TAE MaRINE REVIEW 37 MOSHER WATER TUBE BOILERS "- ~ 60,000 H. P. In Successful Operation. Simplest, lightest most compact boi- ler made. Most accessible for cleaning and re- pair. 45tubesmay becleaned or with- drawn by remov- ing the cover from a single hand hole. Largest grate sur- face on a given floor space. No joints in the fire. Alljoints expand- ed. Greater steam room and water capacity than any other boiler. SESE MOSHER WATER TUBE BOILER CO., No. 1 Broadway, N. Y. MARINE BOILERS Marine Repairs Newburgh Steam Boiler Works P. DELANY & CO. Mewburgh, HM. Y. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mig. Co. DULUTH, MINN. Manufacturers of BOILERS, ENGINES AND MACHINERY Special facilities for Marine Work. Repairs promptly attended to Night or Day. We-carry a complete line of, Marine and Engineers' Supplies. TELEPHONES: Orrick AND Works, 615. RESIDENCE CALLS: M.A. RYAN, Pres. and Gen'l Megr., 176-R. jJ. H. OPPERMAN, Secretary, 579-R; E. KRIZ, Superintendent, 551-M. 350 STEAM = VESSELS Now Equipped With ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL Water Tube Boilers - Bear Evidence of Their Excellent Qualities ALMY WATER-TUBE P BOILER Co PROVIDENCE, R. I. Taylor Water Tube Boiler Co. Vertical Tubes, section- al, large steam spaceand liberating area. Fire box, combustion chamber, and course for the furnace gases similar to the Scotch Mariner Free circulation type. & Send for full dascriptioa, 322 Franklin St. MARINE BOILERS OF ALL TYPES KINGSFORD FOUNDRY& MACHINE WORKS, Oswego, N. Y. DETROIT, MICH. TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS. 25 Years Practice. yp : Specialty: "Working on the Failuresof Others" SIGGERS & SIGGERS ™72XFyuns Suite {!, National Union Ins. Bidg., Weshington D.C. HIP FLOORING Sawdolet (made of wood fiber, and mineral substances ) can be applied to steel decks cheaply. It is fire proof, water proof, dust proof, and vermin proof. Can be colored any tint and is practically indestruct- ible and monolithic. Samples submitted and estimates fur- nished. American Sawdolet Co. 902 Park Building CLEVELAND Write Johnston Brothers Ferrysburg, Michigan