46 AN IMPROVED MECHANICAL OIL PUMP. The Lunkenheimer Co., of Cincin-. nati, O., is the manufacturer of the pump illustrated herewith, which they have given the trade name of Marvil. As will be seen, the driving mechan- ism is of the ratchet type, operated by the clutches that work co-operatively by the motion of the rod, which can be attached to the eccentric rod, or other moving parts of the engine by ". MECHANICAL OIL PUMP. \ the couplings shown. The motion thus obtained is transmitted to the pis- ton by the crank pin mechanism seen on the rear view of illustration. The ratchet wheel is provided with a han- dle whereby it can be rotated by hand in case it is desirable to force a quan-: tity of oil at any time as for example, in starting the engine. The, coupling on the rod may be moved up or down, thus lengthening or shortening the stroke of the pump, -and regulating the amount of oil fed by the pump, independent of the feed from the oil cup. Joints of the cup are tight, the sight-feed glass being packed so as to prevent access of air. that would have a tendency to cause the cup to feed after the engine had ceased running. This feature, and use of check valves in-the pump prevent wastage of oil supply. The feeding of oil is automatic, i. e., starting and stop- ping with the engine. The outlet is connected to the steam pipe or engine valve chest and a spring check valve, supplied with the pump, should -be placed in this connection as near as possible to the point of entry into the steam pipe or chest. The bot- tom of the pump body is tapped with 5Z-in. bolt thread to receive a stand, so that it can be placed wherever de- sired. All parts are made to jigs and templets, and are therefore, easily re- newed and_ interchangeable. The ratchet wheel, pawls, shaft and yoke i TAE MarRINE REVIEW are made of tool steel, tempered and hardened. All other metal parts about the pump are made of the very best bronze composition. Each pump is carefully tested before shipment, and satisfaction is guaranteed. It is listed with and without oil cup, but it is usually supplied with the Lunkenheim- er No. 6, one pint capacity, "Sentinel," snap lever, sight-feed cup, and so sent unless otherwise specified. The filling 'hole is of large area so as to fill easily, the cup is also fitted with a strainer "and hinge cap. which cannot be lost. This pump is also made with double feed and for traction engines, or where a heavy oil is to be fed, the pump is» supplied with a compression oil cup, the oil being forced to the pump by means of a spring actuated plunger in the cup. _ Where pressure systems have been installed the pump is equipped with a Lunkenheimer Reserve pressure oil cup, a combination giving perfect sat- isfaction wherever used. THE BRAENDER BILGE SYPHON. The Braender bilge syphon shown in the illustration is an automatic de- vice for keeping the holds of vessels in a dry condition. The advantages BRAENDER BILGE SYPHON. of a dry hold are well known and to know how to maintain a vessel in such condition, at a merely nominal cost, is worth much to every ship owner and marine engineer. The Braender bilge syphon can be placed in a narrow space and can be so adjusted as to remove bilge water at any desired height from one to twelve feet, with 50 lbs. pressure, and if desired it can then be forced"as high as 30 ft. As soon as the water reaches the height at which it is desired to be removed, the pressure exerted by the float instantly opens the valve to full area and steam is given full sway, causing a vacuum and drawing the bilge water at once to the syphon, whence it is discharged at the rate of 1,500, 2,000 or 3,000 gallons per hour, according to the size syphon used. . When on the point of stop- ping the valve closes easily and auto- matically and its action is not dis- turbed by the rocking of a vessel. _ Simplicity of construction and ope- ration, and reliability of action, cou- pled with a nominal cost for installa- tion and maintenance commends this device to the service of ship owners and mariners everywhere. 'Those de- siring further particulars should com- municate with Philip Braender, 143 W. 125th street, New York city, who is the sole maker. TRADE NOTES. The A. J. Beckwith business, deal- ers. in dry goods, carpets, etc., 'has been purchased by H. F. Bugbee, who was with the above company for elev- en years, and H. P. Moore, who has been with the 'Higbee Co.,-or /Cleve- land, and will be operated under the name of Bugbee & Moore. They have for years made a specialty of furnish- ing supplies to the marine trade. The United States Metallic Packing Co.,. 4290 North Thirteenth street, Philadelphia, Pa., has just issued a lit- tle booklet descriptive of metallic packing for stationary engines. The packing described in the catalog is known as Class No. 1 Design, which has been:found easily adapted to all classes of service and an efficient, eco- > nomical and satisfactory packing in every way. This packing is in use on the main engine piston rods and valve stems of many new ships of the United States navy which have come out with- in the, last' few years. -.ft« has *.also been standard on many well-known trans-Atlantic, coastwise and lake steamers for many years. The cata- log is well illustrated and will be sent to anyone interested. The Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co. has issued a folder announcing the opening of its service. The folder contains exterior and interion draw- ings of the new steamer City of Cleve- land. |