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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 23 May 1907, p. 45

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"TAE, MARINE. REVIEW 45 Books on Marine Engineering, or the Operation of Engines, and for Beginners in Engine Room. _ AMERICAN MARINE ENGINEER--By Edwards............. $250 ARITHMETIC OF THE STEAM ENGINE--E. S. Gould.... 1 00 ELECTRIG. LIGHTING --Athinsoh. 5ics 556 Jose cbc cca ees es 1 50 ELECTRIC LIGHTING FOR MARINE ENGINEERS; or How to light a ship by the electric light and how to keep the ap- paratus. in 'order----9.7 FY Walker... 6c. cciccccc sks sxe sees os 2 00 ENGINEER'S EPITOME--N. J. Smith. A collection of fig- ures, facts and formule for engineers............02004 Mees 50 ENGINEER'S MANUAL OF LOCAL MARINE BOARD EX- AMINATIONS="By. Ainsleys iii. ss cece csc cs slbee ces 500 cee 5 00 ENGINE RUNNERS CATECHISM--By Grimshaw ................. 2 00 ENGINES AND ENGINE RUNNING--Joshua Rose. For the use of those who desire to pass an examination to take charge Ot an engine or boilers: illustrated) 2.05... 6.8 ose case eens 2 50 ENGINE TESTS AND BOILER EFFICIENCIES--By J. Buchetti 3 00 EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS--Emory Ed- wards. 900 examination questions and answers for young engineers and firemen who desire to obtain marine licenses.. 1 60 GAS ENGINES AND THEIR TROUBLES--Roberts and Durand. 1 50 GAS, GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES--Gardner D. Hiscox.. 2 50 HAWKINS' AIDS,:TO ENGINEERS' EXAMINATIONS, with Questions and: Answets: <2. ss es Ga os ewes is ca eee oe 2 00 HAWKINS' HAND BOOK OF CALCULATIONS FOR EN- GINEERS. Comprises elements of arithmetic, mensuration, geometry, mechanical philosophy, .with explanations and help rules useful to an engineer..... Gib oie soreivie'c wists e sielsiecinie ties o 2 00 aah Se tans INDICATOR CATECHISM. (A practical treat- 100 MBO) Sse is ob Sade wiics 0 os 5 6 0s sie wie sive o sin were euibiare ule oly sane ceies 5k HAWKINS' «MAXIMS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE BOILER ROOM. Useful to the engineer, the fireman, to- the steam user or owner, and to the student of steam en- MINCOLING os 5K see sce ws oc cess obs 6 sic es wiesies sels wes eens 2 00 HAWKINS' NEW CATECHISM OF ELECTRICITY........ 2 00 HAWKINS' NEW CATECHISM OF THE STEAM ENGINE... 2 00 HAWKINS' SELF-HELP, Mechanical Drawing...........s00- 2 00 HOW TO RUN ENGINES AND BOILERS. Practical instruc- tion for young engineers and steam users. E. P. Watson. Wew Sifth: editions oi 65 ivicewces on cscs vise os pio se'ee ss ss o hs 00, INDICATOR PRACTICE--Hemenway....ccccccsvcsccecceeece 2 00 KEY TO ENGINEERING--Invaluable to engineers and_fire- . men about to take examinations. Written in the plainest ce fil and in the form of questions and answers. Post- DAIGs? Goce ies Gus eee ie Oe ek be he OTR LeeLee Oars eeeea wes 75 KEY TO ENGINES AND ENGINE RUNNING--Joshua Rose. For use of those desiring to pass examination to take charge of an engine or boiler..... Messiah Keg ey ele we eee oteeees 2 50 LIBRARY OF STEAM ENGINEERING--John Fehrenbatch, Me ees ie cbc hse Pies nc ev cp Ulela sels os Os iale cap cieis wae 6 aor 5 00 MANUAL OF MARINE ENGINEERING: Comprising the De- sign, Construction and' Working of Marine Machinery. A. E. Seaton. New revised edition..... Suse cd oaa needle ecules 6 00 MARINE BOILERS: A treatise on the Causes and Prevention of their Priming, with remarks on their general management MROEGS] Soca k che a's oc cis ee keeles ced Seles Mea babioe eves uci coleee 2 00 MARINE BOILERS--L. E. Bertin. 250 illustrations, designs Brida CADleS oe Sack cee s eee iN pee eva pens cons cite or 00 MARINE BOILERS--Stromi¢yer.. 3s. ccs cect ine etaceenses «o- 5 00 MARINE ENGINEERING--International Textbook Co. A series of textbooks for persons engaged in the engineering professions or for those who desire information concerning them. (Marine Engines --Marine Boilers--Western River Steamboats)........... 