Morse, A. J., & Son............5.- 43 Sullivan, D. & Co eet Breymann, vi H., & Bros......... 39 | *Great Lakes Towing Co.......... -- | Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Co.... 37 Saliva, Mio as ie es se teens eh "Superior Tron Works. ..i23.c.0e:% _ Brows Co kk 48 | Hall, John B........ er 4g | Nacey & Hynd ...............0++5 49 [Brown Hoisting eecieery Co... - Hanna, MARES Co 41 | TN oe edtord Boiler & Machine Superior Ship Building Co........ 4 umalo Dredging Co... i... bec. +Hardy & Dischinger Compan Bee COO cele eer ar nue totes ce ence 3 Buffalo Dry Dock Co ... 5 Hawgood, WAG 00 is ey pent Deke ome bellding & Toten & Lane Dey Desk Oo 280 tBuffalo Ship Chandlery & Supply _ Bem, De? 68 Oe... 8g 6c. 48 nd Behe ToledohalCe co 89 OOP as. Ee Hickler Brothers 39 | New York ee Gata Mail 8. 8. Co.. MplodospeBanine Co! 5 Bunker, MGW Bee eee is cos 52 Holmes: Samuel oo 48 New York Shipbuilding Co....... * +n X 4 Whi t oh aoc OS Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley aes ets: 4g | {Nicholson Ship Log Co .......... ln Q aN A. G. © OA 08 ce aes car 43 Dhdee Mackine Co guy Baht ohert We, a Coie, 5...) 49 | Notubwestern Btoam Holler<& | minscott Boat Mig Gon7 2 ') Chicago Shi Building Co Bre x 4 Hutchinson & Co: a Slates bie steare ste were 48 Mfg. CO... eee ee cece ee ce eeee eens Glemente, Oi .... 45| Hyde Windlass Co'................ BELO Connor, J. Bick cies hicrdes 48 ee 8. Pcs of neon seeees . SOLE st hat ay padi Co.. 5!| International Mercantile Marine _| Otis Steel Co... ieee ees 36 | Upson-Walton Co ... ...........-. 3 q olnbian Hove Oo... ..0v.. .... "9 reeks = Parker Bros. Co.... 65.06) -0s.. 5 4g | Vance & Joys Oo...............05. 48 eaoene en ores sass e etereiee 50 | euking Brotherp......... 5 .65..0... 52 | Penberthy Injector Co............ 9 Cusine Wa & Sons. S SEB. Go. 8 Jenkins, Russell & Hichelberger.. 48 Bios Meter SCOR Ge ae * oer Thomas, & Son........... 2 - : one ae Ge spurge Coal Coe .e ess se bows ar INO oui es oer waleaien cs re ee eae 49 | Kahnweiler's Sons, David......... 51 | Prindiville & Company .......... 40 | Warner, Dorr B67 0.000000 48 : eR Sane atzenstein, POO auteur ios atson-Stillman Co.............. -- : HIGG OSODD keris re acco c ek 49.| Quintard Iron WorksCo.......... 50 | tWheeler Condenser & Engineer- Dake Mneine Co. 6..66 3s. ecck ses 43 | Kingsford Foundry & Machine Ie OOn bees ea er _ Dearborn Drug & Chemical Wks. 3 OWIOTKS oi gee ee oe a 37 | Red Star Line .... a Willoox, Peck & Hughes.......... 49 Delany. Fo & Coe oo. ST memer, OC, Bek ie cace ve ees 48 pene ee & 'Supply "Co: t a ae Bee: eee a OP ee illi Ve COs... pe rarks x : on Lad S Lake Erie Boiler Works ......... 37 *Ritchie, =. Bi, & Sons. s. 27 y. _ Williams, Ga, H., Co Pattie eee os _-- Detroit Ship Building Co..... oes *LeMois Scientifique-et Industrial 41 | Roberts "Safety Water-Tube Williams and Rogers Come eri. 11 Dixon Joseph, Crucible Co. Lockwood Mfg. Co........... saacec 00 Boiler 'Cor. res. oie hee ves Oo W OOG. Wie, dice ens oe nes, 49 Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co. 45 | Lorain Coal & Dock Co............ 40:| Roelker HB ii ey hk, ae 60 | *Woodhouse Chain Works........ _ OTIS STEEL Ship Plates Flange Plates Tank Plates Steel Car Axles Forgings of All Kinds "Otis" Fire Box Plates a Specialty. STEEL CASTINGS FROM 100 TO 100,000 LBS. OTIS STEEL CO., Ltd, seaa ottice ana worxs, CLEVELAND, O. New York: Thorpe, Platt & Co. 97 Cedar St. AGENCIES San Francisco: John Woodlock, 154-156 First St. Montreal: Homer Taylor, 183 St. James St. Detroit: George W. House, Union Trust Building. HOISTING ENGINES IML Rn Suitable for all Boats from 3: to200 | OF all kinds and sizes. th Somewhat the cheapest, and Over 100 in successful use... for all purposes, especially | altogether the best. mS PRU RCCL) ae eek guaranteed. oI ER MC CL cata We Med tied and Hauling Engines | Automatic Fos Whistle Machines Stationary Engines. and Wire Rope Windlasses. Y Steam: Steering Engines. FOR THESE AND Mata WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO. THE CHASE MACHINE CO. USES and eT GRAPH