Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 30 May 1907, p. 48

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48 VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. TAE MARINE REVIEW VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. FRED P. BELCHER, Vessel and Insurance Agent, 430 Grain Exchange, WINNIPEG, MAN. P. O. Box 230. C. L. Hutchinson. W. H. McGean. HUTCHINSON & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Office, Main 2453. Phones: Si C. L. Hutchinson, Lake 244. Res. W. H. McGean, Doan 274. 1408 Rockefeller Bldg. Cleveland. PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY ALBERT J. GILCHRIST, Proctor in Admiralty, | Rockefeller Building, CLEVELAND, O. JOHN J. BOLAND & CO.,, Vessel and Insurance Agents. 800-804 Prudential Bldg. Both Phones... BUFFALO, N. Y. J.J. H. Brown J. B. Rodgers J. Obersheimer J. E. McAlpine BROWN & CO: Lake Transportation 1217-19 Chamber of Commerce, BUFFALO, N. Y. G. L. DOUGLASS, Jr., "Vessel Agent. DULUTH, MINN. ALEXANDER. MARSHALL. _ Attorney-at-Law and Proctor in Admiralty. ° 'Suite 506 Providence Building, DULUIN, - - 'MINNESOTA EDWARD MEHL, Vessel Owner and Broker, Cargo Insurance, Scott Block, Cor 10th and State Sts. : ERIE, PA. Bell Phone 486. HOYT, DUSTIN & KELLEY, Lawyers and Proctors in Admiralty. Offices, 702 Western Reserve Bidg., | CLEVELAND, O: Bell 878. Telephones: Office Zenith 14. ; Residence, Bell 561. C. W. Elphicke. J. J. Rardon. CW oELPHICKE & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. No. 6 Sherman St. CHICAGO; ILL. _ Telephone, Harrison 1194. JOHN B. HALL, Vessel Agent. Room 46 Dun Bldg., Cor. Pearl and Swan Sts., Tel. Seneca 892. BUFFALO N.Y. T. R. McCARTHY, Steamship and Freight Broker. Chartering, Forwarding and General Com- mission Agent; and Broker for the Sale, Purchase and Construction of Steamers and Sailing Vessels. Cable Address, "'"Macarthy, Montreal." (Watkins', Scott's Liebers and A. B. C. Codes Used.) Shipping Agent to The Asbestos & Asbestic Co., Ltd., of Asbestos Que. The Belgo Canadian Pulp & Paper Co:;.. Ltd. of Paper Manufacturer, of London (Eng.). Correspondence Invited and Mecnsice Solicited. JENKINS, RUSSELL & EICHELBERGER, Attorneys-at-Law - and -Proctors in Admiralty. 1520 Rockefeller Bldg. CLEVELAND. Shawinigan Falls, Que. Edward Lloyd, Ltd. | 404 Board of Trade Bldg., MONTREAL, CAN. -C. E; KREMER, Counselor at Law and Proctor in Admiralty. Suite 1505- 1506-1507 Fort Dearborn Bldg., CHICAGO, TEL. W. A. Hawgood. Arthur H. Hawgood. W. A. HAWGOOD & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. 220-21 Perry-Payne Bldg.,.Cleveland, O. peer Main 2395. 'Telephones: Res. W. A. Hawgood,Doan 84-J. Res. A. H. Hawgood, Doan 841-J. ALFRED MITCHELL Joun F. WEDOW MITCHELL & CO. 1504-6-8 oe Building, ° ELAND, OHIO Vessel tak Tass ante Agents ON Teen COAL, LUMBER, Here BALE, LETS, GRAIN OARGOES, *Oics Telephones-- Bell. Main 4 "198" hoga, Central 700 Res. Telephone Alfred Sener Bell Doan 218 John F. Wedow Bell Doan 141 RAY G. MacDONALD, Attorney-at-Law and Proctor in Admiralty. 1018 Hartford Building, Telephone, Central 2484 CHICAGO, ILL. D, 1 HELM & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Telephones--Office 263. --Res. 381-3. DULUTH, + - + + MINN. PARKER BROS. CO., Lrp., Vessel, Marine Insurance and Wreck- ing Agents. Marine Surveyors. Office Tel. Main 5314. Night: Hast 1064. Night: Grand 15565. 15 Atwater St. West, DeTrorr, MIcH. FRANK MAYTHAM, Attorney and Counsellor at Law Proctor in Admiralty. 10 Marine Exchange Bldg., BUFFALO, N. Y. SAMUEL HOLMES, Steamship Offices, For Selling, Chartering and Building all lasses Steam. Vessels. Steam Vessel Circulars Weekly. Freight Circulars. Morris Bldg.,66-8 Broad St., New York. WoC, RICHARDSON; Vessel Owner and Broker and Marine Insurance Agent. 420-421 Perry Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. Office Tel. 338. Residence Tel. 2938. J. J. OCONNOR, Vessel Agent. Insurance Adjusting and Chartering. Port ARTHUR and Fort WILLIAM, , . ONTARIO. SHAW, WARREN, CADY & OAKES, Attorneys-at-Law. ' and Proctors in Admiralty. Union Trust Bldg., Detroit, Mich. D. SULLIVAN @ CO. Marine Insurance Lake Transportation 2 and 4 Sherman St. CHICAGO H. R. SPENCER, Attorney-at-Law and Proctorin Admiralty, Board of Trade, DULUTH, MINN. ND alata ADMIRALTY LAW, Rost. we Pic aie Price $8.75. THE Penton Pus. Co., Cleveland, O. VANCE & JOYS CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents No. 21 NEW INSURANCE BUILDING, TELEPHONE MAIN 99, MILWAUKEE, WIS. DORR EK. WARNER Attorney-at-Law Proctor-in-Admiralty 316-317 and 318 Perry-Payne Building CLEVELAND, O. Main 2471 Cent. 5152 L.

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