3 50 MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS--By G. Bavet):.0 75. Ege 9 00 MARINE ENGINES--R. Murray.........ssseeeeee- eee es oa 1-80 MARINE PROPELLERS--By Barnaby...........sseeees <ien &, 00 MARINE STEAM ENGINE: Its Construction, Action and Management--Carl. Busley, A manual and book of reference for engineers, students, ship owners, officers of the navy and mercantile marine, and all interested in steam navigation. Thoroughly revised; third edition..... Setee sie cw orks veces $10 00 MARINE STEAM ENGINES--Sennet & Oram.......... cosoee 600 MECHANICAL ENGINEERS' POCKET BOOK--H. H. Suplee. Hand book of tables, formulas and methods for engineers, : students and draughtsmen.............+.0.4.0-° Seve cites 5 50 MECHANICS' AND ENGINEERS' POCKET BOOK, including Naval Architecture, Steam and the Steam Engine, Steam Vessels, etc. 64th edition, 1,050 pages. Chas. H. Haswell.. 4 00 MODERN EXAMINATIONS OF STEAM ENGINEERS--W. Hy: Wakeman; 2050 Gs pice bles sees cues Seale v0 2200 NAUTICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA, ILLUSTRATED--Howard Pat- terson. Coriplete from Standpoint of Marine Engineer and Naval: Architect: i. 0.00.55 .565-20 08.00 tt ee = 8 00 POCKET BOOK OF MARINE ENGINEERING, RULES AND TABLES--Seaton and Rounthwaite. For marine engineers, naval architects, superintendents and others engaged in con- struction of | marine machitiery...s.¢....%.-.2434...545 0. se (6-00 PRACTICAL, MARINE ENGINEERING, for marine engineers and students with aids for applicants for marine engineers' license--Prof. W. F. Divead: eee ou ce eee We 6 eles betieesce 0 U0 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR MARINE ENGINEERS-- Theo. Lucas. Containing 807 questions, with fully explained illustrated. answers, |. 266%. vetesc ccc c ae Ve eliscese dec ecsar 2700 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, sixth edition--Stephen Roper... 2 00 REED'S ENGINEERS' HAND BOOK--New edition; illustrated \ a 845 diagrams and 86 large plates......... Ses souls Se aicne 5 00 orty-five cents extra by mail or express. REED'S KEY to Reed's Hand Book--Contains working of all questions given in examination papers..........eceesseees +» 8 00 RESISTANCE AND PROPULSION OF SHIPS--W. F. Du- rand, principal of school of marine construction, Cornell University, 6.5650 coo ceee secre cee ewitees seus Seceie es ee B00 ROPER'S ENGINEERS' HANDY BOOK for Steam engineers and Electricians. Revised and enlarged..........seeeeee a0 800 SCREW PROPELLER COMPUTER--Prof. Geo. R. McDer- mott. For quickly determining dimensions and proportions of screw propeller or any set of conditions............ce. - 6 00 SCREW PROPELLERS AND MARINE PROPULSION--I. McKim Chase. ..'.55. 002.0055 Spaieeice ews bu beciee sane vecce <0, 00 SLIDE VALVE--Julius Begtrup. Special reference to Modern Practice in the United States........... hee see case ee vee 2 00 SLIDE VALVE, SIMPLY EXPLAINED--W. J. Tenant...... 1 00 SLIDE VALVES--C, W. .MacCord, Jr. A book for practical . men on the principles and methods of design........ seveea @ 00 SMALL ENGINES AND BOILERS--Egbert P. Watson. <A manual of concise and specific directions for construction of oo $%team engines and boilers of modern types; illus- on rated: eisecwas weeks is iedece els tees aie sites ceeees Gaseeeccee STEAM AND THE MARINE STEAM ENGINE--Jno. Yeo.... 2 50 STEAM BOILER: Its Care and Management. Stephen Roper.. 2 00: STEAM BOILERS--Joshua Rose. Practical treatise, construc- tion and examination. Seventy-three engravings........... 2 50 STEAM. BOILERS--Peabody & Miller./.:> 4 00 STEAM ENGINE CATECHISM--By Robt. Grimshaw............... 2 00 STEAM ENGINE: Theory and Practice--Ripper....... veweas 6308 D0 STEAM TURBINES, WITH AN APPENDIX ON GAS TURBINES AND THE FUTURE OF HEAT ENGINES--Dr. A. Stodola. Translated by Dr. Louis C. Lowenstein..... 50. THE PROFESSOR ON SHIPBOARD.......... TRIPLE AND QUADRUPLE EXPANSION ENGINES AND BOILERS ND THEIR MANAGEMENT--A Ritchie Leask, . Third 'edition, revised. 5.0 ..5..<00s0<ee ess: saseves & 00 USES OF ELECTRICITY ON SHIPBOARD--By J. W. Kellogg... 1 00 WATER TUBE BOILERS--Fifth revised and enlarged edi- tion of HOW TO RUN ENGINES AND BOILERS--F, P. Watson. Practical instruction for young engineers and Steam users, «05. «+ 1 daca. Se desees upesweaebsceeed eee; LOU . ee 4 Sent to any address, carriage prepaid, at prices named. There is no book on Navigation, Marine Engineering, Ship Building, or the allied industries, that is not either published or for sale by THE PENTON PUBLISHING COMPANY, CLEVELAND, O.

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