Str. Str. Str. Str. cc Sch. ce Sch. Str. "cc ce "cr cc Str. Str. "ce ce ec Sir: " Str. ce "ce "cc «" cc 6c " ce "ce i 6c cc "cc "ce ce ce "ce 6c " i" " Str: Sch. Str. ' " eee " ce '" ' '" " " '" " a t¢ _ Penobscot "THE. MarRINE. REVIEW APPOINTMENTS OF MASTERS AND ENGINEERS. CAPTAIN. ENGINEER. NIAGARA TRANSIT CO., N. TONAWANDA, N. Y. William A. Rogers Joka McIntosh. William Cashiege J. 0. NESSEN &.CO,, MANISTEE, MICH. F. W. Fletcher A. E. Anderson G. M. Hopkins Albert Soper Harry Nelson P. Mander S. O. Neff John Eble Winkle N. J. Nessen Christ Edwardson Joseph Seymour Jim Sheriffs F. D. Richardson J. D. Marshall A. C. Wanwig Manistee H. Bennet Lizzie Walsh Capt.. Cory ARNOLD LINE STEAMERS, MACKINAW ISLAND, MICH. George Patterson Islander John McCarty Martin H. Baake NIPIGON TRANSIT CO., GROSSE POINTE, MICH. Joe Ford N. L. Morrison Hubert Manion QUEBEC TRANSPORTATION & FORWARDING CO., OGDENSBURG, N. Y. Florence Wraita' Stitt QO. Fiset M. FE. Hackett A. Bernier Orion J. Bernier A. Marcotte Aberdeen je CG) Perron FD. Ewen A. Monette Zapotec A. Barre E. T. CARRINGTON, BAY CITY, MICH. Allegheny W. H. Bridges DESERONTO NAVIGATION CO., DESERONTO, ONT. Ella Ross D. B. Christie M. J. McFaul Where Now W. J. Daly . Khomas 'Timlin Reliance John Gowan John Toppings Arctic'. Thomas Millen William Turner Rescue pit. Je Lyaich Owen Flood Ranger Howard Burnip Arthur Joyce S. 0. NEFF TRANSPORTATION CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS. Adella Shores Sam Holmes Rio Nott LAKE TRANSIT OO., BAY CITY, MICH. M. H. Mahon William Greening Forrest. Maloney William P. Hoffman G, Det ahian William C. Anderson LAKE ERIE TRANSPORTATION CO., TOLEDO, 0. William C. Houston Ey Co. Pope Adam C. Lowe Selwyn Eddy City of Bangor W. M. Cottrell T. C. Herrick George J. Gould S. C. Reynolds Jos. F.. Kohlbrenner Antoine Zietler. RICHELIEU & ONTARIO NAY. CO., MONTREAL, CAN. Toronto E. A. Booth J. Conlin Kingston "EL Esford A. R. Milne Brockville John McGrath ZL. Lacroix Prescott A. Dunlop Jo A, Crepeau Montreal hx Lakrance -G. Gendron Quebec F, Gendron St. Irenee Joseph Simard J. Hamelin Tadousac J. EB, Dugal N. Latulippe Murray Bay A. Fortin M. Beaudoin Chisoutimi W. Gagne A. Gendron Beaupre C. Gouin. G. Gagnon Berthier 'A: Mondor E. Denis Belleville J. P. Stephenson W. S. Parker Picton E. C. Redfearn A. Demartigny Hamilton W. S. McPhee B. Pintal Longueuil A. Mondville H. Noel Boucherville A. Laviollette C. Hamel Laprairie P, McLean J. St. Michel Fire Fly C. Crepeau G. Bourret Three Rivers J. Faubert J. Matte Cornwall ey, C. Hendron Rapids King W. Hazlett CAPT. JOHN: C. PRINGLE, "st. CLAIR, MICH. Isabella J. Boyce Tohn' C, Pringle Charles Schunk Iron Cliff - John. B.. McDermott G. A. TOMLINSON, DULUTH, MINN. : Sultana William F. Landon Joseph Cummings Sonoma Harold Davidson B. St. Bernard Sylvania oe, Ga cdousley f OM... MeAulifie Sonora ae J. T. Weaver Robert Watts Sinaloa a T. A. McDougall N.: Slater Socapa . Robert McDowell T. H. Welsh Yosemite George A. Warwick Victor M. Jarrett 'Saxona G. W. McCullagh William M. McCarron: Hoover & Mason W. C. Brown E.G) Carey. Sahara ; Charles Autterson F. T. Goodwin Ball Brothers E. W. Craine R; J. Close F.C. Ball _ W. G. Maltby A. B, Fortier James E. Davidson Hugh Stevenson F. McLaughlin Sierra D. P. Craine William Bridges 33 CHICAGO & DULUTH TRANS- PORTATION CO. : The Chicago & Duluth Transportation Co., Duluth, is the name of a new steam- ship line that has just been incorporated to operate ships in the package freight business between Chicago and Milwaukee, Sault Ste. Marie, Houghton and Han- cock, and Duluth and Superior. The Graham & Morton people, who established a line from Lake Michigan to Lake Su- perior last season, will withdraw from the latter lake this season and the new com- | pany that has just been organized will occupy the field. The new steamship line has chartered the steamers W. H. Grat- wick and Alva. Each has a capacity of 4,400 tons and can make the run -from Chicago to Duluth, including several stops, in four days. The boats will de- liver their freight at the city dock in Duluth. Transportation Co. of Manistee, is presi- dent and general manager of the new Chicago & Duluth Transportation com- pany; F. W. Prindiville of Chicago, is - vice president, and Thomas J. Prindiville is secretary and treasurer. B. L. Burke, who was traffic manager of the Graham -& Morton line last year, will occupy the same position with the new company. G. Van, Buren of Duluth, will be the local agent of the company. DREDGE HULL. The Port Huron Construction Co., Port..Huron;: Mich, 1s buildiie> a dredge hull 120 ft. long, 43. ft. beam and 11 ft. molded depth. Being of the elevator type of dredge the hull is, split down the center for 64 Ft, and two large gantries are raised '29 fe" above the deck. Surrounding the main gantry on both sides and across the end will 'be built columns and frame work for the house while above the house on the starboard side at. the forward end will be located the pilot house. Everything will be steel ex- cept the fenders. Above the main gan- try. will be located a smaller gantry to be known as the trolley gantry. This will be 18 ft. above the top of ie main gantry. Frederick L. Muehlhaeusler has re- 'signed his position with the Cleveland & Buffalo line to become general pas- senger and freight agent of the Lake Shore Navigation Co., which will ope- rate the steamer Eastland between 'Cleveland, Toledo and Cedan Point ade summer. Muir Bros. & O' Stillivaa are the low- est bidders for dredging the mouth» of the Black river, Port: Huron, The con- tract will amount to about $12,000. J. O. Nessen of the Nessen