Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 30 May 1907, p. 36

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THe. MarRINE. REVIEW INDEX OF ADVERTISERS The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted. The dagger (+) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. +Akers Steering Gear Co..:... -- Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Lockwood Mfg. Co........... 50 {tRogers Steam Oil' Separator Almy Water Tube Boiler Co.. 37 Oe ae hoe or ae ae ea 43 Lorain Coal. & Dock Co.;.. 2. 49 CO, ices ste e tess ee ce ec American Blower Co......... ng) | Dousins, Go Oh. oleic ss ce).. 46.) Dupdin, Ao Py... 6s. ss ESS 50 | ROOt, Wa Oove ee ect ine 49 American Injector' Co.....:../11 | Drein, Thos, & Sons...:...:. 43 | Lunkenheimer Co. <.......... #1 | Ross: Valve. Co... is -.'s ack OU Americas --TANe iiceic ccs oe AL yea & Sullivan Dredging ja ieee Pe 2 Roles Can Heats @ LGhune American Sawdolet Co........ 37 COL ee eae cress 0 cArthur Portable Fire Escape Ameri Ship Building Co.. 4 EE SOROS Ne ee ee CO sae etee teil con ae 8 Awercas G0) Windlass Co. 2 | Flphieke, CW. & Colsc:.... 48 | McCarthy, "T. Rls 222" TIIIED 4g | Scherzer 'Roiting'" Lift' Bridge Armstrong: -Cork: Coss. us... G2. 1 emerson. Shoe Co. 23.552. r~ | McCurdy," Geo. oo.23. 3... 35 COR, as ve ee ea kk 43 *Armstrong Manufacturing Co. -- | fEmpire Shipbuilding Co...... -- | McKinnon Irom Works...,4.- 51 Schrader' Sy As, Son, ane. = 00 Ashton: Valve (Couj. oc. c. « . : : MacDonald, Ray G...0....%.. 48 | tScoville Check Valve Co..... -- Atlantic Works ........:...-. 47 | Falls Hollow' Staybolt Co..... At Mallory: Line: 0. ec. 47 | poeneca. Chain Co... cia. 35s fAtlantic Works, Inc..... weve -- | Fix's, S., Sons..........----- 50 |*Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes 48 Babcock & Penton. + sac.0+. (a0 e eieee Wek ACO oo. ss 4 ny acter) foe ee oe = cree ne ens Copa: a Baker, Howard H., & Co..... 52'| pore' River Ship Building Co. 47 Marshall, Alexander 2-1... 48 |. Shipping. World Year Book.. 50 Belcher; Bred Pose 2... Bic 48 peed eee LO CL oe sie 6 ee ee ke : ; Pict Ee * 4g | Furstenau, M. C..........04. Moartin-Rarriss: Co... 1. Sones 43 | Siggers DISCELS ocr es 37 Ge ee : Maryland © Steel. Co... 20.25 082 10 | Smith Coal & Dock Co., Stan- Fyn i Lockport Block Co. & een vole ¥ rete ee eee " aes Frank Ee: 7 ley oe ec eo 3 2 lichrist, /\lber feet eee ee ein Ware ee ens 48 | Smooth-On g. rss ere ss are Seah USoeis & Co........ ag pees carrie ce er x peda Dry Dock: €o 2.5. 4 oe a Pee ee . FON ee eG gen pe oulder, olding asten... MECHEL (Or "CO ce ree bites oe cae 8 andar ontracting..-Co.i ss. Se &_ Bros.. 2 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Morse, A. J, & Son... 3.0323. Standard Varnish Works...... 55. Biwatk Cok ee 48 CQ, veces cence eee e ec senes 41 | Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Co: a Starke, C. H., Dredge & Dock +Brown Hoisting WMaciunery Great Lakes Engineering ae 12 CO. ee ae 39 CO ee a, eae Great Lakes Register. . : Macey" & Hynd. 5 see. t seca 49 | Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co. 41 Buffalo Dredging Co..... 39 | Great Lakes Towing CR) i baie Beige Boiler & Ma- Submarine Signal Company.. "+ 9 Buttalo "Dry Dock: Co. :...3... 