TAE. Marine. REVIEW MOSHER Vea TUBE BOILERS MOSHER WATER TUBE BOILER CO., 60,000 H. P. In Successful Operation. Simplest, lightest most compact boi- ler made. Most aceessible for cleaning and re- pair. 45 tubes may becleaned or with- drawn by remov- ing the cover from a single hand hole. Largest grate sur- face on a given floor space. No joints in the fire. Alljoints expand- ed. Greater steam room and water capacity than any other boiler. No. 1 Broadway, N. Y. 37 MARINE BOILERS Marine Repairs Newburgh Steam Boiler Works P. DELANY & CO. Newburgh, WN. Y, Taylor Water Tube Boiler Co. Vertical Tubes, section- al, large steam space and liberating area. Fire box, combustion chamber, and course for the furnace gases similar to the Scotch Mariner Free circulation type. Send for full description. 322 Franklin St. DETROIT, MICH. Now Equipped With ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL Water Tube Boilers Bear Evidence of Their Excellent Qualities -ALMY WATER-TUBE BOILER Co PROVIDENCE, R. I. aa | STEAM a 350 iiss r "es @°@o0 ue. e%o 28 'o oe apy Work. RESIDENCE CALLS: M. A.R dS H. ere Secretary, 579-R 3 Manufacturers of BOILERS, ENGINES AND MACHINERY Special facilities for Marine Repairs promptly attended to Night or Day. We carry a complete line of Marine and Engineers' Supplies. TELEPHONES: at ag AND WoRKS, 615. YAN, oe and Gen' 1 Mgr., 176-R. E. KRIZ, Gipesintendei. 557-M. MARINE. BOILERS OF ALL TYPES KINGSFORD FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, Oswego, N. Ns Iron and Brass Foundry in Connection Engines, Boilers, Mill Machinery, Patent Jig Mills for Ship Building Let us figure on yours 180 Center Street | ' Phone, Main 785 Bell MeLaughlin Iron Works and General Repairing © Marine Repair Work a specialty ASHTABULA, 135 W OHIO LAKE ERIE BOILER pied dds RICHARD HAMMOND, President LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS. op naa, Ne om a THE BEST EQUIPPED PLANT IN ' AMERICA FOR THE MANUFACTURE : OF MODERN MARINE BOILERS j : i