TAE MARINE. REVIEW 5I It's in the Book Don't stop to fig- ure it out. Consult the Thomas Dis- count Book. It will save you dol- larsin time. The tables are com- plete, practical and accurate and will prove of great val- ue in finding the net cost of goods-- making discounts for specified lists--making any specified discounts --comparing prices, etc. In fact, there is no end to their application. Place one on your desk. BU r NS Discount Book QELS Choa verte INCLUSIVE, Edited and compiled by MILLARD T. THOMAS. Sent post prepaid. Cloth $1.00 THE PENTON PUBLISHING COMPANY CLEVELAND Pump Repaired with Smooth-On Iron Cement No. 1 six years ago, and still in use. Write for circular showing how work was done. SMOOTH-ON IRON CEMENT No. 1 is prepared in powdered form--for use mix with water. It is unequalled for stopping leaks of Steam, Water, Fire or Oil, because it becomes metallic iron that has the same expansion and contraction as iron, thus keeping tight at all temperatures. Sold in Blue Labeled Cans. Smooth-On Mfg. Co. Jersey City, N.J., U.S.A. Chicago Warehouse : San Francisco Warehouse : 20 Sacramento St. 61-69 N. Jefferson St. FACTS WORTH KNOWING @ We carry everything in iron and steel up to 6" diameter. @ We line up old shafts and have unexcelled facilities for forging new ones. @ We make any kind of boat repairs on short notice, night or day. @ We supply engineers with everything they need in the engine room and fire hold. MCKINNON IRON WORKS ASHTABULA, O. ROAGH'S SHIP YARD. Ship Building in all its Branches BUILDERS OF STEAMSHIP AND MARINE MACHINERY. Delaware River Iron Ship Building & Engine Works CHESTER, PA. CITY FORGE bh [Row CLEVELAND, O. -- GON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOTH FORGED ONLY, OF ANY WEIGHT. COUPLING UNKS AND PINS. PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES. CAR IRON SPECIALTIES. Neversink Cork Jackets and Life Belt Warranted 24 pounds. Buoyancy and full weight of Cork, as required by U. S. Inspectors. Consolidated Cork Life Preservers. Ch t Ring Buoys and Fenders. Capes Approved and adopted by U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors. Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. Awarded four Medals by World's Columbian Exposition. Metallic and Wooden Life Boats 2==========ee Metallic Life Rafts. Marine Drags. Manufacturers of Woolsey's Patent Life Buoy--the lightest, cheapest and most compact life raft known. DAVID KAHNWEILER'S SONS, <a Fox Building, Cor. Franklin Sq. and Dover Street, =-- NEW YORK CITY.