5 fol, "io 48 chine Co. .......... cee ee ullivan, De ...e. cece ee ee eee i ? feet ese eee ce N to WN Sh Build ll ye Mie Pais Be Se bee ee 39 ee ae = __| Hanna, M. A., & Co... eeeeee 41 . Bey Dock Coe Pe anetor Tron: "Works. 3... 5. -- Wunker EA 52 Coa woe Core i me aie io ae 'ay Superior Ship Building Co.... 4 Carley Lite Bloat. (Cones... s Dl trelm. Do Le & Co... oe +++ 48 | New York Shipbuilding Co.. 7 | Taylor' Water-Tube Boiler Co. 37 Chase Machine Co... 65 oc ces S6. | thickler: (Brothers oi ess 65.6 c 39 | +Nicholson Ship Log (Co... -- | Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. 50 Chicago Ship Building 'Co... 4 | Holmes, Samuel ............ 48 | Northwestern Steam Boiler & Toledo Fuel Co............-5 39 Peveland & Buffalo Transit - Hoyts pee < re he staeee i MigiMOa i. 37 Toledo Ship. Building © oat 5 ee iad cals unt, s Sieg ; , : x yo oes Cleveland City Forge & Iron Hutchinson & Co.........+ €@ | O'Connor, "Fe Te. heed eae 48 ase ped ee 43 écoin gies ee 51 |:-Hyde Windlass Co........... 54 Gti? Steel Con. 2 a ® | Truscott. Boat Mie Co.-...25. 2 0 cawon ipbuilding Co. -- FColumbian ~ Rope -.Co........% -- | International Mercantile Marine Parker Bros: Cos... 2.0 2 eS 48 | Upson-Walton Co. ........20+- 35 Continental Iron Works...... 2 COn eae hse ce Bere 47 | Penberthy Injector Co........ 11 me Gory, Chase .& Sons ..0... 50 Bickands, - Mather *&: (Co... 41 | Wance & Joys Co.......... : Cramp, Wm., & Sons, S. & Jenkins "Brotyers 9.) vs. s we se 52 | Pitesbure Coal Co.sss.esccce. ® ) Water "Those & Sono 3 'ec E. " sae eee ae 8 Hesaiines ec & Eichelberger a Peindivilie & Company: ..4.: CU aacagt senegal ei ata ean a rescen achine. Co. .<< ie! eee ne : MiGe oe Te ho 48 Cucr, RObett sane cc ee ns a aes 49 intard I Vorke Coo 3c% 50. ae ; es , | Kahnweiler's Sons, David..... 51 Guard se ee ee Cee ag as Pah De '& Chemical : Katzenstein,, Ley & Co.....s- - 35 Red: stare. bine. ¢ 6s ccc aces Neerine "COs occ cee es es oe --_ Wee Dee $e Joeeee a ag iit | Reaublic. Belting & Suppiy 'Co. 35 Willcox, Peck & Hughes. - |. 39 Delia Be tis ioe ss cers ne 37 eWorks : gy | Richardeon, W. C..,:-<:...<: +Williams Gauge Co.......... e Delaware River Iron S:.B. -& Mise Gow) ee eS 4g | "Ritchie, E. S., & Se -- | Williams, D. T., Valve Co.... 2 We Works: oso ieee ats as 51 ur rae een ae Roberts Safety Water-Tube © Williams. Gi i Cog... css -- Detroit Ship Building Co..... 4|*Le Mois Scientifique et In- Batler Coe i. veces sve AL) Woods Wer Foie ts cee ven ce ees 48 Dixon, Joseph, Crucible Co... 43 Gusthial oe es ees « ere PF ROGER M5 Bs vcs ca ce ce tee oes 50 | }Woodhouse Chain Works..... -- aris A Of all kinds and sizes and for all purposes Veo eT eI Cr EAN MONT Mooring Winches Late st Improved 54 i) FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO- The Latest and | Ri toe otra | Positively guaranteed THE CHASE MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS:CMACHINISTS CLEVELAND,O. '*The up-to-date manufacturer of to-day realizes ») C the importance and value of space in his trade papers and exercises good judgment in the pre: paration of his copy."--Priniers Ink. Our Ad Designing Department 'makes just this thing possible. All you have to do is to give us a suggestion and we > put it into attractive shape. j

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