Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 30 May 1907, p. 46

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46° TAE MarRINE REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade---Continued. SHIP BUILDERS--Continued. : Maryland? Steel Co.......ceccecenee a Sparrow's Point, Md. Milwaukee Dey Dock Co... ..,. oss Ca ies vet ses Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co... Sha ra as a wt Newport News, Va. New 'York Shipbuilding Co........ Deere iia Camden, N. J. ioach's Ship Yard..... Chester, Pa. Toledo Ship Building Co...... Toledo. SHIP CEMENT. Toledo White Lead Co., Toledo. O. SHIP CHANDLERS. | . Buffalo. Baker, Howard H. & Co.. Marine Mfg. & Supply Co ee ee sees e es New York Upson-Walton Co........ Cleveland. ' SHIP DESIGNERS. idd, JOSOOM sci veers ee so Duluth. Nacey, & Hynd... . Cleveland. Wand Woodie cee ees Chicago. SHIP FLOORING. Clemente, The C., Co....Cleveland. SHIP ° LANTERNS AND LAMPS. Upson-Walton Co....... -... Cleveland. . SHIP TIMBER. Martin-Barriss Co......... Cleveland. SHOES. Emerson Shoe Co. ...... Cleveland. SIGNALS--SUBMARINE. Submarine Signal Coe............Boston SMOOTH-ON COMPOUND, FOR REPAIRS. GSmoctn-On Mig. Co.....5.0ccc eee: ee ee Jersey City, N. J. STAYBOLT IRON OR STEEL - BARS, HOLLOW OR SOLID. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co.......... Cece oy sees: Cuyahoga Falls, O. STEAM VESSELS FOR SALE. Holmes, Samuel ........ New York. McCarthy, T. .R.....Montreal, Can. STEAMSHIP LINES, PASS. AND FREIGHT. American Ane ......5... New York. Boston Steamsuip.... .. ss a. Boston. International Mercantile Marine Co. Oe a cvs « Philadelphia. Wialory Lie 42... 2.2... New York. New York & Cuba Mail S. S. Co.. na va ae ..New York. Heed Star Line 2... ....5. New York. RCO ADO 6 eck esas i New York. STEEL CASTINGS. . Oe Steel 00... eka Cleveland. STEERING APPARATUS. Akers Steering Gear Co........ Chicago. "American Ship Building Co..:.:..: Oe eee se ees Cleveland. Chase Machine Co....... Cleveland: ° TPM PONS CO. a oes oo ies wee a se es ape chs Grand Haven, Mich. . Detroit Ship Building Co.... Detroit. Hyde Windlass Co........ 'Bath, Me. Marine Mfg. & Supply Co.......... ak eee ds ew York Sheriffs Mfg. Co........ Wilwaukee SUBMARINE ne APPARA- T Morse & Bom A. Fie isk es Boston. Schrader's Son, Inc. A....New York. SURVEYORS, MARINE. Hynd, Alexander ........ Cleveland. Parker -Bros. Co., Ltd...... Detroit. DIMCEy, TAMEB cutee es Cleveland. MW, Foes e ec cscs Chicago. SYPHONS. Philip Braender....New York City. TESTS OF MATERIALS. Hunt, Robert W. & Co....Chicago. Lunkenheimer Co....Cincinnati, O. THERMIT Goldschmidt Thermit Co., ee elise see oe New York City. THREAD CUTTING TOOLS. Armstrong Manufacturing Co. ..... ee eee 7-1... bridgeport, Conn. TILING, RUBBER. : Republic Belting & Supply Co...... Be baa hone be See Cleveland. TOOLS. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... cla i eek. Cleveland. TOOLS, METAL WORKING, FOR SHIP AND ENGINE WORKS. Watson-Stillman Co...... New York. TOOLS, WOOD WORKING. Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. TOWING MACHINES. American Ship Windlass Co......... Pe ice lies Providence, R. I. Chase Machine Co....... Cleveland. TOWING COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. De ae a cs Kingston, Ont. Great Lakes Towing Co..Cleveland. TRAPS, STEAM. Williams, D. T., Valve: Co., "Cook- son Gee ess Cincinnati. TRUCKS. Boston & Lockport Block Co...... ie ee tas Boston. TUBING, SEAMLESS. Shelby Steel Tube. Co..Pittsburg, Pa. VALVES, BRASS. Globe, Angle and Cross Valves. Wioaliame, 2 1; Valve Co......,... eae oe... . Cineinnati. VALVES, CHECK. Scoville Check Valve Co., Ashtabula, O. Wihams, D. T., Valve Co......... : VALVES, GATE. Double, Disc and Wedge Disc. Williams, D. T., Valve Co.....0.- : VALVES, IRON. Globe, Angle and Cross. Wy itis, 1). 1, Valve Co......... : VALVES, IRON CHECK. Horizontal, Angle and Vertical. Wiliams. 10. 1., Valve Co.:.... 6... aka snes ee Cincinnati. VALVES, STEAM SPECIALTIES, ETC. Jenkins Bros. ...0.c..5.. New York Lunkenheimer Co.:...... Cincinnati. New Bedford Boiler & Machine Co. Dee sees New Bedford, Mass. ' Peapertny injector Co. 6... 665. ces ee es ss vba 6s Detroit, Mich. Republic Belting & Supply Co........ ce ea ee Cleveland Ross Valve Co......... fOy, 2. ys j Atlantic Works, Inc.... "VALVES FOR WATER AND GAS. Ashton Valvé' ©€0.......4..< Boston. iuunkenheimer Co........ Cincinnati. Republic Belting & Supply Co......... Ps Oa eel ace hee earns Cleveland. Ross Valve Mfg. Co....Troy, N. Y. Scoville Check Valve GG Fah Hig eee ees Ashtabula, O. VESSEL AND FREIGHT AGENTS. Boland, Jown Jc i353 cite Buffalo. Douptlas, G. Ly, 78.056 .5. 2s Duluth Elohicke, C.. W. & Coa... os; Chicago. Hall, "JOR Bie ee ec Buffalo. Helm -& Coie De Twi Duluth. Hawgood & Co., W. A....Cleveland. Holmes, Samuel. oo c:: New York. Hutchinson &. Co... ..3. 0. Cleveland. MeGarthy, 1. Bio i... esc Montreal. Nrehl; Edward...) 6.65. a: Erie, Pa. Mitchell -@ (Co... 42..454. Cleveland. O'Connor, J. Jes: Port Arthur, Ont. Parker. Bros, Co.; Ltd...) .: Detroit. Prindryille @& Co. 20.20%... \... Chicago. Richardson; W. .G. 2: Cleveland. sulivean, D. & Cove... 2... Chicago. WATER COLUMNS. Lunkenheimer Co., ....... Cincinnati. WATER GAUGES. Lunkenheimer Co.:.... Cincinnati, O. Penberthy Injector Co. ......+5+-0- Dives Ca Geek eas Detroit, Mich. Republic Belting & Supply Co.. Pas Cob esas fous Cleveland. WHISTLES, STEAM. Lunkenheimer Co..:...... Cincinnati. WHITE LEAD. Toledo White Lead Co., Toledo, O. WILFORD'S WATERPROOF CLOTH. Bunker, BOA. cc. NEW Tork. WIRE ROPE AND WIRE ROPE FITTINGS. Baker, Fon & Ce... is... Buffalo. Upson-Walton Co......... Cleveland. WINDLASSES. American Ship Windlass Co.. Pee Gs ee ec ee Providence, | RB r American Ship Building Co........ ee Oe CA Ss a . Cleveland. Dake." Hipine: Co... . <2 oe ie Tek Grand Haven, Mich. Hyde Windlass. Co..:.:... Bath, Me. Marine Mig. & Supply Co...... -. New York. WINCHES. American Ship Windlass Co........ Cee ee Providence, R. I. Hyde Windlass Co........ Bath, Me. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. Philadelphia. Crescent Machine Co...Leetonia, O. WRECKING AND SALVAGE COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. AE ee eee ae Kingston, Ont. Great Lakes Towing Co..Cleveland. Patkec- Bros. Co., Ltd;...... Detroit. YACHT AND BOAT BUILDERS. Deem, Thos. & Son...) 3 lek Ee aa bok es Wilmington, Del. Truscott Goat Mis Co..........e: Maes Tas <a es cate posepn, Mich, YAWLS. meets ROR Ob SOR ccs cece - Wilmington, Del.

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