"TAE MarRINE. REVIEW 39 WILLGOX, PECK & HUGHES SUCCESSORS CHAS. E. & W. F. PECK NEW YORK, No. 3 South William Street, Average Adjusters. Insurance Brokers. BUFFALO CLEVELAND CHICAGO MINNEAPOLIS SEATTLE NEW ORLEANS REPRESENTED CG. T. BOWRING & CO., (Insurance) Lta.. 5 and 6 Billiter Ave.,. LONDON, and at " LLOYD'S" LONDON. HULLS AND CARGOES. We place insurances in the most advantageous markets, hav- ing unequaled facilities for procuring, in the interests of our clients, the best obtainable rates and termsfrom the strongest Foreign and Home companies, We Represent the Assured Toledo, Ohio Steamboats sup- plied with West Va. and Ohio coals from docks or lighter. gin al. A. M. DONOVAN, Hl Eal\ PRES. & GEN. Mer. M. SULLIVAN DREDGING OF ALL KINDS THE REMOVING OF DEEP WATER EARTH AND ROCK A SPECIALTY. = - 721 West Ferry St. BUFFALO, = . - N. Y. Buttalo Dredging Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS ON SUBMARINE WORK ; Office D. S. Morgan Bldg. BUFFALO, N. Y.. CH: Breymann & Bros CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC WORKS Dredging, Dock Building, Etc. 5, 6 AND 7 MARINE BUILDING | _ TOLEDO, OHIO. | C. H. STARKE DREDGE. & DOCK CO., Contractors for Public Works. -- DREDGING, PILE DRIVING, | AND SUBMARINE PIPE LAYING. Canal Street, West of First Avenue, Milwaukee, - - Wisconsin. eee HAWKINS' WORKS FOR, ao NGINEE RS Popular among young men in the engine departments of ships is "Engineers' Examinations with Questions and Answers" | Sells at $2.00, which is the cost delivered, of the following works: Hawkins' New Catechism of Electricity. Hawkins' Maxims and Instructions fer the Boiler Room. Hawkins' Hand Book of Calculations for Engineers. Hawkins' New Catechism of the Steam Engine. - THE MARINE REVIEW, CLEVELAND. Dunbar and Sullivan DREDGING Company BUFFALO, N. Y. REMOVE SUBMARINE ROCK OR EARTH