"TAE MarRINE. REVIEW II WITH A QUARTER CENTURY REPUTATION You cannot afford to buy an Injector because it is cheap. A manufacturer may fool himself but he cannot fool the intelligent Engineer:--They Know. = We also manufacture--EJECTORS, OIL and GREASE CUPS, WATER GAGES, GAGECOCKS @® otherSTEAM APPLIANCES, SEND FOR CATALOG; also " Engineer & Fireman," a 32-page journal--3 months free on application--devoted to items taken from the leading mechanical papers of the world. PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO. Detroit, Mich. CANADIAN FACTORY-- ES-- BRANOH Windsor. Ont., Canada. New York,' London. Eng. THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER-TUBE BOILER CO. Manufacturers of oe High Grade 2. Marine Water Tube Boilers Generators of the Highest Quality of Steam OVER 1500 IN USE Send for circulars Yi, and stock sheet eee MAIN OFFICE 39 Cortlandt St. Phone 599 Cortlandt Works: Red Bank,.N. J. Phone, 49 Red Bank New York City Cable Address "Bruniva" tomatic Injector Adopted by the U.S.Govt. ONE REASON the U. S. Automatic Injector *' never fails." Each one is tested on different lifts and under varying steam pressure. The "Certificate of Range and Capacity " attached to each shows what it has done---by practical test---what we guarantee it will do for you under like conditions. Don't take chances. Buy the U. S. Automatic---the certified injector. Positively automatic and 100 per cent efficient. Absolutely no waste. Endorsed by over 200,000 engineers. Engineer's Red Book Free. Tells things the steam user wants to know. If you haven't a copy write to-day---it's FREE. American Injector Co., Detroit, U. S. A. Manufacturers of complete line of high grade oil Cups, © Grease Cups, Water Heaters, Ejectors, Crank Pin Oilers, etc. VERY LITTLE STEAM OR AIR REQUIRED To produce the LOUDEST and MOST HARMONIOUS TONES. LUNKENHEIMER WHISTLES are extensively used in the marine service. Can be adjusted for very low or high pressures. We manufacture a very large variety of Whistles. All sizes. Write for our attractive whistle f ooklet. Your local dealer should have them. If not, write us. THE LUNKENHEIMER CO. Largest Manufacturers of High Grade Engineering Specialties : in the world. GENERAL OFFICES Cincinnal, Onie us. A, NEW YORK BRANCHES LONDON, S. E, 66-68 Fulton St. 349 35 Great Dover St. .